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NEURALGIA 1 f halbeen axen.lned the most invet. rmi. ¦ ;- - "f i.uuralïl, are cured by Fell.mV s.ruu ,5 II,,,„h.,-.,l,lt.-,. N„i 0I,, 1, {he „rincp.7 "M. b.1 the p.tleut I, de v&LurXZ Tony; Ui" smmach, he Nood, the ?kin brr.m MJlthjr, u,d „.,uln, , n..w'liJe ol "$L', oiily vaCefactory treatmi-Dt of nrurabrla u bi lOf th n,,vo, .y.tem. A pe„ tlïi 1 '¦'¦ vr'" "I K. llow-Tompmuid Syrao of II. döm ""qP,' UCh ÜUr"-KiS i drmaad Hypophcwphlte and other Pho. pl.,.ru pr piirati,,,,, at ihe ur.--nt ,ii, ,Z?, owln, to tbe kok! .-ir.-, -t nd suc ew lo laiin?thj lu.roduc ion ol thi. „rticle luto the, d Slíí. IMPORTANT Should the ipvalld have any dlfflculty In proforln lh 1 omp „i„J Syrnp lu hl vlciu ly let Mm n. L! .ut off itb any other remedy, bUiu thT, IHm lOi.-i-iimcem W. TRËM AIX GEÏTERA1 lumia Am OFFICK. 0VLB CASPEE EINSEY'S SBOCEBY STOSK, OR. IHRON AND FOt'RTB 8T. orlli ItriiNh Ingurance Comp'j (of London and Kdinburgh,) Capital 118,000)00, Gold. Detroit Flre and Marine In., u. Cah Ameu f600,000. Sprliiffflcld In. Cunp'y.vrillitH., Oaab Aatetg fl,8(l(),000. llowiiral ln.(ii„rrH YrU, 'aiih kmmtÊ II MVM A(rU-iiliirul 1 11 k 11 ra 11 ¦ ini') WATKRTOWN, . NKW VOKK, Asacu. l,? l,lJ. Losse libcrally adjusted and prumptly paid. Tr UFJRu! G 1 ST FQJ -OFHops & Malt DITTFR8. Ti:h ïn the m ateríais that arltk, Iavlyor ato, Purlfjr and Strenift hpn. They supply Urnio, MuHrular and Arr Forre, Vigor to the Knfet'blvd, Tonb and KUangth tv tb K hftustrd, .Nourishnieut to the young and Hen Lifs to the aged. Iclït on trrlni thnu All DrnuUti c%a bulft bta tne nul regular ui Utttlcs. i tik -i - 11lw - 9 i! .nu ¦ ii r r r.-. i'l i' ¦ . Il VOIIJ .1 li i [( tllli :i ui . 'i M ¦ in i . i In - Y '.¦¦' Kiitrrr 1, , in i uidlxriul i-.,,, i, ii Ki i. ¦ II II' wd'ii ilowii 1 1 1 1 lli : cl;: ilreil. ne Fnmtn'a I'. ¦ t ¦ ¦ - . li n h vc ilic lilm -. iue Frazicr'a lü.u i . Il y ki'i luMira und liv-l imriry I itie lawt df liralih, me Frater1 Ili Ier, li rem notd toning up, tukr kïksmmi Kil ttm If you luivi' UMHed Uwtrid of Med tutunfi rifU, Fraaier1 Bitten, li v.m IM ol beforá vuur tiiin', iisv Vnaim'l Kitierv. If lile has become :i bunien and ymi tmve rlooiny fbrebodSijgt, use Fraxieri Bitter. Il llanda tremlile and your eve ha i;rovn dim, Fruitr'i Rooi Hitterswill mitke you feel yoiing ugain. Sold by all druggiU evervwliire at the low price f 1.00 per boltl JAS. E. DAVIS & CO., Wholowl Drufgisüi. Detroit, Mich., Agent. urinal A. H. DOWNS Í VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR U a ture cure for Cough, Cold, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Disease, when taken in aeaaon. People die of comumption fimply because of neglect, when the limeljr ue of Üii remedjr would have cured them at once. Fifty-one yeara of constant use prove the (act that no cough remedjr ha itood the test like Dounu Elixir. Fric USa. 60e. nd 11.00 par boul. Fur 8l Crerjwtatr. DrJBaxter's Mandrake Bf 111111% Will cure Jaundice, Drspepiia, Liver ComplainU, Indigestión, and all disease arising froro Biliousnesa. Price 25 et, per bottle. For Hl Kverywhar. il KMI V A. JOHNSON'S ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIMENTI Il'or Jttan and Beatt. The most perfect linlment ever ¦ compounded. Price 15c and 50c. I Fur Sale Eerjrwber. HALL' S QatarrhQure. Is Recommended by Physiclan. HALLS QatarrhQure. Is indorsed by Clrgymn. "Wil! Jiii-o Aiiy Ctx.-. iillictoiA i 3tswrt ACo. ChicasClU, Juü, 1880. Meurt. F. J. Cïirney A O) . Toltdo, O. Llenen ltk pittmure io lnforvlag yo that I hare uscd Hmll'j I ttarrb (.'ure. Il has lured nvrry h.ui - .uní doü'i hitmte 10 ih: il will .....¦ uut cue el' atrrli if ttken proixrlj XaaM truly , J . B. WBATHKRFOKD. Morih HIP A Bottle. K Mi'KRir, Jackwn, Mlch. wrttei Hive had furOTWrl Il.ill'i aUrrh Curevurwl ¦ r I H.inhf 10.00 hOttl. Hall' ('trrh Cure lold by ll DruitgliUt I1011I1-. Manufctureü od aüld t 'T JCUENEY i. o.Sui.Propiletura.TW.KDO, OUIO


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