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The Coiners Of Kansas

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Several yearn ago, short ly "alter tlio 1emonetization of mIvpt, uoiiolerfcitiug re oeivod a wonlerful Ímpetus, and the wet umi soath irere Booded with bo&iu coin. Tbefloatias popuktioo .in i ttte wilderD6M of the Border aountiry rendered tlie task Ol' Uliertliii)K tlie i-niner.s g liard OTO, bat alter persistent and steaitfiy work, the Lnited States detective sorvico becuns ¦stisfied uk to the lucation of' odo Rang of the "li:irps," tod Jack Dcnsuiore wa.s instructed to visit the state (Kansas), ingratiate himself ith eounterfeiters, aol learn tbeir liaunts and habits. The duty was a danerous one, but the man selected to perforni it had faced danger too often among easteru criminal to hesitste a moment; and so it bappened tliat, upon a hazy September evening, Denmnore, dwpirsed m u Duteh peddler, dropped f'ioin tlie wwt bouod irain at the litili' station f Blaek Wolf, in KaDsas. For a moment h sased aftcr tlie retreatinf; car, then in broken Kntilish inquired of the station agent the route to Wildwood tavern. " I vas what yon eall strane tuit iliis part oi' de kountiy ; but a frient of tnine up de river, he ay go (o 'ildwood tavern and vou sold lots ov goods in dot kountry. " Wall, Dntchy, I don't reckon yer'll du nuKih trade, but I kin teil yer the road." ivinr, the roujrh wcstenier gave the necessary direcUons, and Densuiore disappeared. " I'll try every house from here to Wildwood," tnuttewd he, "hut I'll find I'rice's. lf I can capture liek Price niy fortune is made." At 'J o'clock Cari, for so he calleil himselr, snught shelter at a settler's i-;ibio by the roadsid'. At noon !)¦ paused agaiu to eat and trade and still again many times during the afternoon. Before the night he had heard the name of Priee, and before night, too, several pieces of' couoterfeit nioney had been pas-ed upon liim. It was a little after sundown, and, with wcary tread, Peusmore was climbing up a !¦ hik l'iil wlu-n a step Urüed biat, and a moment later :i diender boy was ut pis side. " IIow yon vaa, little fellow ?" said the detective. " Done vas a niee noighr." " Vis sir," said the youth, lookinir at him sharply. " Where are yu going? ' " Me puin'? Oh ! I vas goin' to sell de tbinjR in my'rack. I vasfoifc' to get rich," ;ind the peddler chuckled. The boy eyed him sharply. 'l'hcn. lie said : "1 live ut the eüd of' lilis road. Come with me. Vou mi sUgr at our liouse, I luuaa.'' Ke-.sheulderiog liis pack, the two contirjued to follow the road, until, half auiile further on, a cabin appeared. " Here's my house," said the guide. "Go tu the door, and 111 ps and tal! father," and he dirappmrad toward the barn. Densmore looked .sharply abuut him. This wa l'rice's. A low cabin, strongly built, with small, barred windows, a barn back of it, dreary wood.s upon all tides - a regulnr den. " A bad hole ; yet he's the chief. Tf 1 can catch him with the dies it will destroy the (tang." Then he slowly moved toward th door. Aa he nised his hand to knock, thedoor was uddenly oponed. A h'-avily built, beavily bearded woodsman stood before him- a man with skill and cunning ia his face, and a desperate throatening courage in his oyes- a devil to daré, a giant to do - Dick l'rice. He glowered upon the poddlcr, shading tho Hickorinp; torcli he held while hi.s piercing glance pearched Denamore's face. " 'hat d'ye want '!" " You vas de little poy's pa .' lit ru goot. l want MUDAt'iogl to eat and aome t'ings to sleep. Ie leetle poy saiil co." And with simple naturalness Cari bruühed asiile the mighty doorman, threw his pack on the floor, and with a sigh of relief, dropped into a low bench near (he fire. "Ah, dat vas goot." For an instant anger iinicil in l'riee's face, but before he could speak a back door opened, and a youne woman, lithe and charming, entered and said : '' Ah, tliis is the peddler Will spoke to me of. 11e lost his way, dcar, " sbe continued, gowg to Price and laying her band upon his arm ; "and Will asked him to stay with us to-night. U's all right." " So cr a peddler, eb ?" aid the host, " an' lost yer way '! Wall, ver weleoroe to our fire and fare ; but I teil ye a little more cereuiony will be better with Dick Pi ice next time." Oarl Mniled, too, childlikeand bland, and faid " Yaw." The hn.-t and his companion were aniu-.l. " Where'l ÜM bof?" asked Price. "He went to tlie baru," replied the woman, she busied herseli' preparing the evenintf nieal. " lle wis too Urea t i eat. ' ' Cari w:i snre now that the woman and lioy ren ona, 'A plentiful snpper was perved. kfter which t lic eddler and his host drew bcforo the fire with their pipes. Naturally the otiversation turncd upon the trade, and Dutchy very willingly told of his roa md even showed the ,-ilver he had gather? d. l'rice picked a pióoe of it trom hi hand. " This 'ere'a bad," Mid he. " Not ! Pad !" and Cari leaned forward excitedly. "Oh, you vaa foolin'. Dis vill pass." " It may pass, but it's counterfeit all the fnme." said I'rice. " Veil, netter mind. It's good enough furtne," said the pcddler, wtth u sniile. " I only visli [ had a t'otutand toollnrs mit it." " 'll, I reckon you uould et it," gaid l'iice " I heard a fellow say today tliar warlot's o' it around." " Py schiinniiiiy ! I vouM like fcO get il." said his companion. " It vas good eftry vare I go." " 1 know a feller what's got sotue of the stuff," said l'riee, in a low tone, " but lic lives :i mile lrom here. Y e could buv il o' hini, I reckon." " For how ruuch ?" MÏd Cari. " ( )li, maybe onehalf," ruturned tlie Other. " I can't say. ll's bad tufV to dad willi, ye know." "Oh, jah ! [ vas tired uiyself oud to iiight." A uioment's oonsuTUtioa with the Miman and Price called the peddler to Pollow, and elin.bed the ladder to the kift. 1 here was a shake down on the floor. ''Thar! it's not the fincst bedroom in the world, btit ye'll sleep," said l'riee, laughing. "Goodnight." " Good night," returned Cari. The other disappeared. Densmore heaved a sigh. " It's hard work playint; Dttteb," lie lllllttl'ld. l'lien he opened the pack and from it drew two revolvers, a howie kniic, three pairs of handeuffs, aml' tlie slar of the Unitod States secret servic " 1 may havo work bt'furt! luornint-, illid these are good bed-fc How While engiipcd, the sound of a door stealthily opened attrscled his tttootlOD, and a moment later lic heurd meo'a ?oioe liclciw. Leaving his lied, orept to a knot in the floor and listcucd. " But the peddler." It was the woman's voioe. " Never mind hiin," replied l'rict'. " Ni," he continued, a)parently addresning the newcomer " we've ;i CUStomer np s'taÍH- a Dutch peddler. lle'll boy " The door opened a seeond time, Prei cntly. his face close to the floor, Densmore toimd tliut he could both see and hear. Three sharp look ing men entered. " [lal all liere," ,-aid l'iiee, inali)W tune. ' I want half a thousand to-oight, for we kin send it to ihe tavurn to-morrow, and the chap ihove want's soiae. l)id you bring the dies, Bray?" Ttic luan addressed shook his hftad. " I havent besn home, tn' jel come IroM l'Jlkhnru. Send Nettie." Price turned to the glrf. "' Are you afraid to go, Net? " ''Afraid?" i-he laughed, and tooebed bar boMHB, jusí drawing the Imtt of ;i piltol intn sight - "afraid, Dick ? you koow hetter than that." And llirowin.a heavy cl(mk about her the girl opened the door and disappeared into the night. I'rice turned to the gsuig. " Boys, tire up, and prepare the rest of tho uieial, and when Net etHBOl with the dies, we'll coin." As he oaned apeaking, beseiced a heavy iron bar and thrust it under the heartii stoue. The others joined hands witb hitn, and with 'lesperuie etfurts they slowly raisrd tli great stone. Beneath it appearad a door Focured by bolta. The trap raised, a Higlit of tf f were seen. Tlie four deeoended, one carrying a Lmtern, and Priee droppd the door. Then, opening a sort of' hidden closet, he drew frorn it a box of roiuh siker coi and a milling uiacliine, with wliidi he began to work. Denstnore breathod hard. "Trapped?" he whispered, "trappedl And now for work." Noiselessly he aróse and approached the ladder. In either pocket were his piatols, in.liis hand a pair of bracelete, on hisbreast a star. At the top of the ladder he paused, stmick bis toot aeainst the floer, and coughed. There nat a quick stir bejow. " Mr. Brieel Mr. Brieel Vasyoud iA half growl from below. " Wliat do ynii want?" " i vas siik, Mr. Brice - 1 vat. 10 hot as liever vs I I vaut a leetle vater, Mr. Briofc" " Wliat (he - ," then eame an nath. " Jvie still. yi Duteh fooi, and l'll bring ye water. Doa't come here. " "Oh, no, Mr. Brice? bat tornt vater, Mr. Bnoe, fir (od's .'-akt'! I vas burned alife!" Thcre was a moving about the room, a pathT or dipper and pail, and tben Priee approachc'L " Hert', l'u'ehy, here's yer drink." Carl'l arm was outstretehed ; but as he touchcd the dipper there carne a sbarp click and tbc hand cuff closed about the wrist of tho coiner ; at the same, moment thu cold niuzzle of a heavy revolver pressed against his forehead and the voice of the detective hissed in bis ear : " Not a sound or l'll kill you ! l'p with the other hand." l'rice obeyed, and as he turned upoo the floor below, the detective was at bis sido. Bit ihere, witb your back to the door." Again ihe coiner obeyed, bowing bis head upon his band. Then Densmore crept 10 the trap, cloed it, and shot the heavy bults. Without raisinu bis beid, l'rice whis pered ; "They'll sraother. " "They must ruil their chances," replied lrtismore. So saying he crept near to the cabin door and waitedi He nniHt have tbo womuri, tbc spy, the last and best of the gang. The moments passed ; the hour was drawiDg to a close, when suddenly tbc door oponed and Nettie entered. As .she did so, Denstnore stepped forward, in a single glance the girl compre hended all, and with a wild shriek she she sprang from bim, the dies dropping from her anus as she did so, while Priee started from his seot and joined her. and then again tbc detective found himself tacing bis enemies, one of them now armed, tbr the woman had drawn a pistul. But there was a slruggle. With nerves tense as steel, and a deadly light in the clear blue eyes, Cari leveled his heavy weapons. one at each of the figures before hiui, and in low, cool tones, said : " Up with your hands. In the nauio of tlie national government I arrest you as counterlèiters. Quick !" The last word was addrossed to the woman, for o her eye, too, tbere aleamed a (espérate light ; but, before the detective could stay her, the pistol was turned. Tbere rang out a harp report, nd from her Bide there welled tbe bright blood, and witli a uKianing cry she tottcred and feil, Priee half catching her in hia shackled anus as she sank. " I?ctter this than ar prison, Dirk I" Then ohm a fluttering igh and aho was K'one. An hour later Uensmora stood before the United Staies SOttiaÍMtOOer at Wildwood, and delivercd bis prisoner. Two hours later a posse of ufficers secured the others, who werft dragged, lialf-dead from tbeir wlLr room ; aod next day tlie detective alone stood by the open grave of poor Vettie, " the bravest and prettiest criminal be bad ever known," hosaid, and beard the dull sounds of the clodsai tbey feil upon the coffin.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News