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Among Our Exchanges

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Ihel'ewamo Plaindealer makes up ita sermona backwards. VVhat's the matter with our Flint exehanges? They are from one week to ten daya reaching us. What strange fancies do sieze people sometimes. Por instance, Clough, of the Clinton News, has turned poet! Joking"' No! Honest Injun! The Plymouth man on the Wayne Review, can't find "damtino" in the dictionary, yet avere that it is a wortl in extremely common use in that place. Dor Mr. Ann Arhor COURIER: Please notice that this is the Midland Repubücan, not the Independent exactly. We will try and bear that in niind hereafker, and stand corrected. Another candidate for "ex." comes to us in The Freeland Star, a new paper, published at Freeland - Saginaw Co., we believe, but there is nothing on the paper to denote the county - by Spencer & Hathaway. The Star is a six column folio, and the first number before us denotes a live addition to the journalistic firmament. Mr. Wra. F. Clark, Jr., of the Huron Co. News, (Port Austinj, writes us that our notice week, stating that Richard Suiith was the new editor of that paper, is an f rror. Mr. S. has been admitted as a partner in the mercantile branch of the Imsiuess, but the editorial dopnrtmpnt qtill remains in the same hands that it has been in for the past ten yeare. We willingly make the correction. The Kalkaskian seems to think the prinmust keep pace with the times in every respect : All printing offices have what is called a "heil box," wherein is dumped battered type, leads, etc. But a the mn who have lately been remodeling the Bible have cbanged the word "heil" to "hades," printers must bear this in mind, and hereafter put their played-out type into the ''hades box. ' ' The Newaygo Itepublican mao grows righteously indignant over a class of people who seen) to bc on the inorease in this country : It is hard to write with patience about the daily fooi, idiot and aas who pointe an unloaded pistol at somebody else. If revolver pointers would only try the unloaded weapon first on their own empty skulls what a benefit it would be to the rest of the world. Meanwhile, every person that does his duty will instantly knock down the ninny who points a pistol at anybody and try to kick some sense into his prostrate and worthless bod?. A great many scheines of men of great wealth often come to naught. One case in point was the hotel for workingwomen erected by A. T. Stewart, of New York City, and completed after his death. The terms of living in it were such that it did not run but a few montbs. Another failure is told by the Bay City Tribune : (farden City, laid out by A. T. Stewart not long befare his death, ia said to be a failure. The original terms were too light for purchases, and the soil is too poor for shade trees. They won't grow or the city either. So the big cathedral, with its bishope and schools, stand in the midst of a thriftloss population of three hundred sou Is. The iollowiog respecting the gay and frivilous ehurch comwunicants, ia taken from the Michigan Christian Advooate: It is alwayg a terrible condemnation of ehurch member, says Dr. Cuyler, that no one should suspect him of being one. We have heard of a young lady who engaged for many months io a round of frivolities, utterly forgetful of her ovenant with Christ. One sabbath morniog, on being aslced by a ay companion to accompany hitn lo a oertain place, shc dcclined on the ground that it as communion sabbath ia her own ehurch. "Are you a oonimunicant, was the cuttiog reply. The arrow went to her heart. Site Mi that she had denied the Lord who died for her. That keen rebuke brought her to repentance, and to a reconversión. Are there not many other professors of Christ who appear to be "lovers of pleasure more than lovers of God?" When we see snoh items as the following, from the Adrián Times, ir maltes u-t think that the country in which Adriin is located is contigious to the couniy in which Ann Arbor is located : The man who complacently calis at the newspaper office and ieavea systeuiatically unpaid-for puffs of matters in which he is interested, and then when he has a dollar to spend for a job of printing, wants it done in a minute, at bis own intelligent estímate of its valuc, and takes it awav becausc the basy operatives are not checked on some important work already pramised, for his accommodation, has some rery near relations in this city. They are the fellows who never aid in publio movements to build the place up, and f they ever wake up to the prupriety of using commercial printing, prefer to be swindled by some outside canvasser, who sends them slopwork done on a banged-up stereotype form, to patronize one or the other of their home newspaper offices. The Cadillac New no tices the provisión of' a very, to say the least, humane bill, dow before the legislature : A bilí is before the state legislature which autluirizes iind em power the highway commissioner of aoy town to cause to be erected one watcrinc trough or tank ineach highway district of bis town, for the acciiiiiiniidatinn of the travel ing public, and to suppir the same with water, provided that the cost of erection and supply shall not exceed tlO the first year and $5 annually thereafter. The commissioner may contract lor the erection of such tank or trough and supply of water, with 8ome suitable persoti or persons in the road district, the compensation to be paid to apply from year to year on the contractor's road tax. The wilfully injuring or destroying any trough or tank erected under the proviaion.s of the act is declared a misdemanor, to be puniilied by afine not to ezceed $10, or by inipriaonmtint in the county jail not to exceed lOdays, or both, in the discretion of the court. Soma naughty person has said Lot's wife wouldn't have looked back, but a woman with a new pasxed her, and she wanted to see if the back breadtb was ruffled. A liveryman thinks the great want of the day is young men with three arms. He vaguely saya it would lessen the number of sleighing accidenta, but no one seems to


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