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Alter maiiy iutile Kttcmpts, so many in fact that tbc OOKOIOD pcople of' his nation began to look upon bil ptrson with i-uptrStitiooi awe, and to bclieve it protccted by au overruling hand, the Mbiliata liave at last suceeeded in killiiiK Alosan. lor, czar ut' RoMtt. lt was aoompli.-hed la.-t Sabbath, while he was riding upon tlic strcots of bis capital city, St. l'etcrsburp, in hiscarriagc. The assassaim threw torpcdocs or bonito, mnde of glass and fillcd wiili nitro-glycerine. The first tbrown struclc to the rear of the carriage, eoniplctely ileaii)lir-liLnK it. Thcn as tbe emperor alighted, in couipany with his brother, tlie grand duke Mioliael, another bomb was thrown, striking at his feet, mangling His lower limbs in a fearful manoer, toaring one eye Iroru its socket, and inflieting injuries l'roin whicli be cxpired two hour.s later, llis brother, itaoding by bis side, was uninjurcd, but twenty persons in tbe crowd wbich had gathered, were eitber killed or wounded. The czarowitch, was imuiediately crowned emperor Alexander III. What the nihilsts will gaiu by the cruel and cowardly assassination ol thtl imptror is problematical. Alexander II. was onc of the moft liberal, kind, and oonsiderate rulers Kus.sia ever had. He did tuoro to alleviate the sufferings of his pooplo in abolisbing serfdom and establisbingsehools with competent teachers thao any ruler had ever done previously. The new ruler is ?ad to favor a constitutional nionarehy, but now that his subjects have so eruelty murdered bis lathor, it is doubtful if he will take tnany liberal steps just at present. Secretary Blaine sent a di-spatcb of synipathy and condolence to tbc imperial family. It will be remembered that onc of the mos.t pympathetic and warm heartcd dispatches from a forciga power at tbe time our people were mourning the deatli of Abraham Lincoln, eame Irom tbis unfortunate ruler. The republicans of the seventh congressional district of this state, fonucrly represented by Hon. Omar D. Conger, held a convention last week to nominale the uccessor of that gentleman. It vas one of the warniest aod most czciting conventions ever held in tltat district. The different candidates were Jolm T. ltieh, of Lapeer ; Edgar Weeks, of Maeomb; B. W. iluton, ofTuscola; and Richard Wiiuor, of Huron. Thursday witnessed thirtyseven ballots, .Mr. Kich leading after the first. Friday morning Sanilac coanty made a break for Ilich, and nearly all the others followed, Dominating him on the n'rst formal ballot by a vote of 52 to 10 for Week. A wise selectioD. The demócrata held tlieir eonventton yesterday and nomiiiuted Cyrenua 1'. Black the same man who was defeated ly Mr. Conger last fall. We notice that one or two state cxchaoges find fault with the state central eommittee for ordering the itate tickets for the coming election printed at the Lansing Kepubliean office. Better wait and bcc how the experiment works first. It iswell known that hundreds of repuliücan votes have been lost every iprilf bMMM of negligence on the part of soiiietxxly in supplying tickets for the voters, and also in misspelliog nauies. The central eomnjittee tbought, by having them all printed and distributed f'roin ono point, there would be no possiblo chance for errors in Dames, ;mt that every precinct would surcly be eupplied with tickets. Tlie llepublican office also has good facilities for printing, and gives reasonable figures. Taking all fogether, it wouM secm to be a wise act on the part of the eommittee. If it provea diñerently, no one will be bounl to follow the precedent.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News