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Mr. HetUe c. Kuiert pawirrt frora this life, triarapblng over deatta uud the grave throash Qïlth 10 bei Messed saviour, at Hixboro, Pebuiaiy SUs, 1881, afted SM years. tier meiden iianie was ('anipbeil, luughter of Alonzo anl I ituipbell. SUe Htteixl t ht M. B. ehorcb I and SuiKÏay school from oarly chlldhood. In 1875 sbe prolt-sscil religión and united witli Um M K. oburoh. litimniy Ifltn. 1879, I had the happy privilege i umi mi; lier in man to WHilain Kldert, of tlils plaoe, wht) nuw mourus deeply lier oniiy death. A year ago she re-dedtaftted benei f to the Lord and wu Imin ttuil Umfl lili bef dea Ui frequently in the oIam and prayer meeUng. A lew vreeka belore ibe was proetmted by tur last ¦lckneea, belnfl praeeol at our prayr meeting, ibi pi ayi'd t-ariicst ly i hat benelf and husiiand iniüiit be eutlrely cwneeoniled to the 1 tOFd. A feweTenlngi procoedlnff her death I was called to her room, umi, whilc I fotned lier in prayer for berselfand dear busbaad, Jesui ap¦fan-d in ner and removed tht sting of deain , and hl1 rejolo-d In bil power o save, wblle her counlt'uani-t' tu-anu-d witli joy and a halo of glory dl led tbe room, as we sang, "O Ing to me of hnaven when I am calleii to die,1' In whirh iae joined, Wbtle all pnssent l'lt Ihat the plnci' was QUlte "n thf verge Of hen ven. She ruhtinued fo prayer nearly all nlght for lier loved ones. Al She atd t tie last goodbyfl (O her hushand, mother, and other niendl Ibe rei ju es teil a [ilede t n mi t-ai-li, Ihat Ehejr vould meet her In beaven.and.aa he embraced hei dear husband, Khe said: "We have loved each other very much, btit I love my Saviour better, I am olng a tul long to be wiLh Jesus."' und within a few days, while waiting and watchln. fhe ptBMd away trom eart h , sorrow , and pain, i uto glory, and eternal life. 0 who woultl not say? Ijet me die the death of tbe Rtghteous and let my last end be llke thelrrt." Her funeral sermón was pivached froni Phlb, Nt Obapter, 35rd verse. THM LEELYE. "Iong had Hettie, llstened for the angels feet, To guide her o'cr the rivcr, aml through the golden streel ; Anti when tliey caine at nior'n, and beckoned her away, Although we held her iondly, she did not wish to Uy, We miss her, O, sosatHv! ytt we know 'tis all In vain ; Kor slic is singing with the angels, she'l ncvcr come unun. Nlic will not come to checrus, when desolate and sail ; Rr nurry, cheerful face, no morewill make us glad. We've tiicd so hard to suy, to God ''l'hy will, notours !e done.' For they have many Hetties, there; our home, had only one. O teach our faith, dear Saviour; to clasp thy loving hand ; And ruide, O guide our footsteps, into that better land. And may wc lVel thy presence, throughall life's toilsotnc w a y, Rlessing s when faithful; and chiding when we str;iv And may wc muct our Hetlie, Ín the land of all the biest ; "Whcre the wicked cease from troubling, and the wi'ary are at rest."