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Wines k Worden have a very large 88¦ortuipnt ol'gloves and hosiery, very cheap. We have just rcceivod a large iine of mv ctrpeti in the ltegt pattein. WINB8 ét Wokiu.N Wines iV Worden carry a very fine assortment of clolhs, cassitneres, cloaking, dunims, nhirtwgi, tioks, fiannels, c. Black and Colored Cashnieres and Buntings at WVKU I wiiHDKN. . Spring dres goods in largo varíe ties at Vim WoRUKN S. One of the uio-a "finita, hlfl assortments ot' ipriag rrin'H, very nice, at WINKS t WORIlKN'S. Stop fliat Cough. If you ;ire suffering with aLough, Gold, Asthma, EroBcbitU, Hay Fever, CooMUnption, ot' vioe, tickling in the throat, M any affect ion of' the Throat or Lung-, ue Da, Kinü's New Dibcovxrt for Cod sumption. This is the great reuiedy that is Musíog so muih exeitement by its won derful cures, curing iliuu.sands of hopelesa MM Over one tuillion bottles of 1)k. KlNO'8 Nk.w DisCOTKRY have leen med within the lastyenr, anl have gÏTM perfect satisl'aetion in every instancc. We uan unhesitatingly say that tliis is roally the only iwe nn for throat and lungaffections, and can cheerfully rccoinmend it to all. ('all and get a trial hottle for ter cents, or a regular sise fin 11.00. Por ale by Eberbaoh k Son, Aun Arbor, Mich. L(Ud or Dry. Sotuc people prefor to pvohaas medicines in Uto dry state so that they can kM for theuise'.ves tliat they are purely vegetable. Others have not thc tima or desire to prepan the medicine, and wish italready tu OMi Te acvomino'latt) each class the proprietors of Kidii'' -Wort now offer that well known remedy in both licjuid and dry Ibnns. Sold by druggists everywhere. - Trulli. Eslalp of James O'Connor. STATE ul'MieilliiAN.Coiinty ol Wasbteimw.-,.. At busííoii oí the Probate Court for the County oi Wunhtrimw, holden ai thc Probate Oflfte, In the city of Aun Arbor, on tho ltithday of Marcb, In tho year OM ihiiuand fi'Lt InitMÏrt'tl and ¦ whty one. Pre ent, Willinm I). Harriman. Juclt;f of l'robute. In themnttcrof ihe cuate of Jnmeo O'Connor 4i in raadlos and fllinc the petition, duly vrrlfted of Mary Moroney, widow o! naid dn praylng tliut her dowef tn the rral eHute, of which naid d'(f;iM-d dird (clzed. may be ajMtrnt:d to hur ¦ecordlng 10 tl"' lUtitu ionuch cae made and pr.vided, and ol Wiiliam 1'. lircakey praying that partltlon of caid real enlate may te made tn twrcii tlu helrs at law of Raid deceaxed or their bsIkd''. Therenpon it ib ordered, tht Wednexday, the thlrtcenlli lay of April next, at ten o'clock it the forenoon, be assignod for the hearing of ealt petition, and that tM heirs at law of aid IMWI and alt other perene íntereted in aaid entati-, are renuired t" apprar at a I- Ion of Kaid court, thii tn be holilen at Ihe Probate Office, in the city ot Ann Arbor, and show cauae, if any there be. why th pruyer of the ju-tlnoinT phould not le jfrauted. Au il io lurlher ordircd. that i-aid petitloner itf uotici to pttnoot 1 ed ia faid eetate, of the pen dency of euid peti'ion, and the hearing thereof, by ewaloc acopy of thiK ordir to be publlshcd In the Ann Arbor Couriei a BamptlMf priuied and circu latina in aid county, ihrresiicceesive weekeprevtom to mud day of hearlnï. {A trne copy.) A'IMJAM D. HAKKIMAN, .) udï: oí Probate WM. í. DOTY. lir il,r.


Ann Arbor Courier
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