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Was Shylock Undeserving Of Sympathy?

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Il eeiiN in mr iliat the general idea oi the chai-irlt i u! Sli:,l ek a luimt mi-lakei) mi'. l'eopl i'i'l Mi r. ham ofVeoice with thcir pre ju lie. ind pjM 'luir judfluents upon hun, arilboal nkhig into non -i ¦li'i.nhni ihe Uiolive fer his adióos, the mutual pii iii.ii i ol the (.'lui tian rul lli Je . himí ilir provoeMÍooH Shyloek reecivcd. Mariy ¦ ('hii-tian wlm lias never scen a Je, li . t ¦ ¦ - tin.' race ;n il' b inherited in Mtiuci. The tceliiiR ot the Jew is no le-s perni-ieiit. To h i in thel'hri-tian is an en riuy , liix race Iihs cliori-iicil, tor pcaéri tion-, a tiercé coDteinpt tiir the fien tile-' wli liavo rt.junsli. 1 upnn the iiiheritanee ol the clKon jienple. Stiylpck i. CHM'iitially a Jew, orie of Shakespeare a inastcrpiecca tic ia i man of inloriiiKiiiin, ¦ keea Ifainker, l'ully realii hik the oppretMom and hooiiliations saffered liy rare. .1 1 1 1 1 ibt 'Irsiri' of kTenging llii-.- wi spriui: dl' acli'in. I naiuially rennied Antonio u nol mrrely a entile, M( OM of tline who ha] -toluii tin' tnuüüooa, tin; faMa,md the relifkw of lii ¦DOWtOfl anil iiiinul'! llu'in wit li the teaehinn ut' traitor and i 111 po.-tnr ; and whfn Antonio so far fbrpot liimM'lla-a l'ciiiIciiihii aini a ('hriMian, a lo MoohI an nl'i ma on the Ilialto, ainl beeiaase tin-i r opiniotn bappened to Jiffcr, to omat iipui) him the epitheta " raisbefieTer, rut thruat'dog añil to sj i t upoa Jew arlior'lim-, i- it any wonder that Slivleek'i liatr was iMepeéeá ' Shyloi-li l.ii-iin wan lo j-m] uiotiey and wliat riglit had Antonio to tarate liini about it? lf pooplo did not likf" lus inanner of 'lualin;, wliv ili(lthi'.v liurrow ut I11111 ' Au tonio nol dIiIíl'iiI to bof fow ihreethou-and of I man In' déspñed, nor to i ve ¦ Eboliih bood of a pomd of Btsh, Shyloek Ihconly luooeyflcndeT ín Ven m f We knuw tlial Sliyl"i:k di'cply wihiil; cd liy liisdauitliter , Iliat lic plmvd liill ciui li'lcii'c in lier, and wlien lie went forth to .-upper, lelt her in poasessioo of his koys, his iiH.ney, ind bitjeireU, Slie hasciy Mtrayed hii tnut, iMe tin' jcwols and fled with a man lier fitUicr hatcd. Tlien LoreniO Wjm: " It eer ilie .lew, lier latlier, come to lleaven, it will Im; lor hi gcntle daux'iter'.s sake." Il tliat w onlv ehWHMof (ialvation, I ,-ay 1 mosl .'iiiecri'íy pity the .Jew. At the -ame time Shyloek rceeived iniel Ügetm OÍ tailnre ; niaddeneil liv the wroiiKM he liad suflerod, In: Kave vent to Irclings and swore ly H caven and his -aereil Sal.l.atli' iliat he woald have hU revi HL"'. " He 'latli ili-LTaced me, and liindeied me ot lialT a nullnin. lauglied at my loasos, 1 -k''d at uiy aiiis, toomed my natiun, thwartcd my MrgaioH, cooled my fiienl-, and heated my enemies. and rea -un ' 1 ain a .lew." What l'oiüa cays in court aliout mercy all vtiy nrelty , luit wlien Iho are turned, and Antonio the Oppei hand, tlicy foret, ulFol il sudilen, tlniut that unrettrainci) tuercy, "That falleth like the Kootle den frow lleaven," and -trip hini of li is houie, no"!-, and overyt hing lie io-es-e-. Hut thn riiaK'iHDinioii.H ilnke pardom li i in his lile at onoa, to -huw hti riin-iian spirit ; pardoo hiui his lifè, thal ii - if he reOOrd a deed of all lic 'liet. pol sossed unto the thtef who -tule ducata aml daagbter. Oh, yes! O tiille more, he iuut deny hii Öod atil lieeuine a Chr8tian. l'arUiuliÍHi his lite uiletthc " wretehcd manotit-live wealtb, to view with liollow cyc and wriuklcil hrow an apc ol 'poverly," de-orled 'uy tliose who ihould have been oomfort in his old ajm, liimeless, IViendles-, beart broken. Bat he's only a 3ew. "lialtln bis (iviM Ilic -tour-, 1 (- '- "ii 1 v a paapor, whom uobotly owna


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News