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Hayes At Home

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Kx-lYosident Hayes and party le ft Cor l'rtmonl this af'terriooti. The President and Mis. llayt ïvniaiiicd during the foreiiouu at the house of her cousio, L. Au.-tin, . pw%41tf - -i - tjiiuiiiun i ain ij npon them. Hotli were apparently in excellent health and spirits, and reoeired all with the reutest eordiality. The exl'resident doeenot liold the engineerof the train that rao iota bil traía responsiblo for the accident, on the .-muihI that he waü a stranKtr to the ni:i 1, and supposed if he wantod to stop lie oould be flagged. l!lutinr to the lunding bill, Mr. Hayes ho mi willing to try the experiment ofrefuodinj at ao low arate of'interrst, and that bul forthe tiftli -triiun of the liill it wuuld havo paned. He i.--r')orted, too, a sayiog that the tendencv ceetns to ' ¦ fot a higher rate of interest, because much money will be needed to complete tlie uiany railroada dow bailding and carry out other projeote, lle bthcves the funding scheme will be rcvived, hut doubts wlietherit will bficjme a law. llelative to the new cahiuet, the exPresident said : " 1 uonaider t a must adujirable one. Ü is eminently a (Jaríicld caliiir t. and it's a good one; yes, fir, a good one. It is selected with proper reièii to eU sections, Imü, whatis t'ar botter, it is made with raference to ability and character of' uien." IIAVES ON (Hl I'AST. The Timas-Star oí' to day has a threelulumu talk witli ex-President I layes re garding the events of tho past four years, the oaoioet, and other matters of interest. The ex-president still stoutly upholds his Bouthern policy as the true one, and asserts that it has done away with much of the l'iurriiivs which formerly existed. He anticipates its oontinuanoe by Garfield's ftdministratioo. The Indian policy, he feels, has been very successful, aod will be continued. Of Kvarts he saya that he is the wittiest and most amiahlt' man he has ever tnown. iio defends Sherman as true and wanu in his JViniKhips and ODly adjudgéd cold by reason of his absorption in tho duties of his uiidertakiog?. Garfleld's cabinet he rcgards as njost happily chosen. He thinks Stanley Matthews hkely to be reiiouiiuated for the supreme bench. ____ AT FIIE5I0NT. Ex-President Hayes, aooompanid bj Mr. Huyes and their sons, Rutherford and Scott, aud Miss Lucy Cook, arrived here at 7 this uvening trom Cleveland. They were met at the depot, which was firiely dciorated, by over two thouwind citizena who cheered the party enthusiastically as they passed beneath the motto: " FreuioDt welcouies the return of' ex-president and Mrf. Hayes." A eoumiittee of ten prominent citizens met the ex-president at Clyde aud escorted hini i'rom his special car to a carriage, which was surrounded by nearly ÜÜU toreh learers. The large concourse of people then forined a procession in the followiog order : Light guard Dand, reception committee, el-President Hayes and party, mayor and city officials, secret societies, Arion glee club, Rollen-ville band, 500 school children, St. Joseph's sodality, citizens in carriages and on toot. All the residence?, public buildings, lawns, and the park along the line of inarch were illuminated with splendid effect. The pronesMon passed along Birchard avenue to IiucklaDil avenue, and thence to Spiegel grove, the bonje of the ex-president. J he proeession finally halted before the high piazza of the H.VNIWoMK BESIDÏlTCÏ that is to shelter the late inuiates of the white house. Mr. aud Mrs. Hayes stood in the door-way and acknowledged the appiause uf'the assembly. - The Hon. Uomcr Kverett then delivered tbe address of welcome, in whkh he referred to the genuine and hearty feeling of welcome showed by every class of citizens. He spoke of the early days of Mr. Hayes, when he was practicing law in their uiidst, of liis early pulitieal advancement, and finally enlarged upon the signal success of his administraron of the affairs of the nation. In the course of his remarks, Mr. Kverett i : To glve an account of your trials arialng inmi Ui cnptious and .piteful opposltlou of a few amblUobi tensión oí the republloui party ur to state, ven brleJly, all the grand succeweg and achlesemeuts of vuur u.lminlstratlon would requlre more Umi tliau Um ucchhIoii woaJd perniit. It la proper to üf that m 1870 you look the lead of the weak and de. repablloao party, thea nlready in a popular imnorlty ; y.inr wiMóom aml! llave ralsed it to u majorily und made it o stront; llmt to-day it (-in Naad agaluat tlie world. You tiKk t leadership or the Ballon, hnrrl- ml witli debt and Kroanlni; undrr ilii.uiciul dlsud on Kriday yuu lelt It In a botter tlnam-lHl OODditlon ihan any otlier on the Klobe. In splte of some sulklnu and disobedlent brakemen, you Have nrinly, steadily and occefully run the executlve train for fouryear without aji accident or Jar. ' Following thc-c was a eulogy of the NOBLE gLALITlKS OF MUS. 1IAVES, uiul an expremion of the belief that they had Uone uiuch toward making better and purer üie t-uciul lif'e of the people of the liulc country, and Washington especially. In conclusión, he said : We Mn.vrely winti yciu and yimr fainlly proaperlty, and happiuew among us jroui DelgUboraand rrleodi Kz Preaídenl I layes stepped forward to reply, and, amid enthusiastic cheeriog, said ' IlroiiHi, frlends.and nel(?hbonof Fremont: iIiin weloome to my lionie is, I asiiure 3-ou very KriitlfyiU({. Uuriog the last flve or alx' have i., en absem frotu my liomp lu the put.lic ei ¦. loe. thau a year I was wlth. my l.tinliy at Coluiiibus, and. for four yuar.s MM I Iiiiv,. realded in Washington. ColumBUJ, Myoa all knmt, II a b.-auUfu!, tiumollke and mort ajrreeable city. The attractlons and iidvautaK.", Wellington a a resldence city yon donot, perhap, io wel] andanuad. It Is -.MilnK..v.T.v day more and more inter.-MiiiK. and tllmotl generally regarded as altop tlji 1 vrurthy to b. seat of governnient of tliis greut republlo. lts eilief interest and iliariiiM ik, iloubt ure In the faot that lt Is the natlonal capiutl, luit in aildlüon tothl lt bas manv important and perhaps unrivalcd tltles to the attent ion oí those wtio are lookiug for t mout attractlve resideoce city of our couuiry. lt possc-sxesamild and healthful cllmate. hrlght skles, a noble site, and a very hirunurnber of Noclal and lntellectual advautaiies. My famtly and I lun e none hut tl ie lrieiulücst sentiment aud words for the cllies of our late otllclal restdence, Columbas and Washington: but wlth local atlachtneuts perhaps unusuully slrong. it ík quite safe to Hay that never for oue moment have auy of us wavered In our desire or purpose to rel urn and make our permanent nee in the good old place at Spiegel groTe, In thls good town of Freniont. Agreeahlc us our Ufe ha beeli in the cttles 1 have nained, we return to THE OLD HOME. wlth the greatest satlsfaction. It strikes me that thls Is a good plácelo flnd an answer to the queatlon whlch Uoften heard. '¦ What Is to beoome of the maní What is he lo dot Where Is hls place who, havlng beeu chief magistrate of tne republle, retires at the end of hls term to private llfe?11 It ieemi to me the Hiiswer Is near at hand aud suttlclent. Let hlm, llke every good American clllzen, be willin to jirumptly bear lus part In every uselul work that wlll pro ir the welfare, the liappiiK'ss, and the progress ol bis fainily, hls town, hls state, and hls country. Wlth tliis disposltlon he wlll have work enough to h and that sort of work whlch yielda more individual content ment and gratlftcatlon than the more ronsplcuous employraent of public llfe froui wblcb he has retired. We all lecoguize in a general way, that our lnstltutions rest upon the character of the private cltizeu. There may be occaslonal exceptlons to this but In the long run the character of a free governmentand the cliuiucter of its citizens will M the same cliarocler that is fnnned at home The faiuliy aml the home are the unit and tne foundation of our free society, of our American clviliauion. Wlth our homes wliai ttaev can be. what tliey should be.aiid what liappliv foi our ouuiitry iiiay „nuallv ure nlac-ei Lu the cultivHtloli ol the vll'lUeS .. homes and lamlly our v i will lic reared up lo such a characler that our lnstltutlong wlll securely stand on the only safe toundatlou of free government- intelligeuce, morallty, and religión. I prefer uot to speak of the admluistratlon whlch has iust ciosed. lts good and lts evll are before my countrymen. No explanallon of mine can malerlally change thelr judgment as to iu place In bistory. I will say only these tliins. lt has been, from the beginning to the end ol my term, Mr KAKNEST DKMIKK ...mi . ,,..,.,, ,,, „,, ,,,, my ,i,ilv uiaL n- „„-. tion of our country aiul all descripUom of om peoplH would llave the benefit of our houest beral. patrlotlc and Just adroJuistration oi tbe K'-neralgoverumeiit. If inany marked de (TM rn.v admlnlstratlon lias bWD blewed wlth uooew, It Is largely due to the able itatttmen to wliom have been conftded the great departla.Miis ,,i the govcrnincnt, anti wh. bavel D thi! oilloial counselors of Uie president I ain happy to knnw that thls welcome Is nowiso partUan. It Is one of the agreeable features oi tha oooanlou llmtall purtleaare here represe nted. SorncthiiiKuf the saine Rood fortune has rollowed uw Uiroughout my adminlstratlon In conijress and ainong the peoulu. Krom tli.soutb as well aa trom tEe north f have recáyed enoonragement. I have recei vt-d support from tiOB wboM politk-al atllliations are iopposed to my owii Kor all thls I am, and lorever sriall hi-, profnuiKliy grsteful. The close of my Hiliiiinistratioli tlnds OOT country at p'-;icv and the people prosperous and happy. I do not overratethe Importauceof the Kovcrnnient In human nlliilrs. I wlth tólinund Burke u i.. the valua of theae bleaalngi of I'rovlJence.Uiegeed-tlmeand the, and yet all eyes ure now turned to the new a.lmlnlstratlon, whlch han just auomad Um mponslbllltlcs of the nutioii! Kovcrnineiii. To tbow .i.s.„t ulioanreewltli IU principios, and huvo conHdence In IU heud and In hig adviscrs .s I av.e J "ulll'i S!.v. 'et ungive lta hearty support. To wlio wonld uot havo chosén the new adinlnistration, Iet me say Imítate yoiirgallantand patriotlc leader, Genf'ral Han-ock, who by hls preseuceaud corilliilitv itt uil the ceremonies o! the lnauBuratlon.said lo hls rellow dtiw-ns. Iet na glve to Prealdi-ut (ar Held a fair hearing and fair play. In comlu mom, my follow cltlxens, 1 thuuk you for thls rrlendly greetluK.and am Klail to take aicain amongyou the pluce of a private cltizen lu the tuwiiof Kreniont. AlTKR THE SPEECH. the Arioü glee club sang a weleonie song, and the baud played. The ireater portion of theasseuiblyattended an informal reception, where a general hand shaking all around was in order. ïhis cordial adniiration feit by Fremont as a whole. regardless of party lines, for the president and his wife, was manif'ested throughout, and the reception was very pleasant to those to whom it was tendered. All the Uayes rauirly were present.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News