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At the agricultura! ooilege 250 students are in atteadance. Adrián has a new daily paper, the Evcning Record, price two cents. Deaf-iuutes at Graad Kapids " sass " each other and blind people swear to it. Maple silgar festivals now sweeten the palates and deplete the pocket s of the people. Brook trout fry to the number of 4,000 have been planted in the streams of Allegan. llm. RgfidoTpii Strickland is in poor health and at the Battle Creek cure everybody. At Springport, Jackson cqunty, Abram Myers, a 40 years' pioneer, died last week, aged 85. Piper & Thompson's saw mili at Lapeer has quit business and is being removed te UïBiuaw. The teniperance excitement at Tecumseh is rnnning bigh, new converts volunteoring every day. Isaac H. Sniith, of Brighton, an old pioneer, wan i'ouud Jcad in his barn recently. Heart disease. It takes eleven stoaiu entines now, and will soon take fourteen, to do the wanufaeturing at Buchanan. St. Mark's Episcopal people of Grand Rapids, have raised $9,000 of an $18,000 debt. That's half the battle. The state agricultura! society raked in the pot the Jackson folks raised, and has given thetu the nuxt state fair. The Cheboygan Baptist are meeting witb great success in raising fundsto build their new church, and work willcommence soon. The logs now afloat in the Manistee river and its tributarles is given at 133,207,262 feet, with over 50,000,000 feet yet to come. The Adrián Times says the fellows who visited thatcity in the interest of the Courtland buggy conipany were presumptive beats. The barn of [I. R. Brown, of Sanilac, burned recently, together with five horses. twenty sheep, nine hogs, 20(1 bushels of wheat, etc. The wife and daughter of the late Gen. Dwight May, of Kalamazoo, have presentod his portrait in oil to the state, which has been accepted. The Detroit, Mackinac & Marquctte railroad company states that au excursión train will run from Detroit to Marquctte by September lst. The Atlantic & Pacific, and the American Union telegraph offices in Detroit have been ordered closed after April lst. The bezinning only of the end. At Union City a child feil in the raco last week, and the alarm being given the ice was broken 200 feet below, the body taken out and life restored. Springville, the Tecuiuseh Ilerald saya, has witnessed the greatest religious revival the past winter ever known in its history. 75 have been converted. W. R. Bates, of Flint, has been appointed as special agent of the treasury departmentfor Michigan, viceüen. O. L. Spauldïng, elected to Congress. The republicana of the Branch and St. Joseph judicial circuit held a convention last week, took 213 ballots, coutdu't agree and adjourned to the 24th. The Detroit, Grand Haven & Müwaukee railroad oompany is consideringtheadWsability of erecting a large grain elevator near the üounng mili.- Holly Adyertiser. One of the Tecumseh millers has put in the roller nystem of making flour, aod can now turn out 400 barrels in place of 200 barrels heretofore by the Btones method. Down in Lenawee county the farmers try to trade off their wives f or awellbox cutters, and tnen get mad at the justices they teil them that the law won't allow it. The prosecuting attorny of Shiawassee county is charged with gross malfeasancein office, and G. K. Grout, of Saginaw, has been appointed to conduct the prosecution , by Uovernor Jeronae. There was a $12,000 blaze at Ilillsdale last Saturday destroying three wooden buildings, and I burningthe steeple and roof 2, V!1 -thodl8t churoh, causing a loss of 12,500 ; insured lor $2,000. xue insn lana leaguersat Grand Rapids ot into a row at their banqueton the 17th but as a bit of a devarsion," is quite the thingupon loike oocasioDS, no one isloikely tu be boycotted because of it. ashvilie has just elected temperance oouooilmco. The old, or hold-over councilinen who are anti-temperance, refuse to act with them, and now she has ooe more council than the W allows her. A short time since Chas. Clark, of Pinckney, Livingston Co., appJied liniment to a diocased horse, and in doing so got some ot the poison into a sore upon his hand and died a few days after of blood poison. A Williamston farmer has a "kit" of burglar s tools. He found them in his hay stack the other day, together with nine silk handkerchiefi, which were probably used to deaden the sound when using the tools. ,hl M.uken. chicken thief will wade through four miles of snow drirts from four to ten feet deep, tostealan old, tough hen. Which shows the enterprising and persevenng nature of the Deoole ub therp A cold-blooded murder took place ai í' lastSaturday evening, Franklin C. I pnght 2.J years oíd shooting his wft Amanda aged 19 years, to death. Cause jealuuMy because of indiscreet actions oo hei The family o f Jas. W. Van Gilder, of Kig Kapids has been terribly afflicted with diphtherw this winter. Three children, a boy of 11 a girl of Cve, and another of 18 now sfck order8Íven-and tlree more are The political figurera on paper are busy redistncting this state into eleven congressional districts. Wouldn't it be as well to wait until congress pagsed the new acportionment bilí, and gives us eleven representatives ? v The Edmore Journal says that lumber is doarer there than at surrounding places, and that those building send to Greenville purchase and have it delivered at figure much below tbose of local dealers, after all expenses are tnet. Tk„ . I i ¦ i ut measies nave Deen iraging at Hancock worse than the Benihardt has at the tneatres. Oíd people, young ones and everybody, were beautified- nopartiality waa showu to age color, sex, or previous coodition- but that's "enuf." For the first time io (he history of Clare county twins have been bom there They were born on their father's birthday, and one is a boy and the other a girl-which is also quite unusual. They ought to be preseoted with a quarter section apiece. Id the new census the preatest gain in he past decade has been in Ogemaw oounty ,500 per cent, Clare closely following t 1.JOO, and Missaukee with 1,200 The only county showing a loss is Ontonagon which bas 280 leas inhabitants than in 1870. Bee-keepers ia various portions of the state report serious losses this winter. (Jne I Alleman man lost 70 swarms; AndrewBirch, ot Kalamazoo lost 145 oolonies with pros pectsof more, and several smaller losses noted. It has been a bad winter for the honey-inakers. I The Farwell Register bas an entire col utun in its last issue devoted to the lumbering interest, and giving ñgures showing that the enornjous amount of pine cut in that county this winter will "aggregate 270,000,000 feet, reprcsenting the product of thousands ol acres of pine foresta- gone forever." The members of the legislature raised $200 and bought a gold watch with it, which thcy presented to the Hon. John T. Rich in recognition of his services as a niember of the legislature for a period of five terms. He ro-igned the office of stut un ntor i.-.t 0tuiJay 10 enter upon tbe canvas of his district for congrt.3 In Alpena county a few dayssince, a poor settler whose faipily werc suffering for food, killed a deer to live upon, when some heartless wretch coroplained of him for violating the laws, and had him prosecuted. Of course he had to bc iined $óO, which he couldn't pay, so impriuoniuent followed. But an appeal was taken, and it is hoped the thing will be dropped. There h uiuch gympathy expressed for the man. A little six-years old boy named Jimmie Craig, was found dead on the strects of Detroit last Friday morning. He was tuissed the night previous and was searched for until after midoight. IIow death met him is a mystery. He was not bruised to any extent, and when found held a stick of candy in one hand. The bull-headed policeman who was notified of the fioding otlie bedy refused to allow the father to remove his child, and insisted upon the corpse remaining as found until noon, for a coroner to summons a jury ana view the remanís. We do not believe there is any law on the statute books so ibolish aud barbarous, and believe tho father would have been justitieil in using forcé to have taken his dead child to his house, out of the dirt of the street, and away from èxposure to the throngs of euriosity gazers, so repugoaot to tbe feelïogs at such times. Since writing the above the Evening News states that there ia no law which would uphold that policeman ia what he did, and the idea that a coroner must impannel a jury and view the remairn of' one found dead before the body can be removed, is an old and exploded superstition. Tue people everywhere oueht to know this, as it may save much agony to relatives and friends in such iastUMM.


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