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I he JMonroe Commercial has a permanent poet. The editor of the Ogeniaw Herald has been to state prison, at Jackson, and hts the audacity to teil his readers all about it. The Little Traverse llepublican ia no more. The legislatura having chaoged the name of Little Traverse to Harbor Spriwts, the above paper has been transmogrified into the Harbor Springs Republiean. Diininutive Traverse, avaunt! thou hated sprite ! But hurry up with that new head. The Ovid Register, io calliog attentiou to an ungrammatical sentence used by a local contemporary says : "The Register defies old Murray to parse it." To parse it, or the words contained in the sentence, which, ]}ro. Register? If we have all trot to be so thunderiu' particular about our grauimar, let's have the thing down fine. Now don 't criticise our stretch of eood English. The Michigan School Moderator has a new editoragain. This time it is l'rof. N. II. Walbridge, of Newaygo. It is hoped the new editor will be more merciful toward the educational institutions of our state, and not join in the senseless bowl against them which a few fanatics and uiiserly individuals have set up. Wipe out the highcr educatioo of our people and the whole school systeai will be stunted. üur schools, from the primary to the profesl sional, are builded up on the principie of a machine, each part a wheel ert'orniing a necessary funetion. By suia=hing a portion y ou njure the whole. The Adrián Press termed the late demcratic convention "Fossilized Fun,: and thusbelabored its party for their work : "The democracy of Michigan have placed in the field party nomiuations tbr non-partisan offices, and followed the lead of the republicana in tbat iMgiiml The noniinees are, without doubt, capable meo, and could they be eleeted would lül the position very acceptably. The nominations fall like a wet blanket, however upon the democracy. They are notenthu.-iastic, beoause there is no possible hope of succcss. The young, vigorous men of the party are disheartened and discouraged, not so much because defett stares them in the face, but because when victory was possible and within their grasp the old wheelhorses, with their accustomed stupidity thrust t from them. They are discouraged, because aow they have no possible object to do any f ork for the ticket, as their labora will be ruuless. The Holly Advertiaer has these extremely sound words of advice to the people, politicians especial ly : "Every politician, every editor and almost every voter io the couutrv, had a hand in the construction of the cabinet, or thought he had. Now that the task has been aocomplished, and the uiachinery of the new administraron set in uiotion. all the talent which was so inteusely devoted to cabiuet making can be turned into uther channels, probably with resulta more beneficial to all concerned. Our agricultura!, our mechanical and commercial interestó demand our present attention much more than our political affairs, and all combine in the promise of a period of prosperity, which will make the administration one to be pleasantly remembered. Let us drop political bickerings and sectional jealousies for at least tour years to come, and devote ourselves to the cultivation of larger crops, the construciion of better machinery, and the driving of ,harper barains than ever we did before. " The Grand iiapids Saturday Kvening Post thus refers to a little incident of the lïiiiiumrfil fnpnnAniAc " Öaröeld's kiss, reverently bestowed ou his aged niother, in the hour of' his triuniph touched the heart of the nation. For a wonder no one haa ventured to iudulge in a public sneer at it. The wridng of the presa have, as yet, even held it sacred from the arrows of their suiall wit. It was a little thing, but it was mach to her whose heart overflowed at thought of the glory of the son for whoin she had suffered as all inothers have for their sons- for whoin ahe had toiled as most mothers do not- reflected on her. And it stood for much - a tender, manly, act that rebukes the sona who acorn their mothern, or fear to .Iidw the reapect and love they really feel, lct theyshould aeem effeminate. The luaii who ia too big to kiss his mother is too little for any real use ; and unworthy the the kisaes of any woman worth ki.-sinc. And the president did well to ad.) to his inaugural address the divine and time honared injunction, "Honor thy father and thy mother,"- an injunotion ihat, if all reporta are true, ia not wholly unoeee-sary lo young America.


Ann Arbor Courier
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