
Jame Renwick, whose death i here recorded was boru In the townstiip of Qreeoe, Monroe county, ate of New York, the 4th day of June, 1K27, and dled tlie 17tli day of Maroli. 1881, thus lelng at time of hls deatl) about rlflyfour yeantolM. BeoUM t Michigan wltli hls par.-nts. who ettled In the townsnlp ol salera, ín 1827 and tba fulnily remaln.-d thre two vears when they moved t Hie towiiHhlp tA Nortbfleld, and aeUled there. Oue yeiir deceased llvel ai LuMlng kod ona al Web(Ur, andh.-lia8llve.Un Norl luield lilty y.-a.s. Ha wassonofthe lato Hou. John Benwlok maa brotliemf ."x-Siipi-rvIsor K.-invick, do of New Hud8.m I" 186a he wiuí marrled lo remperaiice PlUsinunotu, daihl.T oi ThoinaH l-ii. MTiimons, of Ami Arbor townslup. BUwiit, one on and one danghter survlve hun. and ba hasleft th.ira In teara and aorrow to coutimullfe's Journcy and bear lif-' bortB alona. sadly will tliey mlH Iha oomforl and liapplncwof his presen.-.-, tha Koldanoeof bli aounM-l bUaueandprotaoUon. Mr. Henwk-k was all kuown in the towDshlp where he Ilved andalsoln inn Arbor city and other parta ,ol the county. He was h mtii '! trtoj integrlty and waabald Id blb Mtlmatlon byairwho knw blm. He bad an Intelligent mlnd and ,,, „uwk to percelve llie rlKhl a"d support II He was equally 'íulck and p.IUve Ín oondemlngwhat l-ll.-ved lo be wroDK. And yet he ha.1 m.n.y ín,-nds. One of Tiis oíd frlcndsand HOolatassald lo me the otli.-r day thatMr Benwlck had a many frl.-iids iw any man in Northneld, nud wltli tall.rlni? volee he áddeil -No 0OW have any more frlends thau he had íor he liad them all. All were hls frlends. Deceased Is moulderlng hack to dust. bilt II he were llvlug to-day he would, I am Hiire. ask iu MglK-r praUe lhn thlj tliatail Ih.-ii !,. s i"r(brfj v(.,lrK ,m. 'H ti Uieni i" HVi-rnent InK wlll he havean ablding pjmceln Uieir best recIt has heen ixlenslvely reporteil that Mr. ,,s mlndoo some indimptttred.lurlnif mmnv weeks ui lii l.t Illnes is fnll.v oonImtihat It 'au wliolly i., ttie nature oí the (linease wlin-ti wan pïiylngnpon hl. ystera. I think pu ibe no doubt. After Iho .tleiue hd moatly tlulalied lts work hls mlnd ralli.-l, and for six treek uiiin!iAtely preceedlng deatli be WM perfifilv rallonal. lr. lU-nwirk hu been m poor health foi many ycars, bul the shadow ol diiitli ban ntti-rly Lnfölded hlmnow.and lie l In last sleci." May he rent in k. .;