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Magazine KotiOM. Pot tel - Aiihtiimm Miinllily In the name of in w uupiloa on oor talile. It Is proiusely lllustrat.-d mul replete witli attraotlTJ "'"¦' eoverlng k wide range of topics. In thls junibr the puolleatlon of a brilllant serial, "KUli and KIn,' In the pen of the anlhor of Tlie Kirst Vlolln ¦ an.l "ProbaUon," wlilch have ittracted so niucbattentlon. Is begun. The story wlll eoatlnoe for nveni month. and wlllglve an Interestlng study of certain phases of KnKliHh l'fe. Itgivesalso theftrst Installinent ui a bright novelette by a rlslim American wrlter, in whl.-h many a familiar American type Is racefiilly etched. The c-hlef character, (vu, whli-li uies the name to the story, is a cfeatlonnl mach merlt. "A visit to Blenn. r th numeróos Illusirution, iKling artlcleof the April numher. are nnSd everjnrbere to Introduce -azine. To these the most liUi ai terms areglvcn. dal rate and terms for a wlll ta sent 6n ïppUattton. MI f year. Llpplni-iiti'i magutne fr April presenta a very varie.1 INI if content, y.'l all 'f ft llK' and viai.)us.liaia(er. "A Peepat the North of Irelaml," by V Qeoi terUtlc Dñuem of Uw Worlk." by Amelia K. Bui are entertalDlngly ritten and well iii"trate.l. The llrsl f a sliort Uliutntad MriM 10I i,iiiKTk on "Zootofloal CurioNittes,'' liy lr 1-elix ,1.1, ticats of Mciuntiiin Bheep. '1)11 a California EUooh," by LontM coffln Jonen, 1 u capital .les.iiptive sketch: J. Brander Mattbewa irrites oritleallr. and wlth ampie knowlItfe, of the "PreunlTBBdencle of the Frenob Drama; ¦ l.i..le W. Cbampoey basan anecilollcaJ paper, trom onpubllKhed sonroe, on the American loyalUU who, aiier the KevolnUon. found new homes 111 the provliwe of New Hniiiswick: an.l Krank 1 V. ('arinter glve a very amiulnsskatob oi "W'ash Lo," the typloal Cblnaman of Uia piesen! day, 111 dlitlneUon froni Ahsin, who Ik now ali hut extlnct. A new serial Klory, wlth the ciialnt tltle of "C ra(iue-0'-lXom," opens well, tliecharai terslielnu novel an.l . vet lif.-llke, tlie movement rapl.l, an.l the slv'le , rispan. I spirit. .1 f the hort storie. -Molin Henry.' ly Sydney Chase, I laufbable, whlle lo -sist.r Weeden'i Prayer," bj Bherwood llouner, there is a mixtura .t humor and pathun. Tbepoeouarab) Maorloe Thompson, Howard Glyndon, and Charlotte and amona the n.xid thlna In the "Monthly Oowlp" Isa noti.eot (arlyle wln.-li describes hls panon, mannen, and versatton in tne urroandlngi ..1 lus own home. The ISS M (aluleol Applt lons' .l..nrnal for April is tlie rlrsl paitóla story of .,1.1 (leek lik. , by l'r ss, ,1 i, ge Kber, rhose roman - cesof ancien! Bgypl have sltraatad so mach atlention leeenlly. The tltle 1)1 this story iH "AQuestlon: aOreek Idyl." Thls Is foiiow.d byanartloteon "Mysterleand Hlrmole-Plsys," byMrs. Uooper, There Is a long rerlsw, wltn many strik i n eztncts. of uliphant s ¦Landot (illpad ". the aee.iunt of tl dervish niira.l.-s. wblcb laglvsu In full 111 the Journal, belng tairly Mr. Robrt B. Booserell nas an eminently unnMnC paper on the prufoiind nuestlon, "Why does the Cral) fO SnIewayH?'1 WÍ hae the seoond of Helena Kaii.-lt Martin s papen on "8ome "t Shakespeare'! l'emaie ciiaraei. is," l'oi t ia lielni; now tramtad; a .¦uriisas on anei.nt "O reek lnnneis"; a review, with abundanl aneodoUcal selectlons, of l'almei s r. oeol rjlography of "CaJlph Haroun Alraschi.l "; a rlch sroiip of Heleeiions from Ruskln'sjusl pabltshed "Arrowsol iheCbaoe, nnder the mie of "Rusklnlana"; and a capital ttie ('ouiilrv 1'arMOtl, eulled '( 011ei'rn'ing the Ulieerfuluess of the Old." There irriugnovelte, entitled "A or, Wlnthrop's Adventure." The editor, in hls department, ventures to qasstlOQ tne '-laimK ol Carlyll) to le consi.lered a greal thiuker, and l.avlni;, last month, aUempted to demolisi, the notion of woman'Kintultlons, he thl nuniher disputes the oom mop idea tliat fact is n special femlnlne .imiity. ADpeton't Journal is publlshed montely, st 15 c.-nts pet numher. 01 ( pef aiiniiiii.


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