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Eateto of Jaiiip loCreerj I TATKOK MICHIGAN, Counur of Wllli te nw.M. At fCMlon of the Probate ('onrt for the County of Vilhtenaw. holden at the 1'roh.te Office, Ir the city f Ann Arbor, on Tue-day, the nr.t diy of M.rch, g th.' wi ""e ihoiiiuind elijht hundred and ¦L¦ "l'n'ihe matter of the cítate of Jam. M. l'reery, de,,n raadlo and lint! the pwit.oo, duly ,nrt..l,..i Wilhxm M.Oeery. prayln that b. may '„nëd dled Mlced, ior dmlrituitionaud to i.y debn "tÍSSSS" H t. orden, that Tue.dT, th. lll. day ..f Man-h, instant. '",tl"!ku; Ib" orenoon. be wimed rr til heriPK of nW iillon. and that tSe betre at lw of ld deceed, md all other lutereiMd in "W tf!, .are - ,„ir.-d to IHW ' ac.ionof,aWcourt,theuto !,. koMM ,1! lïotmf offlre. m the city of Ann rhor. and h, UW, f anv there be, ¦ hy tht irer of the ix-tiiinner nhould not be grautpd. iïd it I further ,.rd.-r,d. that atd ,,etitloner lve m?,I, , .. the nteriiMd In Mid Mtate ofthe ïendeocy ol Mld petllu.n, a„d the hearin thereof, y ctS: -i nu c..y of thi order to be publlshed in ,hVï„„ ,i,-or teurifr.a newspaper printed nd -.oW'h'nr s5!SK.r WILUAMD.UAKKIMAN. WM. G. DOTY. Probate Reglfter. "tt81 Estáte of James P. Clemente. OTTK OF MICHIGAN, iif Anu Arbor, on Tuenday, flret dy or "Jaren, n th yeir óne thou.and W hundred .nd eigbty!ne lW„t, Wllliam 1). arriman, JudBe ol Pro'"'l'n the matter or the mtte of .Jame P. Clementt d, cea' id Wil"' " the adminixtmtorof sa.d ?.S-' mei into conrt and represent, that be I, now pr,í'r,.d to ronder bi fln account .uch ad„lotn ,l..y uf March instant, at ten o'clock in the lore"oön. bí IMlflMri for mininK d 'lnK '" ar„.m.,n,llht the belr. at la w of lecea. .d ud all other pmou laUlted ... a.d e-u te are re nutred to appear it a íesiion of nald court.lhon to be „,!?¦„ it the Probate office. In the rit .'"" Arbor, in MM coumy, and how cause, if anv therc be, whv the aid account hould not beallowed. And Uti I, ,r",r.,l,that Mid a.lmini-trator Klve notice to Vpenon. inter.--t.-a ,„ -id a.d MUta, of the pQ,!.nv ofeaid account, and the hearing the re of, by caiimne a copy of this order to be publïrjhed in the Ann Arbor Öóurier, a new-paper printed and circuh,n"l iT, Mid connty, thre.' iucctw weet, preiou9 to6aidd.yofheari,,,.rueDCOUyA)RRiMANi Judu'e of Probate. WM. G. DOTY, Probate ReiUler. 1O2-1(S1 Enlato oí Jantes O'Connor. QTATIÍ OF MIOHIGAN.County ol At a ioslon of the Probate Court for the Coonty ot Waahtenau. kolden at the Probate Office In the clty If Aun Arbor, on the ltito day of March, In the year "no OooMDd etcfat hundí nd. e ''Vr.e ' e,,t, William 1. Harriman. Judgc ufl róñate. iñ the matter of the enlate of O ( on nor d.,-,. ,",' On readln,; and Ittng the petinon duly veri.1 i r i ,rt MnmtifV widow t saul deceasea, ,iid AoMMd Md litad, my b Miftlil) to h" urardhu to tl neb cano .n.íc and provi.lri :mdof WUItam F. Hr.-.'ik.-y pmymK that ptfton ol Lid rl e.tate may l.e made MMB the hclra at lw ol mid deceared or ht"" 1he Thcrcttpon it ia ordered, tht W edneyday, töe thirtcetith dy of Apnl next, at ten o clock n I, ¦ fomioon, be arBncd lor the hearinK of ald ,„ti.ion, and that law of ld deceaeed and all other perwns lntcrtited in aaid eJc are renalrod to app.-ar at a . "I eaid eourt, , thin tob koUa at the Probate Office, in the city ot Ann Arl..„. and rtow OUM. il any tbere be. wtj the raverOf the petltioor fhonld not be (rranted. And ufSrther o'rdm-d. that .aid pctitlouer give cotice t,. Hm BnoM lotarwtad m mud estáte, of the ucn,i,ncv ofaaS ,..-.ii.n,and fte hrarinK thereoi, by caMlngaoopybf thi8 order to be publmhed Ju the Ami, Arlior Courier, a newapaper printud and orenlatine In naid countv, ihrce succcieive weeksprevioaê -" ' ""ÍÍIÍUAM1 D? hTkÍiMAN, WM. (}. DOTY. Probate Register. 1030-33 J. S. MANN, " ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. Hm locatcd on the Whltmore WJVJ,'!, fron, the city of Ann Utwr.M "lve h" FURNISHING PLANS AND SPECIFIMTIONS ANI) TiKINU OF CONTRACT. All those who anticipóte bnilding will do w,ll by Uling on blm, ae hls PjJ"1 be very rea9onabJe jTIlTyöVH i: m i v LIVERY STABLE The best and most ex'enslve in the city. HACK AND BUS LINE Running to all trains night and day. nm v i me UUIPH RUNS TH NIGHT TRAINS. IULI Lint WnlUn nuna IU niuni mhmih. ; The best hack In the city for ladlcs calllnc Orders . fllled pramptlT for all kinds of conveyances. Articular AUention to Orders for Funenls, Cok. Miin and Catharine 9tb., w ahbor, „j, MICHICAW T INSEY & BEABOLT' S BAKERY,GROCERY AHD FLOUR AND FEED STORE. We keep conatantly on hand, BREAD, CRACKERS, CAKES, ETC, FOR WH0LE8ALB AND KJLTAIL TRADB. We shall also keep a npply of 8WIFT DBDBEL'S BK8T WHITE WBBA1 KLOUR, DBI.HI PLOL'K, KYE FI-OIK. BUCKWHBAT FLOUR, CORN MBAL, FEKD, c.,c. At Wholesale and retal!, a general stock ol CROCERIES AND PROVISIOXS constantly on hand, whlch will be solfl on as reason able lerm as at any other house in the city. Cash paid for Bntter, Bkk, and Conntry Prodoo generally. tarOoods delivered to any part of the city witb ont extra ch.rKe. RIN8BY 8KABOLT. PERDÓN LUMBER YARD JAMES TOLBERT, Prop., Mamifactarer and Dealer in SACINAW GANUAWID LUMBËR, LATH AND SHINGLES. We '.Lvl'.e al! to gire at a cali, and examine om stock before purchasinR eloewhere. AL8O AGENT FOR JACKSON SEWER PIPE CO., AND 8KLL8 FIKB BR1CK. JAMES TOLBEBT, Prop. T. J. KKKCH. npt. feb.U."79 Whnmr Yon Wil ti Buy A Fine Diamond, A Fine Wuteh, A Fine .iti Chain, A Fine Frcneli Cloek, A Cholee Arllele In Sterling Kilver, A Pieec of Fine Brome, A Cíoll-lioulel C'aiie, A Cholee IMeee or Jewelrj , A 11 I liave A Large Colleetion lo ftelect f rom, It will be for jour inlerekl To cali on M. S. SMITH & CO. COR. W00DW&RD & JEFFERSON UVES, DETROIT. Stricily Prloe and plui" KycsInquirifs bv BMÜl proinptly imswcieil. 1028 II


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News