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I pELLOWS feï''Vp!!lTLS 00, W SZUÊCB NEURALCIAI 11 liap lioen nucertüfned tliat the Mal invetérate ¦ ¦ '-¦ - "Í neuralgia re curcd tiy Pello we' Svroi, of Mol ODlj the principal diwaae erullcatecl, lut the patli-ni la miwle rlgorona ud in. til', the itomach, tbe hlood, the kin becomë li.-althj , and ba oliruin : new k-aec ut enjoyable Th.' only atlufactory troatm.'nt or neuralgia u bi ¦treOKthaning tha Derroaa bjbumu. a peron tth ? tnm; DCTTM MTSr -unVrw Irom thls lUeae. The viriiu' of Pellowi' Componnd Snap of Bi pl'li""iliiri' are such that itln r nmeillea arani ¦on r. ti tr.-il . ! The deinand for Hypophosphite and otner Pho. pliori pr.'pnratlone al tbc preaent dy. I larval? "mr to the go ¦! i teowa loUowni tb oí thU artlcie loto the I alt4 Btataa IMPORTANT Shoold the In valid have any difflculty In procnrlne the Coinnound Syrup in ble vlclnity Iet hlm nut be uutoffwith aoyother remedy, because tbi artlck HUaa) t the SS. for wbich LÏÏÏT ssssi1 a merï ia"e " " 1015-1066 c e m Battlo Croek, MichiganV THRESHERS Tractlon and Plaln Engine and Horso-Powors. Q 0 YEAR8 rrifSisL: STRlM-POWm SKPAKATOK8 aod iiuiplt'li' Strnm DiitfllH' ' m,r hlr-omlittti. ini Trni-I ion rnuin.-. and Plaln KBclaes A multitud of ipral featvrm and IbiiiiiibwiIi tug andmaunaU not dmmed of by other maken. FoJSL1y ? 8efrafem,fR)m é to 18 bom 71Vo BtylM of Mountod HnmvPowen.. 500 OOO Fnt of Hlected larnlHT cotutantly on han1, from vtaich ia bnilt tha u comparable wood-wurk of out macbinmy TRACTION ENGINESa Ut rongtat, mort tlurthl+-,nnt% e0ttH&i%t vtr Ptvl uxi. 8, 10, 13 liarse Power, l ¦ , FariiiiTH mid Thn iih !¦¦!!¦ are hrftted to NICHOLS, SHEPARD & CO. Battle Creek, Mlchlsaru 1030-52 'PERMANENTLYCURESW WKIDNEY SISEASES. LI" ER :CMPLAINTS, I j CONSTIPATIQIT ind PILSS. C Cj Ir, K. H. (lurk. Boatli Hero, Vt.,sayn. "In pa W ¦ ..r Ki-Iim Tr.-iitjl. it t.-i-n. -u-i lik. It WM H han ctirro nmny tit tim) nuHot Tllf, mul hu H Q t v. i f afltd to art irti. i. ¦ntlv." ¦ Nflaon Fairchild.of St. Alhans, Vt.. myn. "It i U ¦ f i.rn t-lt-ss valuo. ATUr ixt-.-n vmim of tiret ¦ Wm Huffering rrum iiii-s umi CuttiviutM it rom ¦ I C. s. Uoabon, of Berkshire mjtt, 'One .-k ¦ vee hasdone wondt-n. for in nnmpltttly uur I ¦ ilK INWI I.iv r Bad Kl y l. iilaint." ivl III1KK Llalli OU Lftfti rOBH it has iiruva Q 1 WONDERFUL II il ' ¦ ¦ POWER. TAAA ' QRoennKP it acts On the I.IV Ui. HOWH.s P ïïTi KlDHBTfl :tt Hip Aaine time. Booause it clcaimes the Byatem of Q H onthumora thatdevolopO iu Kíduey and ¦ ¦ nary DiHoasea. Biliousucss, Jaundice, I J pation. Pilos, or in Itheuinatism, Neuralgia U I Ncrvoua Pisorders and Female ComplauiU. I I IV It m put up in lrv Vorm, in LJ I tVtlncan, one packafrt of whk-h mak.-s hii H U UT 1 ui ris of nn-1icin.-. I tVAIsoin I,tjuit1 Korm,Torv Concrntmt ed. H ¦ jy f or the conTemence of thoae that tMaMt I J t_yrfitdily pivmtn-it. 7f urliicith rqitut efficiency R I on it at tuk DKuaam. prick,$i.oo. L v LL8. ie 1 1 n t iiisii : o., i'm.j.s. I 9 (WIll end thedry port-pid. BI Kl.lM. l u. I . C UC9C9C'3C]HC3C!MKEíjH ¦IHIII no General lb.lity,s.i L HIIW Hiularhe, Uillnnsne, I .¦¦wil iySpeP9in, indlffrHtlon, and liver ('omplaint beewtd lytidfla añil piM-riKim-ntly and with the least ex]-ne i i umi ni n. -fiA Co tak HOPS A3TD Y II II l I T BITTERS, whieh Ltvr( K!Iiii3n. and the Blood. ren4 iirlnrr Hm syetei aud ')trvlng ílÍM'.IM . fav m ai fOfl continue worSclng I IN '1ay 'ilHÍ nirhl wilhout aidlng Mill niltlln f HOI- AM) MAI.T I ' HITTKK nou i'.mIi, HirtMiuiheii, tud Htippori tli"' etitire lyttniL Mnot cali ¦]- irt when slrk, but m BOPfl AND MALT ÏUTTEKS, and ilinr, inoiitx hm! Hiitlriins. 9 IT ta NOT ¦ ltlV('niït'' bul " lrd' I ir Í n'. ftêmembW tb nu hm l-O]ltHSIHt Of . Wi.rtld. TRADE MARK: M,;r ',,:',. 'm,?' III. AC'K lalwl. HU) MM Ak lur h'i-.T Tllnl llolllr. è 1006-1057 HALL'S QatarrhQurgs Recommendedjy "hysician HALL'S QatarrhQure. Is indorsed by Clergymofv AA ill Cure An.v Oiiwo. OÖlccof A rl'.Stuit A Co. OhlctgO.Ill , Juut 1,1880. liettrs. F. J. Cheney Cb .. Taiedo, O. Gentlemen ;-I tak pteasure ín informlng you that 1 have used Ilall's atarrh (ure It ha cured me- I w nr; bU - aud don't nujiut to aay tbal lt will ciim mr cae ol ( atarrh if taken proijerly. Youratruly,J.B. WEATUERFOUD. AVoi-tla 11O A HottU. K. HnaBaT.jMkaon, Ifleh. writci. Hshad CaUrrb for 20 I 'atarrh Cure cuml n OeoaMer it wor'tb Jlü.üO a bottla. Hall' Catarrh Cure Is aold by all DrutfRiiti at TV. per hollle. Manufacture! and sold by F. J. ; H LN 1 Y A CO. "ulo Prcprletor, TOLKDO, OHIO 11. .1. Br u t tv, tor. Main aud Hnron Hirwti. Aun Arbor. 1US9-42 ÍIHKS TKHMPir Frazisr's Root Bitters. Il you ure weitk or Iwiguid, Kraz'ur'a Bitten. 1' vfiur fleali ii Babby and vuur complexión xallow, nse Fruzier'a Bitten. I' von livf in a Diatarial diatrict, OM KruinBittcn. If mil dows willi ¦( ohildren, uae Fraiier1 Bitten. If yoa hw the b!ue, dm Fruiet'i Bitb n. Ujva hT kept late boon and lived contrfjy to the (roof health, om FVazier1! Bitten, lfyou ncril totÜBg op, taks Fraaier"! liitu-rs. If you h:ivc aMuñd iixtead of used nature' tifta, om Fnuier1! Bitton. If you ÍW oM JOUT time, OM Fr:iziir's lütlcrs. If ufe lias htmnn :i hunl.-n aad you li;n.jjliMiiny fbrebodinga, use Kiaiier's üitters. If your han. Is trcmble and your ejre hare grJwn dim, Prastcr! Boot lïitterswill mak you feel young again. isold by all dniKKirt Ttirwbere at the low price $1.00 icr botile. JAS. E. DAVIS & CO., Whulesale l)ru(jguU, Detroit, Mich., AgenU.


Ann Arbor Courier
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