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Buchanan's business is booming. Saranue has a new lodgeof A. O. U. W'. BoboolonA is happy, she has a bicycle club. Dowagiacis to have a new haodle factory and machine shop. Kalamazoo is (o have an extensive fruit canning estabtishiriLMit. It u said that snow is still three foet deep in Mecosta county. During.January and I'ebruary :1.4H acres of land were sold in Alpcna county. The first white tish eatch of the season came ioto St. Ja last l'riday. 400 t. Gen. Isaac Moffat t, one of Kalanaioo's oldest residente, aged 90 yoars, died l'riday last. And now Grand Haven pcople say all kinds of fruit exccpt peaches will lic plan tiful. Scarlet tover Mili aliaga lo several of the cities and villages in the western portion of the state. 1!. Leet, a locmt er of' Gen. Grant's staffduring the war, died at (rand Rápida last Saturday. Theodore Walters, North Lansing, aged 50, suicided Saturday bat. l)omesf.ic dif ficulties, alleed. The Millington flouring luills bave been purchased by Duval lavi.i anti lviward McCouib for $5,200. A railway vrlociptde manufaetory at Tbree RWèrs, turned out 1,100 of machines last year. Thomas KJ.-all, one of East Saginaw's prominent luiuberniau, died a few days since after two days' iltn The Prcsbyterian peoploof Hastings will htreafter liaveKev. J. K. Strong, of Hoboken, N. J., to preach to thein. Howell is pulling down the wooden awnings in front of her stores. They liave outlived their beauty and usefulncss. The "union" ticket iruaaocessful at the recent Howell chai ter clectiou. Win. ]i. Smith reeeiviDg 120 majority for president. Pinooonins, Averill and Muskegon rollways aro quarrfling over their size, each olaimiog a million feet of logs over the other. Midland is to bave a wrestling match April ltith, between L. L. Ilurton and llurace Brink for $100 a siiie and the door money. The St. Joseph and Branch connty judicial deadjock w;n seltled last Friday by lot, the St. Jo. candidate coming out sucUHHfllI A "Farmcr's Alliance" with 40 members, organized at Marshal! la-t Saturday. What's the -matter with the grange? Clique-y ? ! At Elk Rapids, last Saturday, Rev. A. C. Lewis, who has been pastor of the Epis. copal churcb of that place 1 1 years, died very suddeniy. i A state sanitary convention has been in session this week at Battle Creek, comiuencing last Tuesday. Some very iuterresting papers were read. A Hurón county schooltnarm prosecuted a director, Chas. McMillau, lor discharging her, and the result wa a fine of $25 and costs f'ur bim to pay. The Harrisun "braneh of the F. - I'. M. R. R. is to be extended to Cadilac at an early date, over which there is mucli rejoicing by the Cadilacians. G. T. Gridlev of Jacksuu, i the repubIican nominee for judge in the 4th circuit ; the democrats have noiuinated Eugene l'ringle for the same office. The Petoskey people were smart enough to vote down a proposición to faddle a $15,000 debt upon thetuselves for the purpose of erecting works. The long, severe winter has been too much for the Allegan farmer's hay stacks, and now tbey are selling their live stock be cause of' a fodder famine. St. Joseph has proposed to the St. Jo, narrow gauge company, and the latter has accepted. As a consequence the road will be extended to that place. Keuhen McCreory, one of the oldest pioneers of the state, and father of ex treasurer V ui. B. MeCreery, died at his home in Jblint, last Friday, aged 80 yeara rainer uiiesse was run over by the cars in Flint last Saturday, had both legi taken off and dicd soon alter. He was fornierly pastor of the Catholic church in Flint. Clieboygan is building huge castles in the air. She expects 4,000 immigrante this season alone, and makes her brags of' her intentions of one day being a great city of the straits. Laudable ambitioü. The recently clected village officers of Blisi-lield swear by the great horn spoon that the people of' that village shnll put down decent sidewalks. And the Advanco encouragingly approves the deteruiination. The going off of the deep snow in the northern portion of the state maltes high water in the rivera and creeks. Saginaw and Bay City are espeeially afflicted with the freshet. Well, a itile water will do thetu good. Thomas Dolohanty, of Uaines, Genesee Co., was assaulted recently by five young men of that place who have been arrested on a charge of assault and battery. The affair creates considerable stir aruoni; the Qainexitrs. From all the lake porta come evidences o f a preparation for the operiint; of navii; and all is activity. Repairs and fitting out arebeinghastened, and the general impresión seems to be that the opening will not be so very late after all. Berrien Springs says At il tho only countv seat in the state without a saloon. Ann Arbor can't iy nay. Later. Benzonia, the oounty seat of Benzie county says she has not a saloon, and what's better, never has bad one. Next. Il 11 stated that Minister Christtancy of thil tatc will be succeeded in the l'eruvian mission by Gen. Juiison Kilpatrick, at leut the latter wants to succeed hiui. It is also stated that ex-Itepresentative Mark . IJrewer wants the same place. James Trimble, jr., wasarraigned before Ju.-Jtice Smith at Eurruoo on Saturday, charged with stealing a dead baby and pawi)ing t for whisky at Houltea's saloon, and was bonad over for tri;il at the nest term of the circuit court.- Evening News. The propellor Hippocampus, which has been lying in the bottom of fake Michigan, near St. Joseph, fbr the past ten years, is about to be raised. Thcre i quite a sutu of money on board of her, aud il in thought that the machinery is still good. - Dowagiae Times. The Lansing Republican says t is true, m reponed, thut Robert Nuilsou, of that city, is subject to fits of nnomoU lasting from a week to nearly three luontli.s, during which sleep never visits his eyelids. He is about 50 years oíd and a carpcnter. He seems to suffer tioseriousinconvenience Irom this deepleMneas W. M. U'iHister, who wasso badly ujur ed in a railroad accident Dot long iaee, left for CaHforaia recently. Ilo will notgodirectly through but stop n tli way, here and there, to see the sights and to avoid the wearioes-s of a continued journey. We hope he will bc beneütted by the trip and return in full vigor- Dowagiac Republican. And now Michigan steps way to the front. Mra Henry Ingraru, of Htittíe Creek, had sonie teeth pulled üct. 8th, 1880, which brought on n.iuscau of the stotnach, and ¦ha has not eaten a partiële of food or drank anything since. Sho is Doorithed by being bathed in beef tea, niük, etc, which act by absorption. The pores of the skin absorb nearly a quart a day frotn these baths. She feels a sort of' hunger, which is iood alluyed by a bath, af'ter which she fecls as if she had eaten. A bath of water will quench her tfiirst How much longer she i-an live i-i a problem. Her stomach is said to be totally paralyzed. The clergyman of Grand Rapids, 26 in number, have United in an appeal to the Chriatian people of that city tor the wippression of intempcrance and the social evil. They say there are 165 saloons in the city, nearly all of which are open on the Sabbath, and that there are also between ind 600 dissolute women in the city. What i Sodnml It is statod that a representativo of Vanbcrbilt has made a detinite propobition to the Al pena people for building the shore railroad from Bay City tothat place. The people along the shore are to give $75.000, and the right of way, and the road La to !¦ iiumediately built. We have always dóubted Alpena's sincerity in the enterIri-e, hut this proposition will teil the story. Detroit is having her annual spring tpaam of political virtue, and for the past iwo or three weeks has been endeavoiing to nominóte a non-partisan school board. But Mime way the political partios, or the individuáis who 'run" the political machima, don't take kindly to the uriion, and each party malees her own nomination, rogardMM of the desires of the better portion of her inhuhitants. W ill the Port Austin News pleasc give its authority for us assertiori in reférete to tin: insect dcstriiying proclivities of the English sparrow ? It saya : " A few English sparrows, the first ever seen here, came to this villagelast fall, stood the ban winter well, and are as lively and hearty as need be. They will soon become amoog the most eommon and useful of the insectdestroying birds in this country." Mrs. J. R. Scott, was found dead in her bed in a manner to indícate suicide, one day last week, at her homo, five miles northeast of Williatuston. A note was found recitingthat she was lired of existence. It appear.s that she had had much trouble in settling her father's estáte, to whioh sb and a brotber, John Kink, were sole heirs, and new the lat'er has been arrested on suspicion of being the nmrdorer of his sister. Dr. Ilause of Tecumseh, bas been very unfortunate. Last year he was knocked down, robbed, thrown on the railroad track, and had several fingers amputated by a train. Last August at Chicago, he was jostled, feil and dislocaled a shoulder. In üctober, at Hill.sdale, he feil by the side of the car track in a fainting fit and had his head severely njured,.ete., etc. The latest is that a burglar entered his house last Tuesday night, and stabbed him in his back and breast. What next? solía toundatioo by íts pre3nt publislier. Ilere is ita last exultation: The Sentinel is enjoying the best ol hcalth and ít will take more than a slight attack of moasles to move it froiu its foundation. The Isabella Enterprise saya in rofereoce to a remarle about the newspaper business buing overdone in that place: We hall strive to 'wiggle' just as long as posible, and if we 'literary cusses' don't eet to fighting, keep sober, and tend to business, we tuav all run here a hundred years or more, if we have good health. The Ovid Register of March 2Jth, gets lamp chimneys, tumblers, brevet preachors, the Ypsilanli Sentinel, poetry, the Ilüls.lale boatclub, boiler explosions, lime on land, Gail Hamiltun, etc., etc., all mixed up in its "exchange cnam. ' WoulJn't exchange chowchow have better expressed it that week. The Ovid Union tells a truthful tale in these few words : "Many ncwpapers of this state are giving $5 in advertising, for a thirtycentbible." But theu, when we reflect, and considerhow verymuch inany of the newspapers need that book, it may, possib not be cousidered a very bad bargain, after all. The Dowagiae Times which has been quielly sleeping since its oiiginator, M.W. Wooster, was injured in a railway up last f'all, has woke up. The office ha been purhased by A. M. Moun, of' the Kanelhu .;ws, and tl.e fettet papa merged rnto the Times. It is to be democratic hereafter. Tho fír.-t issue uoder the new management indicatcs an excellent local journal. The Graai Like News tells tuis oe'r true tale. It should be read and soleiuuly pon.dered over by all. It shows how mysteriously but surely justice and right worfc together lor vengeance : Once upon a time a certain man got mad at the editor and stopped nis paper Tfce next week he sold Lis corn at loar cents below the market price. Theo his property was sold for taxes. He was arrested and fined $S for going hunting on Sunday simply becaune he did'nt know jt was Sun day ; and be paid $300 for a lot of frged notes, that had beenadvertised two weeks, and tbe public cautioned'not to negotiate them. He then hired a man for $. with a loot like a foregehammer, to kick him all the way to the printing office, where he paid ten year'a subscription in advance, and made the editor sUn an agreement to knock him down and rob him if he ever ordered his paper stooDed arain Smnk ; ife without a nowspaper.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News