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Joany one with any knwlnlgo of the relalioni of the law atndenU to th hcalty oi tb 1BW ilcpiirtiiwnt il woulil nol lie necessary u earttcleln lul week'i Coi hikr. liea'.ltnl ¦ 9ehme whteh Mli wholly ud Oooley and DoukIhk Orgun. What does Prof. ('ooky mcaii hy "the relations?" Ia t that the stu lentn, before Ketting their diplomu, are complctely in tfca power of the faculty, ini dan: not sy their souis are their own ? Mr mms nol hlaaad fui Introducios ¦ and llie alleged expreailona on t hipar! "f luw Ktinirni-.. a qaoted iv M war in ii Mtiircd. iatt.r ibowed hls mitM oowardiot la Baiwpr- utlag anii la¦oltln the luw HiixlPiitN, hy walllng Dnttl tbe irimenl IihiI oloaedftnd Ihc stuili-nu liml ohp home, sniiKii nu opportunlty i given tbem asa departmenl oí iIcnouncuiK ihls ma llclooslyMIseatUck ui n lhemelvc and t balt iH'an. - Cfxley and Dougiaa Orgiui. Wc will warrant the scercUry lias not forgottcn that lic was hi.sscd down. By oonsidering that tkii meeting wa licld Monday, and our first day ol' pabfimka Friday, in wliich our articlu appeared, it will bc i-een that Prof. Cooley tka above with abottt the .--uuie that lic treatcd Dr. Bote, inbueaptcityua udge. Hy tbe way, citizen professor and Judge Cooley, wc now givc you notice that al no litant day we shall show uj your peculiar decisión in that case to the peopic "f the state. Ata meel hik "f law atndaata last vaak, ¦i lor 1 1 jhii poNc ol electing alumni Mimd tranmottng other badana, ih' leoratury oftha claas, lfi lioOIU, ¦! Plymouth, rel ¦ ricini artlele trom Uta Oonrler, eoas¦nendlngthe Domlnatlon ol Btaotoï MhIIicwn tor Unlled 8tate Hnpremc Thearticle, whit-ii on its tuce v;ts unoUeoUonabta wi.r nonrcc maant to be aovan ineai ai JndM Cooley.and Ihe ïnw ittidatitfl w They showed n lo JadgeCoolay, and Intlmated itmi uit-y lotanded !¦¦ raaeol It. nm al Jodfa Cooley'i special requeal that they takc do oo; It, they ivtraincii from any aotton, and wIkmi the mattei carae up at the meatlag. Iiíb known and theqaestlon was arme dropped. ompllance wlth his ¦ la) ) and Douglaa l : It s truc Judge Coolcy sat in his office whilo the meeting was being held n ihc room above ; it is also truc that hc was infbrmcd of the meeting and iU object, and yet his informant saya that lio expressed no dissatisfaction ; and no request was made at the meeting as coming from Judge Cooley, and the students present know there was none made. The trutu is that Prof. Coolcy showed in every lineament of lus eountcnance hisfore disappointment at the result of tbc meeting, and if he says "his desire was made known," at the meeting of the elass that cvening, hc that which is not true. And every one knows that underttands the "relations" of the secretary of the class, that Prof. Cooley's desires, if he had any to express, wonld have been made known to the class tlirouL'h the seerctary. 11". new fledged lawyers Just graduated from the unlversity, marcluMi tothe court house on Tuesday at -' p. m., expeetlng to be admltiel to tliebiir. Ho Hulge belng present Judge IIiiiiitngton was invited to come over and help the boyi out of Itaelr dtfflcnlty, whlch he decfined ioiii. The iuciplent lawyers were obllgel to return to tlielr liomea wlthuul adnilsslon tothe I ar In thlscity.- Argus. Poor, despised Huntingtao. He doubtless remembers the time wlieo be and bis wife were fcted and toasted in tbis city, by Judge Cooley and wifc, and bis resident attorneys and their wives, and through tbeir fawning he was inadvertantly, perhaps, led to commit an act tliat no other judge in the state was ever guilty of bel'ore, and so did not wi.-li to see ihe authors of alt bil wocs again. We do not blarne hiru.


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Ann Arbor Courier