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April lst, 1881. Look out for the April fool ! But don't look in the glass for him. -'if this be spring - why - uiake tbe bmm4 of 't _ Roller skating is to be again introduced in the city. The democrats hold their city convention to-morrow night. Let's do away with gramruars entircly. Whatdoyousay? Mra. Wm. Exinger, of the fourth ward, died lat Sabbath. What's that old gag about winter lingering in the lap of spring ? On Friday last Mrs. August Ban, of tho fifth ward, died, at the age of 61 years. Li-.uiard Vaughan, a venerable resident iit'ttie sixth ward, died last Monday night. The assignee of Slater & Graf, K. K. Frueauft", has sold the stock to John Pfisterer. . - . Last Sunday morning David, son of Mi.liaul Keck, died, aged 5 years and 9 months. The heir OÍ Mrs H. C. Seaman's estáte have given the Episcopal society a $500 beriaest. The elegant new marble floor of the Gregory house office has been completed. It looks fine. Frank Hangsterfer is to wake up the Dundee people with one of his excellent sociale, soon. Mrs. Margaret Maroney, aged 75 years, a resident of the fifth ward, died last Mon day, of pneumonía. A new restaurant haa been opened in the old W. S. Maynard block, next door to E. Uuffy's grocery. __ The new Episcopal parsonage is to be Imilt of stone, and Walker Bros. have ben given the contract. I - I In the third ward 70 names were stricken off last Tuesday and 32 ncw oms added to the registration list. The store No. 19 South Main street occupied by Chas. Boylan, is to be mproed by a new píate glass front. Chas. II. Davis is running on both the republican and democratie tickets in Ann Arbor town for constable. The Ypsilantian says that water is an excellent wash for the face. Yes, and it is equally good for the throat. Joe T. Jacobs was recently presented with a beautiful revolving office chair by the young men in his employ. Next Monday is township election. It can be safely stated that not more than one half of the candidates will be elected. April lst- tbat's to-day- and to-night i grand Iüvé-Ring concert at university hall. It will be no April fool. Go and hear. We notice achange for the better in the "makeup" of the Washtenaw Post. The local page has been especially improved. Iiobinson has a haodsome span of horses, "five-years-old," weight 2,700, which he recently brought over trom Canada. N lio'll be the next mao to preside over tlie destinies and deliberaiionsof the grave nd digoiüed city fathers? That's the Question. Get the button hole on your coat metallioed or double-stitched. It will save injüry to that garment by conödential political friends. J. Wehstor Childa, of Augusta, has beer ppnintod a ¦¦¦ „f t,o „tato board oi agriculture by the governor, and confirmec by the senate. The American union telegraph office in this city has been closed. The wires were canoected with the western union last FriJay and Saturday. The speeches of Gen. Carey at the opera house last Saturday and Sunday evenings re said to have been the best he ever de'ered in this city. 'This house will beopen for business il lOtu," is thesign on the Cook house 'ow. Mr. Hudson proposes to bave 'hing in nice shape. Midland Sun plutnps the following ron our facial aperture : "A good in extremely good one, in fact- is I's Ann Arbor Courier." iwe in like a Hon nd she went -üon too. Not ODly that bat Hike.lionallthewaytbrough. b didn't dare to enter an ap"tra Doe. 'I ÜÏSTretu eotitled N'od," will be rendered by uvenile teiuperance uoion, bon, on the eveninK of ¦ "totheweatherprophuohimwithavenge- S 'W-and .akesin ge m-itir,DterlOpen, I few short-lived Wonder what the robins, tbe blue birda, etc., thought about the weather yesterday and day before ? If there are any emphatic expressioDs ia bird language they could not be blamed for using them. Ex-su pervisor David W ilsey , of Pittsfield, lost a horse last week that was 30 years old, and which had been in lus posscssion for the past 34 years. That's a pretty fair pioneer record in the equine line. The Dansville correspondent of the Mason News has this item : The school board MoDday evening declded to ncot-pt of Mr. Price of Ann rbor, a principal ofour school. In place of Mr. Qreathouse who has resigned. Mr. Prlce h is nol accepted as vet. Tlus will imike the thlnl principal we have had llils school year. Next Sabbath, at 2] o'olock, at the Zion's Lutheran church, there will be a rehcarsal of the catechism for a class of 41 children, all of whom are to be confirmed the following Sabbath afternoon, at the same hour. It was said in olden days that sdow was the poor man's fertilizer. If this be true the poor people ought to be biest with abundant crops the present year, for there never was a much greater fall of snow in One season than the past. J. C. Bontecou, theorganizerofthe Ann Arbor reform club, was in the city Tuesday, and not being able to stay during the evening, was invited to and did address the juvenile temperance union, consisting of abuut 200 children, in the rooms of the reform club. Mis. Margaret King is contesting the will of her mother, Klizabeth Cullinene, of Chelsea, on the ground of undue influence. By the will, John CulÜDene is giren all the property, amounting to $2,000 or $3,000. Judge Mamman went to Chelsea Wednesday to take testimony. Mr. Maurice Gregorff, a native of Bulgaria, wlio is a ttudent of Albion college, working nis way by his own efforts, is in the city and has a liniment which he is disposing of to tbose wantíng anything ol the kind. He is worthy of the assistance of the public if they ilesiru his wares. Rev. J. Aluliaster spoke some very plain words to his congregation last Sabbath evening, in his series of sermona upon tbe ten cjunnandments. The seventh commandiucnt was the onc referred to, and the ideas brought forth were of such rare excellence that they should have a wider hearing. It s with regret we announce the death of the estimable wife of Judge Morris, of Nooroe, which occurred at Pontiac, on Thursday of last week. She was C: years of age, and being noted for her many deeds of charity, leaves scores of warm friends. lier reniaitis were taken to Monroe for inA Gcruian farmer by the name of Oberschmidt had a narrow escape at the M. C. depot last Saturday. He attempted to cross the track ahead of an incoming train. The engine struck the buggy, throwing Oberschmidt and his wife both out, but not seriously injuring either. It was a mighty close call. The second of the musical entertaintnents for the bene6t of the ladies' library association will be given at the house of Mr. Israel Hall, Washtenaw avenue, Saturday evening, April 9, beginDÏngat eighto'clock. The imisie will bo selected from the work.s of Handel, and a paper on the life of that composer will be read. i The annua! meeting of the Ladies' Library association Will be held in the par lora of the Presbyterian church on Monday afternoon, April llth, at half past two o'clock. Very important business is to be brought before the association, and it is earnestly hoped there will be a large attendance. The following from the Grass Lake News explains itself : The Franz Abt Concert Company and Male (imrtetteof Ann Arbor unlverslty gave two eutertalnmenu in thls vlllage last week We are sorry to state that tliey drew very Bllm houses tioth evenlngs. and tlielr vlslthere resulteil in a financia! loss to the company Whv our people falled to turn out to the performances isn t exactly clear. as there ha been a .leurt b of ainusements here, and the troupe wa IZ ín,", eírC1ell1eIít one and derved beu treatraent. Thelr loss was about 25. How people do llke tu shift thoir sins upon other people's shoulders. For instaDce, the Ypsilantian cfedits an old dodge of one of the citizens of that city up to Ann Arbor, and labels it a new invention : "An Ann Arbor man has perfected a plan for bringing coal out of the cellar without exerting any of his muscles. He makes his wife cart it up." J One of the events of the season for theatre going people will be the appearanoe at the opera house in tuis city on Monday evening next, of Strakosch & Hess grand opera troupe in Faust. Librettos are now on sale at Watts' jewelry store. Reserved seats can also be secured without extra charge at the saine place. You will have to sjpcak early if you wish to secure a seat. The Courier presses have just completed an edition of 11,000 copies of the university calendar for the year 1880-1. It is perhaps needless for us to remark that the present edition surpasscs all previous ones in point of workmanship, letter-press, etc Prof. Pette, who has been assisted in part by Prof. Demmon, bas been a faithful proof reader, and feels quite proud of the pamphlct. Mr. S. W. Cooper, of Graas Lake, tells tlic Ncwo cultor of lliat plauc tW " thoro isn't a single man now living on the line ol the road between Grass Lake and Aon Arbor, whosettled there forty-two years ago." Some of the old settlers will crowd pretty close to those figures f they don'treach thero quite. As stated last week, John íeddes, a little east of thia city, has lived on bis farm over 56 years. The Courieu office returns thanks to tha uoion cornet band (colored) of Ypailanti, Robt. M. Thompson, leader, for a fine serenade last Wednesday evening. The members of this organization are able to " speel " some most excellent music, especially so, cooaidering the brief time they have been organized. They came up Wednesday night to play for a dance at McMahon's hall, for the benefit of Geo. Moss, who has had ill-luck this winter, in breaking his limb. We see by our ezchanges that the Kev. L JL Gage has resigned the pastorate of the Baptist church at Dexter. He preached his farewell sermón there last Sabbath. He is to commence his labors as minister of the Baptist church in Jonesville on Sunday next. The people where he is oingare to be oongratulated upon the acquisition of so able and so good a man, one whose heart is riglit and whose syni patines go out toward his fellow man whcther connected with his own denomination or not. The fullowing ticket has been nominated by the republicans of Ann Arbor town : Supervisor, Isaac N. S. Foster ; clerk, L. Davis ; treasurer, Joo. Allmand ; highway coniiniásioner, Jno. Schenok ; justice of the peace, Jno. Geddcs ; superintendent ofschoob", Francia M. Holland; school spector, Kvart II. ScoU; constables, C. G. Oreott, Chas. H. Davis, David Frederick, Frederick Staebler. The demócrata have nominated Chas. Braun for supervisor, and Andrew Smith for clerk. The neglcct of duty in not returning the niarriages solemnized by ministers, priests, and justices of the peace. is being remarked upon by papers all over the state. A recent MM of the Adriao Times gives the penalties of the law in the case, wliich are as follows : All persons authorlzed to olemnlie marrlagea afe recjulreü by luw to make a record of the same, and witlnii nlnety days after such raarrlage dellver to the connty clerk of the county in wklch the marrlage took place, a certlfled copy of ach record. A neglect to i-oiiiply wltn tbe above, a refusal to dellver, on demand, to the partles Joined, a certifícate f iiiarrliiK'. r a false or flctltlouH entry, Is punUhable by a fine not exceedlng one hundred dollars mul in default of paylng the same, be lmprlaoned In the county Jall utilllsalil Hn be pald, hut not to exceed the perlod of nlnety days. m Eliza N. Young, of Jjowell, having sustained serious injuries because of a defective sidewalk in that place, sued the village for $10,000 damages, and has just reeovered $3,500 I Will Ann Arbor take warning ? A ramble over the city will disclose some exceedingly dangerous places. Miller avenue bas two or three fearful bad places, and there is bardly a portion of the city in which some may not be found. Is our sidewalk ordinance being revised by the present legislatura ? Or are our walks to remain, as they have been for years, a disgrace to our city and people ? The republican city convention will be held this evening, at the court house to domínate the next city officers. Present indieatioQs are that the contest for mayor will be between ex County Treasurer Fairchild and ex-Mayor Smith, and the contest for recorder will be between Joel V. Hamilton and Geo. H. Winslow. Supervisor Krapf has no organized opposition in the lst and 2d wards ; A. A. Gregory has a clear track for a renomination in the 3d and 4th wards, and G. H. Rhodes and two or three others are candidates for supervisor in the 5th and 6th wards. The nomination of any of these inen ought to prove satisfactory to the party. The concluding entertainment of the lecture course will take place this evening, at university hall, when the Rivé-King concert cotnpany will make their firet appearance in Ann Arbor. The company consists of the following artists: Madame Juliü Rivé-King, the world famous pianist ; Signora Laura Bellini, prima donna soprano ; Miss K mil) :i Mabellü, contralto ; Mr. George Broderick, basso cantanta ; Mr. Ferdinand Dulcken, the celebrated composer and musical director, and Herr Ileinhard Richter, violinist and ooncert meister of Imperial opera, St. Putersburgh. The lecture board takes pleasure in announcing the appearance oí this line company and trut m;n llic futrí liimiiM-iiL will iuw mUk tlic same warm recognition that has hitherto attended their efforts to secure the finest organizations in the field. We see a oorrespondent of a state paper [ aeks how it is that Easter Sunday dodges ' around so, coming in March one year, the middle of April the next, and so on? The moon is to blauie for it all. The encyclo, pedias enter into a mathematica] alculation in determining Easter Sunday which would have a tondency to disbearten even Herschell himself, (were he on earth), buttbe vulger notion is that Easter Sunday is determioed by the March full moon. If the fourteenth day of the March new moon falls after the 2Ut of that inonth, then the Sunday following that event is Easter Sunday, but if said fourteenth day of said new moon comes before the 21st of March, then the April full moon is the one from which to reckon, and Easter always comes upon the first Sunday after the Easter full moon. This year it falls upon the 17th of April. It never occurs after the 18th of April, we believe. The reason for all these things we have not space to give, but any one desirous of knowing can ea.sily ascertain by studying up on the subject. Oh, deur ! We wish those prophets of evil would let up a little. What's the use of scaring people to death ? Why not let thost direful things come upon us without sending us into the slough Despond away ahead of time? The last bird of black plumage is Prof. Grimmer - rightly namcd - of Cambridge university. He remarles "From 1881 to 1887 will be one universal carnival of death. Diseases unknown before, and which baffla all medical skill, will appear. Every drop of water upon the earth will be more or less poisonous. The great plague will begin in Asia and will move westward, -carrying destruetion as it goes. America will losa more than fifteen milliona of her inhabitants. Nor will the terrors of death alone briog fearful ezperiences to the human fainily. Storms, toroadoes and earthquakes will follow each other in startling succc.-.-icm, laying low whole cjties in their wrath. Mighty rainfalls will convert streams into raging torrente which will sweep all before them. Frightf'ul displays of electricity will strike terror to all hearts, and even wild beasts, driven by fear, will leave the forest wilds and crowd into the very cities, subdued and harruless. From the earth will pour forth suffocating fumes of sulphur, and the fish of the sea will die in countless millions and be cast upon the shore to add the odors of their decay to the fearfol stench. No wonder death will stalk over the land. No part of tha earth will be free from this visitation, but China, perhaps, will suffer the most. In order after this will come África, Europe and America. The Atlantio states will suffer more than the Pacific, and California the least of all. With all this the farmers will be so stricken with fear that 'gaunt famine will step in to make human misery more wretched;' and, as if this were not enough, in our own country civil war will add to the horrors of the scène." 1 A man witli a family sonietimes has a pretty hard time getting along in the world. For instance: W'hen a man wants to rent a houae, the first qnestion asked liim is: "Got any chlldren?" "Yes." "How many?" "Three." "Wel!, I don't believe I want to rent tbe house to anyone with children." And so the conversation ends, unless the man with the family agrees to pay two or three dollars more per week than a man without children would bave had to pay. Tben, again, we know of a family who wanted to take a few boarders, the lady of the house having the dcluded idea that she could nelp her husband along in the world a little by so doing. Some boarders applied, arrangements were made, and everythingwasapparently satisfactory, when one of them happened to thiak, "Any children in the house ?" "Yes, sir," replies the demnre little wouian, "I have four cbildreo, but they are very orderly, and will not be allowed to molest you." "It maken no differencc, I do not care to board where there are children to bother. " And so be and bis chum were off in search of a boarding house where there were do children. And so it is with everything. The honest, hard-working man, who is endeavoring by dilligence and perseverance, to bring up a family of children, is met with obstacles on every hand where diere should be encouragement in stead. Men and women, too, are quite apt to forget that they were children once, themselves. Tliey forget the troubles and trials, the sleepless nights and weary days spent with and for them when they were youog. They forget all the?e things now that they are grown men and women. He who remembers his childhood, aud he who "lends a hand" to hard-working parents, endeavoring to raise a family of children, is the truo philanthropist. We have poken so many limes about our inabiliiy to publish Communications unaccompanied by the signatura of the writer, that it would seem as though all must understand it. Vet roany do not scem to. Every few days we receive Communications to which the writers are either ashamed to attach their name.s, or else they consider the editor a very ingcnuous sort of a person. The individual who usually writes these anonymous commuaications bas an axe to grind. He wants to dodge behiad the quill driver and hit somebody a terrible blow. He wants the editor to iosult soniebody and get licked, while he stands back and enjoya the f'un, all unbeknown to anybody. He wants to correct the moráis of other people and use the newspaper to do it with, but has not the manliness to teil the editor who he is, (mually, we are allow ed to infer, because his own moráis are no better than those of the person he seeks to correct.) He desires to draw a mask over his own face and use us as a cat's paw to haul his chestnuts out of the fire. Kditors object to that way of doing business. They believe in doing all they can for the public moráis of a community, but don't propose to get at it in that particular way. If they are to help fight anybody's battles they insist upon knowing who they are fighting for. Using all of their power and influence for the right, they believe in the right way of doing thiogs, and the publication of anooymous letters is not on that side of the fence. So Messrs. " Voursfor the Right," "VoxPopuli," "Subscriber," 'Bony," " Yum Yum," etc., etc., need not waste stationery and postage, or reduce their mental capabilities by the wear and tear which their vigorous Communications must subject them to. It isso much time thrown away, and adds only to our greatly increasing stock of impatience and paper rags.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News