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Ilone.-ty is the best policy in medicine ai wüII as in other things. Ayer's Sarsaparilla is a genuino preparation, an unequalled spring medicine and blood purifier, decidedly superior to all others in the market. Trial proves it. Prof. Horsford's Kakin Powder. Dm. W ALLER, Cheraist of New York Board of Health, in a report on the purity nf f'ood, reoomtuends the uac of Bak ing l'.w.lors ina.le by Prof. Búhfbrd'a proAk Yoiirscir. Is it cT(iri.imii-l and safe to wreek your OODatitation by physical and mental overwork, invitinK the attack of disease, wlicn one botilc of hopi and iualt bitters wilt repair the stiain aixl ujkc you strong? PaortseiONAii Tistimony- Mny of tlie best physieians DoW.v'a Ki.ixir in tlicir liuily practico, becauso it is tue best cou;h rcnic-dy that can be made. Now a the time to use Baxmb'i M sDRAKI BriTKiis and prevent Dyspepsia, BilioOBDen and Jaundice, which are so prevalent in the spring months. Only 5 iiiit.H a bottle. IIkauv ft JoHimoii's Aehioa anu Oir, LlM.MKNT is a lamily reniedy wbiob sliould bc in every family. C-ied forCuts, Hurns, SeaMa, Bioiiet, Btimt, fts It haa do C(ual. iiiipurtant li.;iturc in Fellows' Compouod Syrup ol' Hypnphosphitcs ooinTort, bouyancyand rigor which is inapired by ita dm, a the patiënt recovers froni Moka!. No ot!icr preparation known cootaim ihfi tune potent and dirvt olT.'ct on dii nerrona system. J'rollt, l.voo. "To nu] it u], six long vcars of' bedridden siok 'mg $200 per year, total I1U00- all of this wii gtopped by thrcc boules of Hop Uitler., Uken by my wife. Slie h:n done her own booneworfc for a vear tincc, without the loss of' a day, and I want everybody to know il their benefit." - N. K. Farmer. L'minrut IMnsiciaiis are presoribing tliat tried and true reuiedy, Kidney-Wovt, for tbc wort-t easefc of biliousness and eOMttpation, as well as for ttdney eouiplainfs. Tlien1 i xarcely a panoli to be li)und tliat will not be greatly benefitted by a thurough course of KidneyWort every spring, W jou fcel out of sort and don t know wliy, try a p-ickage of Kidney-Wort and ynu will leel like a dcw croaturc. - Iodiaoapolu Sentincl. (.r.ililnl Woiiioii. NüDe reoaive so tuuc-h lienetit, and none i profoundly Krateful and -limv uc!i an interest in reaotuunding Sop Mittersas womcn. It is the only reinedv pcculiarly adaptad to the many illa the cx is almost universally subjoot to. (,'hills and fever indigestión or derangcd liver, constant or periodinl -irk beadaches, weaknöss in the back or kidneys, pain in the staalden and Ihferedt parts of the body, a fculing of assitude and despondeney, are all readily removed by these Bitters. - Courant. The Power or the Press. In mi way i.s the power of the presa nore surely shown than in the universal knowledge that has in les.s than a year,been diffused tbroughout fjfty niillion.s of peo pie of the wonderfal enrntive properties of that splendid reniedy Kidney-Wort. And lic people froni the Atlantic to the l'acifjc liavo shown their intelligcacc and their nowlcdgo of wliat is íd the papers, by al'eady making Kidney-Wort their houseliold remedy for all diseases of' the kidneys, iver and bowelx. - Herald. Stop that Cough. If' you are sufTering with a Coach, Cold, Ajthna, Bronchitis, Hay Fever, Coiisuoiption, loss of yoico, tickling in the throat, or any affection of the Throat or Lungs, use Du. Kixu's Nkw Oisiovkry for Con8umption. Thia is the great retucdy tbat i.s causing so uiuch czcitemcDt by its wonderful cures, curing thousands of hopeless cases. Over on' millioii bottles of Uk. Kino's New Discovkby have been nsed within tlc lat year, and have given perfect sati.-tiction in every instaneo. We can unicsitatingly ,-ay tbat this. is really the only 'ir for throat and lungaffections, and an cheerfully recommend it to all. Cali and get a trial bottle for ten cents, or a guiar aise for $l.ü). For sale by Ebereb i Son, Ann Arbor, Mich. Krsciicd Froin Ucatli. William J. ('oughlin, of Soraerville, Mass., says : " In the fall uf 1876 1 as aken witli a violent bleeding of the lungs, bllowed by a severe cough. I was so weak at one time as to be unable to leave roy )cd. In the suniraer of lSTTlwasadmittod to the city hospital. While tbere he doctors said I had a hole in my left UDg as big as a half dollar. I was so far gone at one time that a report went around bat I was dead. I gave up hope, but a 'riend told me of Dr. Wm Hall's Bai,sam kor hik Li sus. I got a bottle when to my surprise and gratificaron I comnenccd to feel better, and to-day I feel in etter spirits than I have in the pastthree yeai s. I write this hoping every one afflicted with diseased Lungs will be induced to take [)R. W.M. II ALI.'s BALSAS! EOR TUK LUNGS and be convinced that consumption can be cured." Sold by Druggists. THE LIOX MALARIA AND LIVER PAD And Bod T " Foot Platra. Will not only cure Malar ia 1 Fevers of every kind but its action upon the Stomach Liver and Kidneys n correcting their rregularities and in enabling them to resume their proper functions makes it a reniedy of great value. Try it. The vhole combiaed treatuient for one dollar. ?or sale by druggists. Mothers! Mothersü Motherü! Are you dtsturbed at night and broken of' your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cuttiDg teeth? If so, go at once and eet a bottle of MBS. WIN8L0WS SOÖTH[NQ SVRUI'. It will relieve the poor ittle sufferer imtnediately - depend upon t; there is no mistakc about it. There is lot a mothcr on carth who has ever used t, who will not teil you at once that it will regúlate the bowcls, and give res-t to the mother, and relief and health to the ohild, iperatinc like magie. It is perfeotly Bafe o use in all cases, and pleasant to tbc ate, and is the prescription of one of the oldestand beat kinilc pliysicians and oaraai n the United Staten. Sold everywhere. -." cents a bottle. 1Ü)7 V ( 'ons. ! r Sorc Throat shouid be rtopped. N'rglcct frequently results in an Incwroblt Lung Diteatt or dm siniiit'tit. Brow.n's Bkonchial Trochk.s an certain t giet nlirf in Attkma, Brondixtit, CotwrA, Catarrh, CbMwnp¦I 'J'ln-iKit Oisitisvs. For thirly ycar the '1'roeheH have Iteen reoonimended by physicians and always give perfect satisfact ion. 'Plicy are not ncw or untried but having been tested by wide and con,-tini OM lor nearly an entire ceneration, they have attaincd well nicrited rank among the few slaple remedies of the age. fíiblic Speaker and Singertuee them to cletr and strengthen tin1 Votce. Sold at twenty-five a box everywhere. 10Ü7 58 lituklcnN Árnica Sal re. The Best Salve in the world for Onts, Hruises, Sores, Ulsers, SaltRheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapncd Hands, Chilblains, ('nrns and all kinds of Skin EruptioDS. This Salve is warranted to give perfect atisfaction in every case or ruoney refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For sale by Eberbach i Son. Ann Arbor. 1002-1034


Ann Arbor Courier
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