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llie frreeland Star man saj-9 he'J "like to liave a wife who would lct us kkl licr." W'cll, huí- but, perhtp, thcre must be some mistake. What a queer idea lh editor of tlie Corunna American possesses of' (be duties of wma ofl "A man, to discharge tha duties of jtutice rbould have some iflM what law i, BOOM defined notiou of justioe and of the rules of evidenee." Tlie Farwell Register, one of our very norlliern exchanges, lias just entered apon the lsth ytar of ts existence. Bro. llolileu has toiled on through the thick and thin of pioneer lifo until he is now independent, and owns two or three apers. May tho ntxt dtoade iritimni a similar elimb up the ladder. .Moij'iiiy niorning's papers told of the (inding of the dead body of II. O. Chapín, of the Car) Advertiser, at Lapeer, or the Saturday previou II Qi off tlie 'A') (rain of the May City road, on the evening previous, wandered to the rear of the locomotive house, and there expirad. N'umeroua paper.", considerable raoneyand a watch and ehain were Ibund upon his persoo. The philosopherof tlie Montcalm Ilerald thus soliloqu Alt. r thinking the matter all over earefully wc have eoM te the conclusión that if President (arficld wants us to go to Washington and help turn run tho governin. 'ut he will havo to seod for us. We are ing down there aninvited atonrown expense, to hang arouod and fooi around, and be roubbed and treatui as though we ren of no account. Pío, we are notgoing there to !. sooroded, laughed at, snubbed and t ibboed in 1 r, w itteotionaexoept f rom the bootbUok?. We are loo smart lor that. The extreme moémlty ui' mom edit. exeellcd only by tli.'ir groat reticence ia di.-pliiyihi; their virtue-. , ¦ ¦„,¦ the ArOton Recorder man: Tfce report that a Michigan editor de1 un tlie gravo of a dead sub:-eriber a ibur year'a, napaid nbKriptioa bilí, a palm Maf &n, a lioen coat and a thermometer, il unlrue, tor there is rtrong reagons for believing that evcry Miohixan editor, -ave me, bom DMdeet; forbidf us namiiiir ia MTiog np the !a.-t three men: artloiee for nú own u-e wben the time comes for hiiu to pui "over there." An Exohanfa -..-; a lot ot minii met the oi her da; in Nuw Yorlt, to pray for the pre-s, and now an exchange sugLM-t- ihat ÜM preM return the compliment by holding a neiting and jiray ('or the uiinisters. Hut right here oooiat a atamper. Who is to d ) the prayiiiL' ? ('ityeditors dün't have time, and il' anybody expeets a country oditor tu pray for anybody except liiniM'H' it ju-t shows they don't anderstaod huuian nature. Our devil says he can spare a few minutes alter upper for tbe business. Ilenisan offer from the Ypsilantian, whicli any one ota accept if he ch. aml tliink.s what not truc: While Mr. Sobomaoher'i letters to Dr. Croaby, of New Vork, deridiair and attacking him for lus "defeow" of antiprobibitioo, may have been impertint-nt, the publit-ation of them in the Independent was cowardly in Crosby and unpardonadle in the paper. We will atrree to give any mie $.') for each man who can write an original letter, containing not loss than one handred worda, whieli we eau nat find a mistake in, il he will pay us ten cenls for ach om who makes one or more mistakes. J'hat -: Nut oue man in fil'ty i- a ma-ter of gramrnar and orthography. We doubt if even Dr. Crosby ever composed an artiïle that went into print without correction.


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