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Mrs. Sarah .A. Renwick, wife o! Nallmn 1!. Renwlok, altor brief llloataol leM llmn iwo days died the 2ÍHh ilay f Mareli. L-.-il.ut loa nee of her motner-ln-law, In Nortbfleld. ll.i iiKv al tbetlmeol hn ili-atli. was nt-arly a vean. Bba waa born in tiu.i towmbtp and llvad tbere iiurlni! ber whol Uta. Her ludden mul anexpeoted aeatb bal brougbl i row and ilisinay totb bearUol ber relaureí and otber rrlendt, Cor itie bad, by bar kind and afleollon ate ilisposition, ndeared beraelí to thrm all. Much syrapalhy isíeltforMr. K.nwlck, wbo lum within t lif lust six idoiiIIin, Imt by deatb une of hls two cbJldren aod bU latber, and now the mmiiy airela la anta iiroken by the death of hls wlfi'. Otber r.lative deeply moarn tlieir los. Mrs. Carrie Bnilthwaltt, f tlils olty, whlle UlUna; Manda Ín Ule aaatern parí "i Iba alatta ti N.éw York, _r:l]i)l llM .Tl Inl her death and haslened home lo pay ! tribute o! reKjiect Ui Iht d-artl xiHter. !¦ roshUH land, of Nor "11' -l "i Uieur.lon Her Iber wa.--Msler ( 'liarles W orín Worden, ol rilj . mul John Worden ofNorthfleld. HernUJiei nnd mother dled vh il. wa ui üilunt.but Mr. aml Mr. k her In and gave ¦ ¦.Ki borne, They weremuch attaohed , :m.l ihey orrow over lier departan the Ittle -!nlil ihe Mas lefi behlnd lier, huw hei. -it ol :i mother'i cara and guldHiice, I e.,iiallv (ortonate in Hinlina a -"1 Ik 'and knul Manda to watch over her and galde her irlelit Mtm. Renwlek'panof Ufe ha Kured oot, aDd u is a naytr) to liei IriendH wliy on so youiii: aml wlioie preoenre Ree 'I s.i n.-.-.-ssarv ror the oomlorl Hinl hapnlneM of lier famlh ibonld be taken away; fiuttbi my-u-ry of Providencavlll "ot ba unfoMwl totiietn iintll thiy "greel her on the other sldfl." lint one thliiK .'1 m; IMa ¦ared ¦ rroví.loncc allkc IIn whal He Ive and wlmt iletnes ' The real i Ireator gHve her blrth, Aml reareil lier from her inother t-artli ; He liad a riKlit to eall lier bonM Kreun (TM4e( e N yet U come.'