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.,'!( 10 MCllilOl-i. 4JTATKOK MICHIGAN, -o'inty o! ,.-" ,¦(. JS (jo li D. thai i) au unUí ¦ P-obat, i , untyi.l Wa-hienaw.madeon ,'„,¦ fonrteenth day ol Mmli A ¦ rr,,mihitda' i roí crédito - ,h,.r claim . Klllolt. late ¦ "'" '" r.i.l !¦ wiWI'ro „, i..., V I "II il! lima will hord befoir -i Coarl 11 dn, the toarteenth dar ol .limo, mi oo Wadan Mi ti., toarteenth Jay of Beplcmbcr, nexi, al t.-n ,YWk iu the foren.... n ol each ol said Jfc H Dated Aun Arbor, M irch 1 lili, A. I), isxi. WII.I.1AM 1). IIAKK1MAN. Judge of Vrobate. (haiicory Sale. STATE oe MICHIGAN -The Circuit Oowt for tbe ounty nf vVaihtenaw. In chancery. Mary K. Oostello, guardián of Mary Coste lo and Roben Coetello, minor, comí' i John Caetello, Mary Ann Conten... charle 8. 'iregory, lienry U. (iregory and John H. Evart, defeudants. In pursuance and by vlrtne of a rtecree of aid ,-ourt made and entend in the ahove entiUed cau-e. „„ th't irnih day of Fcbroary, A. D. 1881, uotice i her.-M LTiv.-n that I hall selí at public auction, to the bíghet bidder, on Monday the ltith day of May, A l 1881, Ht two o'clock In atternoon. at the cast front 4oor ol the court house, in the cuy of AnH Arlor Washtenaw county and state of Mlchlran. the lollowlng described real enlate, being the !,mr naationad and descrlbed in satd deeree tovrlf AU of thosc cerlain traets or panels of land i th'e lownshlps ol helo and Webster, In the county „f Wnbtmaw! j Im on Mili Creek, near the villagc ,f I),t,r, being thesaw-mill and site of the hum and a grist-mill wtth tlielr privileges and appurtenanceí bounded an.l desenhed as follows: Com„I A " Street in tald village of Dciter, according to ilie rwwrded plat thereor, at lts Interscction wlth "C" streel or the Aun Arbor ,... and running thence north ninetcen denm and nlle.-n minute, eaa along the center ot ' A -trect cbains and txtjr-tbree link-, to a -takc ; north s.venty degree and forty-flve mliinie, estat light anglra wth "A" street two chaina and rwentv-one lmks; thence norih nlneteen d ii.l titeen minutes, al parallel wtth "A" i ODe chnin and Hrhiy llnk, to the line of a plece of lnd oíd by 8 W. lieiter toJulius Kamse ; thence aoñhfoi hboundary ór thc M" lii-'an Central Kallroad; tbence westerly Jong the south boni.dary of satd tallro.rt. croseliig ¦111 Cre. k to lh aoalbweet boumlery of ilie mbllc hlghway Uatiag Mili Crart frora nc villue oí H.iler to l town of Dute; thence aloog tkc "onth .-i b nindary of tl e liïhway atoreaald íoiuh-eaeterly to a strke In b" -onilmm boundvy "I il highway, ftaudlng ,-venty and one-half degreei!, eaat lity-lx from nortkwwl oonwr of HU "Me' barn ; thence fouth tw.nly det-rce, tblrtï-flve nlnute. wesi ten chain nd twentynve luik tu a uketáiidini' oatti MTenty fnnranda l.alld. ntj-three lioka from a black oak tree nine ii diameter, and nortti cventy-four degree, w.nt tlíty-nine links trom a Uta uak ure aeveii Í diameter ; Ihence onth ixty-nlne dreen eotj Uve mlnotes, eal two and flfty-íix mkato tl.e mili pond; thuoce eaeterly across the mil pond to a white oak atnmp on the tonthaaM ank thereot nlM inche in diamei.r ; thenoa north orty degree-, eat nlnetyeliíht linkt to a Make uodininonl olghtjlbnr 1íTM,mI ninellukB rom a black oak tree, sliteeu inche in diameter, thence i.orth flve degrec, east one chain and cvcny-livelinkatoapoBt; thence north tweuty-flve deitree and thii ty minute, -at two rhaln and nlnetjrix links to a take on the tOBln boumlary ot ' or Ann Arbor road ; thence to Ilie place of beKÍA'd;a'lo the ri-ht and ol íowtag witli water, and at all times overrtowlnt' and keeptnR irerflowad with water o much and uch parís ol he northwcet uiiartcr of sectlon number seven and all ol eclion number six in towiwhip two, ¦outh ol range flve cast, a may orean be overllowcd by ralsng the water inthe mili pond on the premtesaboc coñveycd lo thc hcight and lev.-l of a ccrtaln spie inven inacrrtnin lari;e oak iree tttadlsf on the caít bank oí mili creek in the valley thereof, a rew rods Iwlow Ihe dnm on hicli the road croses aid creek at tiie villaje of Dunter, and of a mark made 10 loirenpond theiewith and a nall driven thcrein Öa ÜM sid.' ol the second posl (connting down utreani) from the gatei of the dame ol the aaw-mlll on the west bank ol aid creek at said dam scven uthes hclow the shuuldcr ofsaiil pol, said mark on eaid flume-post and on aid oak tree belng the Hmr marka whlch wr placed there by K. Hn-e and B. Thiclson. civil enKineere, at the time ol makinK the mark of the same height on tbe griet millatsaid dam (since hurned) Inch nmrks hare been geuerally underatood and known by the persons worklng in and about the grlt mili and sawmill at sald dam and generally spoken of and referred toas the hcight or maiks to whlch the water of said dam mieht be ratsed. 'I hluconvejaiice i made subject to all tncumbrance oí all road. streets aud utrnways now laid out or running throilfjh ov.r or into any part of the premisea alwve couveyed and al-o reservloK all that piece or parcel ol land leretofore conveyed from l'.aii. Jr.. and Alvah Aldrlch to Samuel V. Uexier and by sald Dexler to ilenry Vinkle. All thoe certain pieees or pareéis of land iltnated on the Huron river in the townshll) of Scio iu the county oí Wa-htenaw amt i-t.te ol Nlichifan knowu the Scio mili properiy toelher with all tbe Ilydraiili'" power and privilege as heretofore used for tha naat and parpoMl ol said mi II and all the righte and privileges owned and held in relation to the keeplui; up ol the dam to the height of eietit feet and two luches above the natural level of sata Hurón river and the right of flowlng the landa above eald mlll being the same premises the nndivlded half of which was conveyed to Ilenry suydim, Jr., by Nelson H. Wing by deed uated Junan Hst, A. p. 185" and recorded In liber Jj of deeds In ihe Kegistcr's office of Washtenaw county on page DTil and the other undivid'd half as couveyed to satd Suydam on foreclosuieof a morttage made by (ieorge Wal ker and William PopkSl by mwtar in Chancery' deed dated Oct. 3rd, A. D. IHÓO, and recorded In liber 31 on page 2!t8 and by tbe said Suvdatn conveyed to John Gardner hy deed dated March Ird, A. D. lsör, aud conveyed to Eduar Uieil 00 foreclosure ot the raortgaue given by aid üardner for the parchaM mouey bv Ma-ter in Chancery's deed dated Oct. lst, A. IJ. 1859, and recorded in liber i" of deeds on page t77 iu aid liegiter's otlice and by Edgar Keeci cOBTeyed lo Almet lieed by deed dated Hli, A. 1). 1881, and recorded In liber 4a on page 514; a portion of said mlll property is embraced in a deed made by Samuel w. Foster to Orsou (uaekenbush dtited .luly lS;h, A. I). KIT. and recorded in líber "K" OD page 4"s and Is eupposed to describe said mili property by nietes and Dounda: Also all the land and premi-es conveyed by the Michigan Central railroad Compun) to Almet Keed by deed dated April let, 1SU2, and recorded In liber 4ü on page 501 together with all the rigbta and imeresis of whutsoever kind conveyed by Almet Keed to John W. Green by deed dated Autrut Ist, A. 1. 18M, and recorded in said Regl-ter's office Sept. tith, 1m1, in liber 54 of deeds on page VJ. Also tbe folIowiuï dpccrlbed lands and premisea known as the George Walker store (so called) at Scio village as described in a deed from A. 11. (reen ana wlfe to Gaorge Walker and recorded in the office of the Kegister of deeds for Wanhtenaw county in liber "T" of deeds en page 414 and 44ö and whlch hut described lands were also deeded by Artimus M. (iitlin and Elljah V. Morgan to John W. Green on the ll)th day ot Aug. A. 1). 1864, and recoided In saiii Register' office on the 9tn rtay of Baotembar, A. D. [894, In libar 64 oí on page 274. All of the aiiuvc de-cribed parcela of land and premines being Iba '.me conveyed by said .lohn V. Green and wife to John M. Markell nd said William C, HajrhM by deed recorded in said Uegister's olMce In liber 6ti of deeds on pagr ÜTT. .The löUowlng descrlbed piece or parcel of land, to wit : CoRnnendng at the north-east corner of block slghteen (18) in the village of Dczter, in the county oí Washtenaw, and running thence along the ea-i line oí stid blocb. in southerly flirectlon, nne hnn dred and flfty (eet, thence eslerly on a line parallel with the Atin Arbor road, twenty-flve teel. thence north -eteily, on a line parallel with the eastcrly line of said block, to thc Ann Aibor road, thence cacterly, along the line of sald road, to the place of begin nlni.'. Also the undividcd one-halfof lot ntinibei nina (t) in block number seventeen (1"), of the village ol Dexter, according to the plat thereoi. All of said lands being in the connty of Waehteirnw and State tl Michigan together with the t' ii' ment, and appurtenancc there unto iu auy wit.. belongiug or thereupon -itualed. Ann Arbor, March Mth, A. 1). 1881. PATKICK UcKBBNAN, Circuit Court Commlssioncr in aud for the Couuty of Washtenaw. Sawïïb aud Knowi.ton, Sollcitorx, and 11. I Bkakks ).f Counsel for Coinplainant'-. JiiuT. Honkt indLiWAi:i D. Kinnk, Solicitors tor Defendants. A8SI(;NEKSSAr,E. I, S. (jregory Assi.nee )it Kvarts & Co. will sell at the same time and place menti ned iu the above noüce ot Clumcery sale, the other undi vided one half of lot number nlne (il) in block num ber seventeen (17) of the village of Dexter, according to the recorded plat thereoi, and on the same termand couditiotis a the other half of said premi-es oi named in the above sale. Sa d premises are -itnated iu the county of Wa-htenaw and state of Michigan. CHAKLE8 S. GKEGORT. ïreg-lftSS ¦ Aaslgnee of Erarla & Co M. S. SMITH & GO., Importing Jewelers, Detroit, mark every article in their choice and extensive collection in plain figures at FIXED PRICES from which there is no deviation. M. S. SMITH & CO., while being one of the largesi Jewelry heuses in the west, recognize the fact that in their business as well as in all others coniparative competition exists, and have, in order to sustain the pre-eminent posi tion which they have so long held, adjusted prices upon such a basis of equality that to undersell them on the same class of wares and realize a proflt is impossible. This wil be understood when it is statec that their large purchases are made direct from the manufac turers, both at home and in foreign markets for CASH thus securing discounts that can be obtained in no other way. 1028 il DAVIS SWWCHTOÑ Jf[ JU AWAIU'KIt PIB81 Y [i "%1'r l' .'nüH-ftltorn ut m' Ii7 "' ¦ fi y li' M ut Inti-riiütH'ii;i] lLr Dalry FMr. Th i ¦T" uifdn mi. Circulan ut-ut on ajT FARM MACHÍN E CO. lAl.l.s, rBKMONT.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News