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A motion lias been made tur a new trial n the Fischer -Wing case. ín Scio, Tliursday at ia.-t vrcik, Agnea Groas died, aged ti 3 y car. The county canvasi-cis i 1 meel mxt Tuusday, at the court BOOM. The Cook house will be open for buai ness next Monday, it is sxpeoted The cotumoD counuil tuects Mouday night and closes up the yeir's work. Dr. W. W, Nichol8 is to put an elegant bay window in his new office, on tlic Wshingion strcet side. The total number of prohibitory votea o ika ;1 kul MáaJay, I 16, OUt OÍ an aggregate of 1 ,430. In publishing the lint uf' Ül ward delegatej last week an error was made o omhing the naiiii' of Win. Hen. The Ban. Andrew D. White, president of Cornrll universiiy, has reaigned his position u minister '" iimiij The Olyniíiia will meel Murnlay veoiog, April loth, at Mr. Kmiua Chapia' dent-e, No. 54 VVwhiDgtOB ttreet. The room of H. W. Haye-, ih M I'. EL K ticket aent, ai esterad Wedni-sduy nigln, aad tliat geDtleman'a pants and $20 in money stolen. Accordingto program the rirouit oourt will coDvene uext Monday, ihe i lth in.-t., to which tima it was tJoarned beeause ol the illness of Judgn Morris. The inoon chauged yenterday, and so did the weather. At least yesterday was quite spring liko. It could have had our cjnsent tu chango several days ago. Some of the suiall boys had a bonfírc Monday night, and the oan 1 crenaded one r two of the neeanfal candidatos, but therewasn't a terrible sight of "jubilatiun. " A class of 41 are to be conürinrd at Zion's Luthcran church, at lOo'clock a. ui., next Sunday. Also at tlie Uethlehetn Lutheran churoft a c!a-s of 30 will I tinned, at the same hour. The house of Fred. Albor, on l'ontiao street, 5th ward, cauglit liro Wednesday morning, from a defective flue, and was damaged to the extent of about $200. The 5th ward tire department mly was cal led OUt. The dtmocrats are fond of tiinging "SweetlJili Muhnii.-, Bwat BUI Mahone!" But forsome reas in, probably best known to themselves, tliey never sing the chorus : " Meet me now at Heaveu'H gate, Bwaet Bill Mahone.1' They all sond hini to the other place. The way the party is injured by not running a township ticket, is shown by the vote in Dexter township, whure the rápublicans ooly polled L'l votes for judge. There being no local interest to bring out the republicans of course the state and judicial ticket suffered. That weather prophet of evil, Vennor has to!d an atmospheric untruth- that is he has vaporized,- or sometliing of the kind. At least he stated that Mksbigu would haveabigflood April átli. Have not seen anything of it yet. A good rain would be gladly welcomed. A notice of tfiedeath of Ilenry S. Vaill, which occurred at Sacramento, Cal., on March 9tb, has been handed us by Mr. W. (i. Tibbals, of this city. He says that Mr. Vaill was once a resident of this city, and that it is suDposed he has a Mtor living somewhere in the vicinity. A comniittee of twenty-Gve has been apl'jiuted by the reform club of this city to altend the inass temperance conventioa, to be held at .Jackson, on the 13 tb inst. A comuiitteo of three was also appoÍDted to inake arrangeruents for reduced rates from t'üs station for Umm desiring to ttend. Bliiabetfa Uil!, of the 5th mrd, vw djudged in.-ane by Judge Harriman, apon the eyidenoe of ' lrs. Bretkey and 0' I laat PViday, and taken to the county unul an opening shall occur at the Pontiac asylum. Perry C. Clough, of Ypsilanti, ns alo Leen pronounced insano, aod aitted to the Pontiac a.sylum. Od Wednesday, the i;;th iost., the an"ual meeting of the northwestern branch ' the wornan's foreign mi.siüiiaty society o1 the M. E. Chureh, is to occur in thi.-s y. U is expected that there will be a very large attendance. Tlio raeetini? hutl lor three days, and will be of reat interest to chureh workers and syuipathizers. J)r. J. W. Megan, formerly of Fennville, Allegan counly, has uioved with lm fatuily to Whittaker's corners, Annu-tatownship, the new station on the Detroit i Butler lv R., where he intends to not only enter upon the practice of his profession, but iso put in a stock of drugs and medicina. MMt kigtíy rcomniended to our citiz'n, and i welcouied to the county. Well, t this doesn't beat all. The ther nieter hugging zero every day, way into P"I. Perhaps old Mother Shipton did "ve a vion ! Bat then, wo .hould like hve it a litlle warmer, any way. We ¦'"ce that HM of I,L. ni!,I)Ie bu(]s have sled, bat jut „hen the atmo.phere was ' enough to 8Urt them, is a mystery. t have been laat fall sometime, and y 'foze up and kept through Frank Hangsterfer, of this city, is to Kv one of his popular entertainments at Mungcr's hall, Duudee, od Wednesday evening, April 13th. The proceeds, it tl understood, will be dovoted to the band uniform fund. Frank ncvcr niakes i failuro in giving (lic people a good entertainment, something to laugh and grow fat over, and we f'eel certain the Dundee peo pie will appreciate it if they atleod. Thcre haa bi'on a branch of the Catholic roleot l'oion organized here, aod numbercd 14. The following is a list of the offioen: Fivsideut, M. J. O'Brien; vice-prcsidcnts, Wm, Kennedy and Wm. Cupary; recording secrctary, 1'. II. Dignao; financial aeoreiary, C.F. Carey; treasunr, A. Eisele; marshal, R. Burns; trusl'ani.'l F. Rosa, J. V. Shechan, F. Sheehan, Wm. Caspary and C. F. Carey. Monday eveniog the election board of the tth ward, in rapidly casting up their figures, skipped several votes upon the citizon's ticket which were cast for Thos. .1. Keech for alderman, and Dudley J. Loomis for constable. The error being nutieed the board rc-counted the ballots ind l'i'iind thcm to agree with there-count. These votes elected Messrs. Keech and Loorui?, the former by six votes, the latter by otie. Ir ivmvenience and reference - as every membmr is supposed not only to forget all about it, but actually duny the fact before 11. xt )ring - we pobliak the naiues of the uemberi of the reimblican and democratie city couiinittPi's ; the latter for the benefit of our niuny deuiocratic readers: RepnbHcan City Commtttee.- Joe T. Jacoba, ltt wftrd, ctiairiimn ; Krank Kmirick, 2d ward; Cüarlei B. lli-cock.iü ward ; J. O. Knowlion, -4th ward ; A. Haminuiiii, S ti ward ; A. P. Martin, 0ih ward. Democratie Cliy OoBUÜttte. (ioitlub Luu-k, l8t ward, chairman ; A. I. Heeimt-r, _d ward; i'hllin .. U ward; M. Fleming. 4ih wrd ; Frank II. ürimaD, 6tb ward ; I. H. Siark Cth ward. .Mrs. Al-ie WtttOB, oí' the 4th ward of thi city, died last Tuet-day of consumptiüti, having been confined to the house and bed, unablu to hlp herself, for a long time. She leaves two children, a boy and a girl, who are now alone in the world, their father havin# died of the same disease whieh took away their njother, some six yeara mih-p. Mrs. W'at.-on was a sister of Zach Roath wiih Baeh & Abel, and a hall-sinter of Jas. K. Carr who lias been M inany years foreiiian of the Argus office. The funeral was held from the Congregatioriíil iliunh yesterday afternoon. The followiog notice of the Franz Abt concert eoiupany, from the !rass Like News, is the one we intended to publish last week, bul by gome mistak e we cut out the wrong oqe, Mistaket will happen, you knuw, go just Mil.stiditi: (liis, : ThOM oí mir pcdplf who failed to altend the concert giren by the Abt concert company at Union hall, 'iindny night last, mlad im ninHi.-Hi treht, at tli; pt-rrornunce from beginning to il vvhk of a hii;ti oidar of marlt. Tb Mlectlou wer of the bt'Ht, and tha ri'ndiilon Ibaraof bowad muc i practica mul culture unlv nitained by yi-arx oí itudj nllte Alian, lololft, huí u magnK i nu. d volee, and her rendttlou of the difltcult piecea in ihe cast showed her tár superior to maoy i)rolf--i.nal vucallati of the day. Mis. Jeseie Taylor, pianist, a flne p. rfouner, and Mr. Kice au a yioliniat gara ome marited eleciion. Tho Bingi ii lt oí the raale (luartette wae the feature of the rviiiiiik', anl neurly uil their placel wen encoied. The in mliiTK of the quartette were O. L. Taylor O li. Iic.., 0. -. Well, and A. A. Hal);. Altoüetber tbc troupe la an excellent one, wurthy the patronage of ¦ inii.-ic-loviiiK people." The concert of the Hivè King cotupany at unversity hall, last Friday evening, wan not very well at tended. There were too inariy counter attractións : A republican city convention, and a meeting at the opera house. Xevertheless those wlio did attend were quite well repsid. Mrs. King is certaitily a marvellous manipulator of the ivories. She sits down to a piano, and and without apparently moving, rolls the music out of the instiument in beautiful strains. She is fully equal to Sternberg, if not superior. Their wanner and style f playing are not at all similar. Richter is an excellent violinist. To our un clus i 01 i ai s, bil music sounds as Well as that produeed by Wilhelmj. He is not equal to Ilcnienyi, howevor. Hellini did very well. The remainder of the cotnpany, Mabella, Dulcken and one or two others were injuivd in a smash up somewhere in Ohio, aml could not appear. An exeeedingly pleasant event oeeurred at the residenceof üeorge M. Henion, who lives out about three miles on the Pittsfield road, last Momlay. That day was the óTth anniversary of Mr. Henion's advent uto tlns world, and his wife and family arranged a surprise for him. He was running for the very lucrative position of justice of the peace in his township, and so of course had to attend town meeting. When he rcturned to his home he found it filled with frienda and relatives to the number ti -¦' or 30, and a very fine collation spread upot, the table. His mother, six brothers and M-ters, several of his children were present, and a number of nice presenta were left as souvenirs of the day, and regard for him. Mr. Henion eame to this county in 1835, was married the year following, and bas lived on the farm whcre he now resides for twenty-five years. The pfaurat onding- for he was elected justice in the bargain- of his 57th birthday will be a bright, green spot iu his niomory as long as lic may live. A brief extract from a letter written by Dr. 4. L. Worden, of Dunlap, Iowa, will assuredly be of interest to many of our P ftdtn, u he aml li is wife- formerly Carrie Hutchins- have hosts of friends in this city and vicinity. The doctor writes : "One year ago to-morrow we left Ann Arbor, and l -¦¦ iny Mbnriptioa for the Courier has run out. I wiah to subscribe for it again and havo writ ihe woDey. We look for the paper e very Monday morning, veryeagerly, and would foei as though we had nffered great loss if we could not have it. Th.: bod columns are of especial interest to M We have done very well here, but miss oíd Arn Arbor aud her advantages. We have a eradle in our home now, and a real live baby in it. Indeed Anna Belle is the belle of Iowa. Does C. H. W. look any oidor now that he is a grandlather? I have one of your mammoth posters pinnedup in our dining room- anoiversary of the Ann Arbor reform club, etc. You must be havng grand temperanoe times in Ann Arbor."


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News