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AMERICAN ; ii% . i u 1 1 9 BALLBLUE THIS IS THE BEST BLÜEINC IlsT USE! IT IS KOT POI80N01 HELI'S BLEACHING nd 0IVE8 A BEAUTIFUL TJNT! &jFor teta by all Grocers..: American Ultramarine Works, H l.aup. w Vork. 82 10g ieomJDaiinS(;S CONSUMPTION. (n hk tu ii popnlai i !- thal ;i remedy said to cure :t varir! v "I mi phonld !': tn-nled w'tli oantlon, - mpldon, tb Inventor h. tetad toma Itme i ii placlng ii Ik Ion' the pulli ; l'tit from !!¦ rratilyhj : iro t number i tbe vltallzh,K .-iml hctlth-rcnewlng propertlet o( hli prepara tion nf Hypophofphlt, n rlety of rirrnni-ni p, M ! i quiulf MtifAed that these efléi -'¦iiircii by lo ur. ilini icrton to pecnltar to bta un, lid thal ll-.llllllion :- DOtOnl) rurnlilc. bot, op t" cerliln i omrolled a moa! otht'r di-n-f-. # ? W hile II Iba (ta sf tkf inventor lo eonvej tirarnullon lo tucb a raqulra hh llypophotphhw, II la h;r linii i-li.'i ihai lia ii-'1 ill be ralnsbta u II & l"n' liff oí uliti nrv ttlUffilDIl l"r hmltb. VVIih h fith baud ui.i Ihe i iperlenc "i lwele yo ín. rre irould iim despnir r ruilortng n patuMit, Buflérlnc from ihe :i M.i v - mmod dlwMe, iven Ihoanll ic.iii., d ni n ¦!¦!) i u suictnd not complientad oí guie i"--. t'UM. Mu n.. Muy Ín ! Wf.' AUow me lo say tlint I Mtcem your "Hjrpophixphlteii" nnr-t blsbir, nd toi Uom eoLMjrd id profeptloni iw largely on the ¦ ií invulllülili'. I llcd iLIOynell wlth tie motl mi'factur] reralu ndharelnnumber it m pole. [tovaraad l. W. BAIBB, Pastor st. Mtchacl's Caibelic Chareta. 1' m N. H. DOWNS 1 VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR ís a sure cure for Coughi, Colds, Whooping-Cough, nd all Lung Diseases, when taken in season. People díe of consumption impy because of neglect, when the timely use of this remedy would have cured thera at once. l'ifly-one vean of constant use proveí the fact that no cough remedjr has stood the test like Doten1 Elixir. l'i ico DSC. AOo. nd $1 .00 par botUo, For Sale Ererywher. Dr.Baxter's Mandrake 1 UlTTERi Will cure Jaundice, Dispepsia, Liver Complaints, Indigestión, and all diseases arising from Biliousness. Price 25 cts. per bottle. For Sal KTerywhere. iiKMiY &, MRnom ÁRNICA AND OIL LINIIENT Vor .Jíiiii anit 11 f ast. The most perfect liniment ever compounded. Price 25c and 50c. For Sule ETerywhere. ¦¦¦¦¦¦BB f o)JC'' "- " I S (' O S S IN' 'j I -¦¦" ."Ve,;-, i ¦ - TIIEi CHICAGO & NORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Ia tlie OI.DEST! BE I C0H8TBUCTID I KQUIPPKDI miei beso ih.LlvVDlNG RAILWAV -OF TUK - WEST AND NORTH WEST. It is thf elioitist and ln-st roste bMwwa Cbicago and all pulule in Norttoro Ilüaois, Itw. Dii::a. Wth::;, ;iobri:'_a, :a:ii:rni, Oreon, Arlnu, U'.ï;, Coludo, IliEc, Kntau, lïsvaii COUNC IL BLUFFS, OM AHA, 11KW, i.r. vi ii.i.i.. SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DE&DWOOD, SIOUX CITY, :ei:: ItfUi. Te: ItobN, (tfaatai, :-.i t pcistl ta :ho I titorie: asi tu Wen. Als: for Kilwatiix. Sreea Biy, ! ::h, Jbttsve;;. Mirqaov.s, Tal ds Lic, Wattrtswn, EoeeIiM, Kttub, Mo;i:ha, 3ï. PmL llins-apelii. Haroa. Vclja, Firec, E:5=;r:i. Wlaon, LsCront, :-:-.:::.i knd til pats li ustsota, Diüett, VUeouta ud ui mKivtit. At Conncll liluir thttntu of the Chicago & rforth-Wettern and the 0. P. H'f dparl (roa, arr:i- ir hd il lame joint anfofi depot. At Uhicauo. e OM connccltona ure with th.' Lukr Rhure, Midiliran Central, Bstttmora A Ohlo, 1'ortWaMic ami I'cuiik lviinla. and UkleaKOA üriiinl Triink Kj'f, and tlio Kankaokee mul l'sa HuihImRoatet, Close Conncctions Made at Junclion Polnts. It ia the ONtY I.IXK rawilaji Pullman Hotel Dining Cars l'.ET' ('lilcairo nul ('dimcil Bluft. l'ulllllilll Slii'iM-r 011 VII Mi:llt Irnlii. apon Ticket AL't'iiti1 telling vou ticki tuin rond. Examine your tickets, and lefOM to buy il tlu'y do not rend over triu blcafo nnd NorlliV extern Ballway. If you winti Baal Trnvolinu' AccommodattoiM yon will buv vour ticket tv Itali Cír-ANH W1I.L TAKi: NO OTHBK. All Vrcket Agenta s'-H tlokaU hy lAa, II Alt IX III . ITT. I6M -d V. 1'. & ..¦n'l Man'gr, Cblcaco, lOSJf FRANKLIN HOUSE, DETROIT, fimr nflitii ¦¦ i.iirncii Btrntf. t'4-nlrally lotalsd. Only one hl(M'k frotn Woudward and Jefferaon avenuea. Thlsi hnie ha hc.'ii tboronsbly renoTated, nd will !e fuund the BES! I OMMERCIAL HoTKL in the cily. Kmei (l.SU ptr day. WAURB a. jam kv ¦¦¦nu 100i-:',l pOFFINS AND CASES, VU L L S TO (JK AT MARTÍN' $ All ordnre prometí, atlnnlril to.


Ann Arbor Courier
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