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(Condtnned Jrom our County Exchanges.) ! BRIDUEWA7KR. The next meeting of the farmer's club is ' to be held at the residence ot" Henry C. 1 Calhoun, on Friday, May 6th. This township still paya a bounty for ¦ woodchucks, and 959 scalps have been [ returned the past year. ; Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Conklin celebrated , their golden wedding on March 30tli. A lame nutuber of presenta were made them, and a happy occasion was enjoyed. Daniel LeBaron has sold his farui, and bought another up in Tuscola county, to which he will shortly remove. Ile ia ono of the oíd pioneers and most respected residents of this section. Miscs Dora Reed, Nettie B. Puiuier, and Mrs. Lt Mar Brown, met at the Short school house reoently to decide which one the prize for being the best speller be longed to. Miss Reed won after a long contest. CHELSEA. The ladies of the Chelsea reform club made $15 electiontlay by running a lunch table. Fen " Whittaker, of Lima, in sawinir pickets a few days sinee, accidently cut off the stcond finger of his left hand. Thii item frotu the flerald must hit somebody in Ann Arbor: "Boys, wako up, it.s looks bad for the girls to have to cume all the way from Ann Arbor to look for their fellows." The great need of Chelsea at prosent, seems to be more residences. Several families desiring to move into town, are waiting to get hold of a dwelling to move into, and thore is not one empty. Election is over and the Herald thinks the village marshal indulges in sarcasm : " Tally one for the new marshal. He took particular pains laat Friday to inforni owners of' sidewalks tht t hoy musyt b keot mjo nuiu mu nn ren i.nnTwinler. Chip Basket. - B. Parker is making aome improvements on his residence. Henry Van Antwerp. it is stated, expecis to go to Florida soon, for his health. Tramps are getting numerous. Drs. Robertson and Speer are connecting their offices and residences by telephones. W. S. Snyder has gone to Greenville to live. Wednesday evening of last week tbe Congregational society held its fortnightly meeting at C. H. Kempf's residence and had a good time'. The council has appointed President Gilbert and the marsbal a committee to "fix the railiög on each side of' Main Mreet." H. S. Homes, being absent, and pot able to qualify as village treasurer in time, the couucil bas re-elected hiui. DEXTKR. The vote at the recent election in Scio towuship lacked 100 of being a full one. Leader: "The last of the ' gilt edged huoters ' has returned. Usual oomplaint : Muoey gone and do fat job secured." Frederick Krause and Mrs. Sarah J, Fay, both of Lodi, were married at the Dexter exchange by Rev. W. J. Campbell, on the 4th inst. The widow of Dr. A. II. Ewing has gone to Keading, Hillsdale county, to reside with her son, Dr. T. S. Ewing. She will be missed by her many friends here. The Leader wants a bed fixed in the lock-up for tramps. The idea u an huuiane one, but at the same time, it would have a tendency to encourage that detestable "species" of lazy brutea. The bed would seldom be empty and another and another would soon be oalled for. Last fall it was voted to hold the town meeting of 1881 at Tremper's school hou?e, about four mileseast of Dexter village. But the town folks didn't like it, so when the polls opened last Monday the election board adjourned to Costello's hall. The eastern and southern rendents of tbe townsbip didn't like that. Tobias Wygant thanks the peop'.e for the donation of a sum of money to replace an amount lost by hioi. In the purse wbich he lost was a penny given him on the morning after the day he received his discharge from the army in the war of 1812, and which was prized very highly by him on account of its associations. O. S. Burgess, who has the old documents, referred to last week, has also many curiosities. He showed Mr. Edgar of the Leader, "a box of curioua stones, the most rcmarkable one having on its face a a human bust, something like a photopraph, and almost as distinct. On the back the bust looks like that of a woman dressed with shawl and bonnet. Tbe other stones have similar profiles, but not so diatincily marked." Prof. Winchell is called upon to cxplain the singular rock.s. FREEDOM. Tlio following is the ticket elected in Freedom Monday of last week. They are all demócrata, of course : Supervisor- John G. Feldkarap. Clerk- John F. Kcebbe. Treraurer- Gottleb ScUerdt. Justloe- Jacob Knapp. Jusilce (vacanoy)- Tom, 8. Fllnu. (Jommlasloner- Jaoob Brelning. Hohool Iuspector- Ueorge Hohnlrrlnu. SapH of Scüools- August H. Koebbe. Constables- Fred. Vogel. Lewis Knehhe, Kdwaiu Duuci, rimuin ntMicr. MANCHESTER. The E.iterprise says: "Mutual lifuinsurauce agenta are thiok, ' the woods are full of 'em.' The Sharon people gave Geo. Schliclit $10 for the benefit of' the Guinpers who were burned out the other day. L. D. Watkins, Esq, is tosail from New York on the llth of June i'or a four montbs' tour through Europe, üreeland, Ioeland, etc Last week Wednesday, as Valentine Hohenberger was det-cending into a 70 foot well which he and his brother were bricking up on their place n Freedom, the rope broke letting him tall to the bottom, about 35 feet. It bruised him badly a d sprained fais anklc. SIIARON. The young ladies of the Sharon II. E. church got up a refreshment table on eleotion day, and made $19.50 cents out of the hungry voters, at 10 oents per lunch. The pruoeeds to be devoted to the Sunday acliüol fund. 8ALKM. There were two tickets in the field, the republican and greenback. The latter eleoted supervisor, ulerk, and treasurer, while ihe former took the balance. The following are the officers chosen : suttrvlsor- Thomas D. Lane, 73 mal. Olerk-riillcmuu H. Murray, l. Walter P. Holmi Jusilce - Hiixion Mftcomber, 22. Jutlce (vacancy)- Hlrum P. Daley 'S Hupt. t acbool-Oorge 8. Wbwi Oom, "1 lligliwuys- Juliii 1'eebloM. ;. School Inspwlor- Wllllmm K. I{aiulli Constablea-Harvey 0. Pnckard, Arlhur L. Rorabaclier, (ieorge Kutlar, Stephen O. W eelSAI.1NK. A. W. Blakeslee, of York, has sold his farm for $7,000 to l.-hi Kelsey. The Observer aays if you want to find out your faults it isn't ntnffwmry to run for ullicc, botjnat run a paper. Geo. W. and Frank Colu, Jasper Perry, and Alfred Davidson have gone to Tower City, Dakota, to remain if evcryihing suits them.