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It ia stated that Postmaster-General James favors a postal savings bank. Hon. IIuDter Savidge, of Spring Lake, died last Mondaj', aged 53 years. Ile was one of the prominent and wealthy mea of that scction. Wm. II. Edgar, one of Detroit's prominent business men, died last Sunday. He was boro in New York city, October 26, 1881, and had been in business in Detroit since 1860. The democrats in the senate are still obstructing legislation. They refuse to allow anv vote to be taken on senate officers, and so no business can be transacted or nominations confinned. The dear people pay for it all. The leader of the Boers is a native of IVnrisylvania. We thought that they must have some American blood over there from the reports of battles. They gave the Englifh a regular old fashioned revoltionary and 1812 reception. We notice that some Englishman proPOMI the introduction of sky larks into America. Now we don't believe that "larks" are especially straoge things for this country, o our John Buil cousin will not deserve a patent. If aDyof the 100 fortúnate whoae ñames appear on the list cannot go on the excursión July Ist, the Evening News wants to know it, you know, so that their place can be supplied by some other applicant. 100 they're bound to take. Society gossips say that Anna Dickinson, the famous independent Anna, feela so bad over the approaching nuptials of'Whitelaw lleid that she has canceled her theatrical engagements and gone off to pout. It's too bad ! But never mind, Anna, Wliitelaw 9 a sort of an outlaw, any way. The famous monastery of Mount St. Bernard is about to bc closed. The rcason for this is the railway under the Alp?. As the hospice was carried on to aid unlucky travelers obliged to cross the niountainp, now that travel on that route is over, the historie monastery is to be abandoned. Mrs. Dm), of IowaCity, the faster, referred to in a recent issue, died last Monday, having went without food a period of 47 days. A poí-t mortcm examination revealed not a partido of blood in her body, which weitfhed only i pounds, and the stoiuach was cntirely devoid ol any substance. A new route has been opened up to the I'aeiüc slope but it does the people no good, for Jay G-ould controls it, and announces that no ireÍRht will be rc-ceived for San Francisco. What's the good of the line if it won't carry through freight, or benefit the people any. Tbat sanie Gouid isa pretty big monopoly. The London, Eng.,Telegraph rejoicesthat the Yorktown centennia! will close the list of American eentenniak It don't like to be reminded of them. Well, in 1912, only about 30 jears ditant, we will have to " Whoop-er up " for Plattsburg, I'erry's victory, Fort Ticonderoga, etc., etc. Eügland'ssecond "walloping" will come in for a centennial mention. Hoop-la! Staj -Senator Lcwi Durkce, of' Barry coun'y, died at his home n Nashyiüe, la.-t llonday, of hemorrhage, aged 47 ycars. Upon the arrival of (he nows at Lansisg the dead sonator's dc-k and chair were draped in mourning aod the senate adjourncd in honor of hi memory, and attended tbc funeral at Nashville, on Wednesday, in a body. The house appointed a coiumittce of five to attonJ the obsequies. If providing deeeotly or even gcnerou-ly for the various state eharitable aod educational DStitOtiooi ia to "cause the funeral of the rcpublican party," as a certain few suggest, it will bc an honorable and humane cause in which to perish, and the party which ames on a picayunc, narrowuiindcd policy in opposition will be seen but a day, and then lost sight of forever. The pcople of this state are too far advanced in civilization and education to allow any party which has for one of its planks the ignorancc of the raasses, and the education of the favored few, an extended existence. The day has gonc past for such parties. The ncw czar of Kussia found a note on hi.s pillow the other day, hearing the official seal of the nihilists, giving him due warning that if he did not grant Russia a representative government and a liberal constitution, within six weeks, he would be doomed to a fate like unto that given his fathcr. The nihilists in New Vork city, emboldcned by the sucecssful killing of Alexander II., have resolved to enter upon a war against all landlords, and say that rents shall only be sufficient to cover taxes and repairs. These nihilists, may take a step too far in this country. They should remeniber that this is nut Kussia. The Evening News publishes a list of one hundred fortúnate editors who are bookcd for the Evening News gratii excursión to the Wliite Mountainsand seashore, next suinmer, leaving Detroit the first day of July. It will be a grand afl'air. Many editors will be accompanied by their wivcs. This is only one of three excureions to bc niven undcr the management of Mr. V. H. Brearly, of the Evening News. Tbe next one will be July 14tu, and the third one, July 21st. Teachers will be intcrested in the first one, as the American Instituto of InBtruction mcets this year at St. Albans, Vt., less than 100 miles froni Montreal, a round trip ticket costing but $3, from that point. All tickets are good for 14 days from tho dates of starting.


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