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N. B. Of The W. F. M. S.

N. B. Of The W. F. M. S. image
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The eleventh annual meeting of the northwestern branch of the woman's foreign missionary society, of the M. E. church, convened in thia city, at the M. E. church - which was prettily decorated for the occasion - last Wednesday. Upwards of 200 delegates were in attendance, representing eleven conferences in the states of Illinois, Indiana, Wisconsin, and Michigan. The foreign missionary society was first organized in Boston, in 1869, and during the year 1880 $114,000 was raised 1y them for missionary purposes. At half-past 9 o'clock a. va., the meeting was called to order, a hymn was sung, and prayer offered by Mrs. F. D. York. After this a scripture lesson was rcad, more singing was had and Mrs. I. R. Hitt, of Evanston, III., the president of the society, delivered the annual addresa, at the conclusiĆ³n of which the reports of the conference secretaries wero made. The different conferences and secretaries thercof are : Rock Klvcr-Mrs. I,. A. Hagan, Elmhuret. Central Illinois- Mis. H. McCormlck, Normal. 111. Illinols-Mrs. Dr. J. A. Dougherty, Jacksonville. III. Southern Illinois- Mr. M. E. Slade, VandaIndlkna- Miss Saille Kieley. Indianapolls. North Indiana- Mrs. B. Sinitli. Muncle. Ind. Northwest Indiana- Mrs. J. P. Early, Laporte, Ind. Boutheam Indiana- Mrs. P. C. Hammond, Incliannpolls. Michlifiin- Mrs. M. T. Ijithrop, Jackson. H-Mrs F. I). York. Wllllamston. U lsoonsin- Mrs. Lu S. Colman, Mllwankee. West Wisconsin- Mra. J. E. Irlsh, Madlson The total amount reported collected for the year, was $20,78689; on hand, $1,642.68, making a total of $22,429.57. of which all but $2,s42.27 had been expended duriDg the year. In the afternoon the first hour was taken up with a prayer meeting, after which followed, the reception and addresses of delegates representing olher denominational societies, the addresses being responded to by Mrs. M. T. Lathrop, of Jackson. Mrs. J. M. Willing, of Chicago, the oorresponding secretary then gave a very interesting account of the missions in various portions of the globe which are supported by the northwestern society. The recording secretary, Mrs. F. P. Crandall, then gave the financial condition of the society, as summarized above. In U.e evcniog, after the umisI opening exercises, an addressof welcomc was delivered ty Mts. S. Hendtickson, of thia city, the ri'spoDse being by Mro. R. B. Pope, of Chicago. Both were happily received. Several missionaries fron various sections of the world, Formosa, South America, China, etc., were then introduced to the audieoce, and itave some intcresting experiences. The polyglot exercises ooosittwl in repeating passages of Scriptare in the languages of the inbabitants where ihmii are et-tablished. After a brief reuniĆ³n, the meeting adjourned. On account of time and space we are not able to public tlie later proccedings.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News