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NOTICE. To the Cliizena of Aon Arbor : The Board of Health calle attention to the necessity of cleaning vaultí, ccaxpouls, pifc pena, barnyards, alleys, etc, aod all other nuinances endangerlng public health, before the flrst of May. All complainta of non-compliance wlth this nulice wlll recelve prompt altention from tbe Board. W. F. BREAKEY, Pres. C. GEORQ, Secy. Ann Arbor, April 3, 1881. 1031-34 rpO RENT. A lii ¦!-¦ Hoime at L60 por year, one mile out of tbe city. Addres Box C, Ann ArArbor. "POR SALE 011 TO RENT. Two hlork south of the unlverdity croundf, a houHp with thrre lot and bain and fruit. Kurimrc on the premlses of lOaitf J. B. STEERE. "DËMOVAL. The Mlgs Wlllard wlll pemuve thuir Mllllnery Goodi to No. 68 South Main etreet (oppoeite Miss Speecblcy'i gallery), abont April Ist. 1031-31 "POR SALE 0R RENT. HOUSE and LOT, Formerly occnpled by Geo. W. Clark, near M. C. R. R. Depot. Inqoire at COURIER OFFICE. 1031 ¦poR sale on Rnxr. The well-knowu property of the late T. A. Ilavi]and,locted in tbc flftta ward, will be old on reasonablc tt-rtn;, rentt-d or exebanged for other city property. The property embraces latid, blacksmith Bhopti and wood phnp. lf not sold In a reaponable time, the property wlll be for rent. For particular inquirc oí . H. K110DE1, Eiccutor, Ann Arbor, Klllf BEHOLD! ALL TH IN GS ARE"ÑEWÍ New Firm, New r.ds, New Prlcew. Good as the Beet, ChcHp as the Cheapcet. THE CITY TÍA STORE Fn connction wlth the Old Pioneer Bakery, at NO. 23 NORTH MAIN ST. Is whero you will find a A FULL UNE OF GROCERIES W make Trai-. OaffMi and Spices fpccialtle In the ll Kverythinu in the bakinj; line constantly on hand. S00D3 DSLIVISSB TO AS? PA2T OF THÏ CIT7. Thankful for m patronage, wc would etill sollclt your favor. A. R. HALL, 1031-86 M. I). L. BHANl II. Rodea to Credltors. OTATE OF MIcniGAN, County of WaMitcnaw.M. ONottc il htr-ly ulven.thatbyan order ofihi'l'robatc Court for the County of Washtenaw. made on the eleventh day of April, A. D. 1881, lx months from that date were aliowed for rrcditoTu to present thelr claim' afc'r.itiít tbe eitute of Jacob Vandewarkcr, late of uid ciMinty, llirnMWt. and that all credltors of caid deceateJ are required to prrnent their claims to sald Probalo Cnnrt, at the Probate OfBce In the Oity of Ann Arbor, forexaruination and allowance, on or betore thü .1. v.nth d:iy oi Uciober, next, aud that ?uch claims wlll he iaat befoie Kaid court, on Monday, the elevenlh day of July. and on Tueeday, thu elcvemh day of October next, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of sald dityü. Dated Ann Arbor. April 11, A. D. 1881. WILLIAM D. HAKHIMAN, HtHI Judee of Probat, .


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News