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Fsiato r Eilward Torre. . QTATI K MICHIGAN, County of At s seesion of the Prohela Court tor the Couoty of Waabtenaw, boldüu at the l'robate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, as ttUmj, the eliihth day of A'ril in tlie y.-nr one thousaud ei;ht hundred una eigtty-one Preeent, WllIUm U. llarrlrnan, Judge of la tbe mitt.T of the estntc of Edwrd Torre ;. ud reading and llling the peütion. duly f John W.Thompson, praylng that a certain Instrument now on file In thix court, purporlllit; " be the ln-t will and testament of said deceased, may be admitii-d to probate, and that he may Iw apI execator thereol , ... apon lt Is ordcred, that Monday, Uit' uinth day of .May next, at ten o'clock In Ifce tor axsigned for the hearing of said petltlon, and tnal tin .l.'vir-. -es, legateer, d heir at luw of aid deceased. and all other persons iBtereeted la saiii eetate, are ritilred to -ion of said court, then t ba holden at the I'rohate Ofllce, in the city of Ann Arbor. and show ranse Ifany there be.wby the prayerof ihe petittoner shouldnotbe ïranted. And lt in further ord that sald Mtittooar give notlcu to tha p._r..nint.rer.ied in said estáte, of the pendency of said petitlon, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thls order to be published In tho Ann Arbor (Jourúr,! newspaper prtuted andcirculated In said county, threa succesulve weeks previoua to said day of hearing. (A truecopy D HARRIMAN, Jndife of Probate. WM. G. DOTT, Frobate Heelster. 1084-37 I slate of Edward Litchfleld. QTATK OF MU HIGAN, Connty of Waahtenaw, se. At a seesion of the Probate Conrt for the Connt ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office. In the City of Ann Arbor, on Tbursday, the fourteenth day of April In the yeax onc thouaand eiitht hundred and eighty-ona. Present, Willlam D. llarrlman, Judge of In the'matter of the estáte of Edward Lltcbdeld deceased DeKorest Utchfiela.execntor of the laat will ami walamaiil of said deceased. comes into court imd repreeeotl that he le now propared to render hls final account as snch executor. ihcr.upon it Is ordered that Tueaday, the tenth day of May next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be asBigned for examinlng and ellowlng such acount, and th .1 th oe1eeee, legataea and helra at law of said deceascd.and all other persons Interested in said estáte, are reqnlred Ui appear at a ot said court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, In the City oí Ann Arbor, in satd county, and show canse, lf any there be, why the said accoaat ehoBM not be allowed. And lt is further order-d, that said executor give Dottea to the pereons nterestcd In said estáte, of the pendency of sairt acTi.unt, and the hearing ttior.-of. by cauflnj; a oopï of this order to be published in the Ann Arbnr' ''wrwr. a new?pnper prlnted and ctrrulating In said county, thrce sucecssive weeks previous to ..,d day of -""'„x'k.UMAN. Judie uf Probate. u M (.. DOTT, I'rohate Register. 10! 'l ( liancerj Sale. STATE OF MICIIIUAN-The Circuit Court for the i'ouiity of Washtenaw. In cbancery. Mary B. Coslello, guardián of Mary Coste lo and Kol. nt Coitello, minore, complalnnnts, vs. John Costello, M.iry Aun OoatellO, ('baríes S. Gr-inry, Uenry c. QraóorT and John H. Kvarts, defeudants In pureaance and by virtuu of a decree of said court made anil entered in the ahore entitled caine, on tl,', trnih day of Febroary, A. D. 1WS1, uotice Is hereby bIïi 1 Nat I ehall sell at public nurtion, to the blehest blddar, on Monday the ltiih day of May, A D 1881. at two o'clock In the alternoon, at the east front door of the court house. In the city of Ana Arbor, Washtenaw county and state of Michi can the lollowint; desiribed real estáte, the same mentioned and described in said decree. towlt All of thosc certain tracts or pareéis oí land in the townshlp of Scio and Webster, In ttie coanty of Washtenaw, lyingon Mili Crcek, near the villat-e of U.xter, beins the saw-mill and site of the barn and a grist-mill wlth their privileges and appurtenances bonnded and desenhed as follows: Commcucini; al the center of " A " street in iaid village of Dexter, accordins (o the rMOTded plat thereol, at lm IntartecOon wlth "O" street or the Ann Afhor load, and runntni; thencc north ninetecn aecreaa and ritteen tntiiuti'K, east along the center ol ' A lrcet Uve chain and sixty-three link, to a f take ; tbence north seventy decreenandforty-five minutes, west at rik-ht angles with "A" street two chalns and twcniy-ou.' linke; thcucc north nineteen degrees and flfteen miniltes, east parallel with -A" street one chain and elïhiy liuks, to tho line of a plece of land sold by B. W. Dexter to Julios Kamsey ; thence uorth fortyslx des-rees, west to the eouth boundary of the Michigan Central Ratlroad; thence westerly along the aouth boundary of said rallroad, crosslnt; Mili Creik to the southwest boandery of the public hlijhway leading across Mili Creek from the village of Dexter to tho town of Dexter; thciice along the southweet boundary of the higbway aforesaid soulh-eaeterly to a stake in the nouthwest boondary of eald hlghway, standing north seventy and one-half degrees, east sixty-six Iluks from the northwest corner of said Uexter's barn thence sonth twenty degrees, thirtvflve .imites, west ten chains and ¦'"¦ l a etake ?tauui.„ ti, ...tjvur and a hall degrees, venty-thrce links from a black oak tree nme inches in diameter, and north seventy-fbur deRrees, west flftyntne links from a white oak tree seveu inches iu diameter ; thence south sixty-nine degrees tweotj live minutes, east two chains and flfty-six links to the mlll pond ; thence easterly acrora the mlll pond to a white oak Btump on the southeast bank thereol, nlne Inches In diameter ; thence north forty degree?, east nlnety-elght links to a stake standing, north elghtyfour degrees, east nine links from a black oak tree, Blxteen inches in diameter; tbence rorth flve degrees, east one chain and seventy-tlvc links to a post ; thence north twenty-flve deBMOt and thirty minutes, east two chalns and niuetysix links to a stake 011 the eouth boundary ot "C" atreet or Aim Arbor road ; thence lo the place of beginning. And also the right and privilege of flowing wlth water, and at all times overflowinf; and keeping overflowed wlth water bo much and such parts of the northwest quarter of sectlou number seven and all of secüon number six in townshlp two, sonth of range live east, as may or can be overtlowed by raislng the water in the mlll pond on the premisos abore conveyed to the height aud level of a certain spike drlven in a certain large oak tree standing on the east bank of mili creek in the valley thereof, a few rods below the dam on which the road croses aaid creek at the village of Doxter, and of a mark made to corrospond therewlth anda nall drlven tberein on the slde of tho second post (countlng down strearn) from the gates of the flume of the saw-mill on the west bank of said creek at said dam seven inches below the shoulder of said post, said marks on said fiume-post and on said oak tree being the same marks which were placed there by E. Rose and U. Thieison. civil engineers, at the time of making the mark of the same helght on the grist mlll at said dam (since bugied) which marks have been generally understood and known by the persotiK worklng in and about the grist mlll and sawmill at said dam and generally spoken, of and referred to as the height or marks to wnich tho water of said dam mieht be raised. Thi con veyance is made subject to all lncumbrance of all roads, streets and highways now Iaid out or running throngh over or into any part of the premtses above couveyed and also reservlng all that piece or parcel of land heretofore conveyed froui Thomas reatt, .Ir., and Alvah Aldrich to Samuel W. Dexter and by said Dexter U Uenry Vinkle. All those certain pieces or pareéis of land situated on the II nmii river in the township of Scio in the county of Wasbtenaw and state of Michigan known as the Scio mili property together wtth all tbe Ilydraulic power and privilege as heretofore used for tlie unes and purposes of said mili and all the richts and privileges owned and held In relation to the keeplug np of tha dam to the height of elght feet and two inches above the natural level of said Huron river and the right of flowing the lands above said mili being the same premlses the undivlded half of which was conveyed to Henrv Suydam, Jr., by Nelson H. Wlng by deed dated January ilat, A. p. 1S57 and recorded in libcr -15 of deeds In the Ii_ . ottlce of Wn.-hteuaw couuty on pfC '"'¦' i"l the other undivid''d halfwas conveyed to said Suydam on foreclosure of a mortgage made by George Walker and Wllliam Ponkins by master in Chancery's deod dated Oct. ürd, A. D. 1SÓ0, and recorded In libcr SI on page 28 and by the suid Snvdam conveyed to John Gardner by deed daled March 23rd, A. D. 1H57, and conveyed to Edt;ar Keed 011 foreolwure of the mortgage given by said Gardner for the piirriisoetnouey hy Master in Chancery's deed dated Oct. lst. A. 1;. iu. ,„nd recorded iu liber 45 of deeds on page 877 Iu saiu Kegister ome anrj oy Kdar Iteed couveyeti to Alim-t Raed by deed dated Sept. 18th, A. D. 1861, and recorded iu llber 4a on page Ml; a portion of said mlll property is emhraced in a deed made by Samuel w. Foster to Orson Quaekenbush dated July 18h, A. D. Ue7, and recorded in liber "K" on page 458 and is suuposed to describe said mlll property by nietes and bounds: Also all the land and premlses conveyed by ihe Michigan Central rallroad Companv to Almet Reed by deed dated April lst, 1804, aud recorded in liber 49 on page 501 together wlth all the rlgbta and inierests of whatsoever kind conveyed by Almet Reed to John W. Green by deed dated Aueuüt Ist, A. D. 18b4, and recorded In said Register's office Sept. tith, I-'. I, in liber 54 ofdeeüB on pat-e 2.'V. Also the followiug described latids and premisos known as the George Walker store (so called) at Scio villaje as described in a deed from A. H. Green ana wife to George Walker and recorded in the office of the Register of deeds for Waahtenaw county in liber "T of deeds on page 414 and 44.5 and which last described lands were also deeded by Artlmus M. ( 1 Iftln aud Elljah V. Morgan to John W. Oreen on the Imh day ot Aug. A. I). 1804, and recoided In said Reglster's office on the 9th day of September, Al). 1864, in libvr 54 of deeds on page 271. All of the above described parcela of land and premines being the game conveyed by said John W. Green and wife to John M. Markell and said Wllliam C. Hughes by deed recorded In said Kegieter's office In liber 66 of deeds on page '7. The followlng described plcce or parcel of land, to wit : Commenclng at the north-eaat corner or block elghteen (18) in the village of Dexter, In the county ot Washtenaw, and running thence along the east line of snid block. In southerly cirectlon, one hnn dred and flfty feet, thence weslerly on a line parallel with the Ann Arbor road, twenty-flve feet, thence nortü wcicrly, on a line ..iral ]el wit b the eftsterl y line of said block, to tho Ann Artvor road, thence eii-terly, along the line of satd road, to the place of beginning. Also the undivided one-half of lot number nlne (lJ) ín block number seventeen (17), of the villaRe 01 Dexter, according to the plat then 1.1. All of said lands being in the county of Washtenaw and State et Michigan together with the tenemeats, and appurtenuiices there unto in any wise belonging or tiiereupon situated. Anu Arbor, Marcd 44th, A. D. 1SS1. PATKK'K McKBRNAN, Circuit ('ourt Commissioner in and for tbe County of Washtenaw. Sawïkr and Ksowlton, Solicitors, and H. J. Beakes of Counsel for Complalnant's. JamksT. Honkt and Kdwaro D. Kimne, Solicitors for Defendanu;. ASSIGNEE'3 SALE. I, Charles S. Gregory Assignce of Evarts i Co., wlll sell at the same time and place mentí ued in the above notice of Chaucery aale, the other undlvided one half of lot number nlne (il) in block number seventeen (17) of the village of Dexter, according to the recorded plat thereol, and 011 the same termand comlitioiis ia the other half of gaid premisos 01 named In the above sale. Sa'd premlses are situated in the county of Washtenaw and state ol' Michigan. CHARLES S. GREGORY, 1032-1038 Assignee of Evarts Co. Real Estáte Tor Sale. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw, sa. In the matter of the estáte of James McCreery, deceased. Notice Is hereby given, that in pursuance oí an order granted to the uuilersimied, adnilnlstrator ol the esiate of said deceased. by tlie bod. Jude of Probate of the County of Washtenaw, on the thtrty-fltst day or March A. D. 18M. then Hl be sold at public vendue, to the highest bidder, at the late resldence of the said deceased, In the lownship of Webster, in the County of Washtenaw, in said State, 00 Hatnrday, the Hihday of May, A. I). 18K1, at ten o'clock In the lorenoou of that day (subject to all encumbrances by morlgage or otherwise exlstlng at tho time of the death of said deceased) the followlng described real estáte, to-wlt: Tha east half of the north east quartcr of sectlon rumoer thlrty-four (31), town one (l)Sonih range flve (.") east (Webster), Washtenaw county, Michigan. WIIXIAM McCRBERY, Administrator. Dated, March 31, 1881. HM 500 REWARD ! WE will pay thf; ahove reward for any ce oí Llver Complaint, Dyepepeia, Sick Headacbe, IndlKiction, CoDHtipatlon or CotttrtnaH w cannotenre with WWt'l VtW Livrr PHln, when tlu directtons are Htriclly complit-ü wltli. 'lliey nrt; purely Votrotahle, and nevt-riuil tiiglveeatipfactiun. Öugar CoaUd. I.arjfe hoxu, contjiiilng 3ü IMlle, 25 centt. For unit by all dnivgista. Bewaw "f counterfelt and finitHtioiic The L'unuirn omnufnetured only by JOHN - WK8T & ("O.. I'lll Makers," 181 A 183 W. MadlsoD St, Chicago. Free trial packaire I fi-Tit hy nial! nrepaid on receipt of a S cent etamp. ' 9ft m


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