Judge Lawrenoe is slowly recovering. J. Ferdon is in New Jersey, visiting his mother. Richard Glasier has goae to Tower CilS'. Dakota, to lócate. llev. George Taylor, now of Lansing, spent last Sabbath in the city. Rev. William George, of Dundee, has been ia the city the past week. N. II. Waterman, of Bay City, was in the city the first of the week visiting frtenda. Katie J. Rogers, of this city, had three pictures on exhibition at Angell's atmual, in Detroit. Miss Emma E. Bower has charge of the dispensary at the homeopathie college on clinic days. Edward S. Cooper, the new supervisor of Sylvan township, was a caller at the Courier office last Friday. Mrs. M. T. Lathrop, of Jackson, attenced the sessions of the niissionary mcuting in this city this week. The Hon. Austin Blair, of Jackson, and the Hon. Chas. S. May, of Detroit, were in the city last Mornlay, on legal business. Rev. Dr. McKay, the missionary who outertainid Prof. Steere when he was in Formosa, is now being entertained by him. Mr. W. K. Childs, of Pittsfield, hassold his farm, and rented a house in this city, and will be a resident here for the future. Howard Granger, son of Bradley F. Granger, who graduated f'roui the law department last March, was admittcd to the bar last Monday. Prof. T. P. Wilson was elected president and Prof. J. B. Steere secretary, of the temperance mass convention, at Jackson, last Wednesday. The marriage of Will Dort, of this city, and Miss Flora Woodruff, of Detroit, on Thursday evening, was announced in the society papers of that city. Dr. J. E. Henriques, formerly "one of the boys " in Ann Arbor, now resident of Las Vegas, New Mexico, is in the city with his wife, visiting at the old home. Hon. John J. Robison, superrisor of Sharon, was in the city the first of the wenk. He has recovered from his stiff necked attack. Equal parts of burdock. aod - but we wont glve the recipe. Rev. Dr. Arthur Edwards, editor of the Northwestern Chriatian Advocate, one of the very best religious journals published, has been in the city for the past few days. Mrs. R. B. Pope is in the city this week, attending the annual meeting of the Northwestern branch of' the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society. She and her little son are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Beal. All in Ann Arbor are glad to see her bright, cheerful, face again.
Ann Arbor Courier
Old News
Katie Rogers
Kate J. Rogers
Howard Granger
Bradley F. Granger