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Thell'nn-sl U-st M.iliriiicrti-rXaUp. I AlfnbíDRiiou of Hops Buchu, Man I drakle Bli1 Dandelion, 'Ui au me beit and ¦ 1 pel tie ..f 11. . I nakfetlr' u. -t BIOOU Purltier, Llver I Regulatof. '"' '"' Ht-oitb H 1 No flaBMM L an pomfbly lonir Tl"t whrf Tïop I r nr%edO varicd uil irívct aro tbeir I operat i ouajjnk Toall whom %'' ¦¦ ' "' uucaime irrvtrularf I tj oftbebowelnoiL ttnnnry onran, or who r I ij-iircRn AppetiaeW tml miM HtimuUuit, I Bap Batten ara mvMuaUe, without I ntoxI No matter whaty.uir fVfltnir?" or Rymptoraa I are wh t the due&wtor aJlW1" in une Hop BitI ten. Ixin't walt uutilyoii A'" ribft but if 70a I 0CÜ7 fel bad or ."-'' t"t" t once I Ib may - your liaaB aï('J hundrwia. I $5OOw"lbf pm1 fora cal" ther wil) not I ciir or hi'lp. Do mot miíTT%orlt tyour frien.ia I ¦u ff r,hnt lismand urjift themL Uaö Hop B I Kcmembrr, Hop Bitters la nT1i. dniKKwl I drunkrn nootrum. but I'rir.-t _ Bert I Medicina rv-r .t "IIUUmV IBBI I and B0P1" and no i-nton or ramtlyW M ahouid b without tht-in. ¦bbbbbbbbbDbm a O i.C.i'an Abolntf and trrealstiM curtl f,,rl)nmk-nn',uiNíof opium, tobáceo andlll narrotli'M. Ai M br dramrletJi. Scnd #¦,. for 'ircular. ¦ Biun Ir. C, Ml RorbeetrrïandTnr-ij' 996-1049 c e m CONSUMPTION. Owlnjr to popular Idea tht a i-dj mM tocara a varicly u( nmladlen fhould le tri'Mlfrt wlth cmition, i[ nil iiKHcii)n, the inventor b-IUted oeio ÜnM In plvciDc it beftm the public; but trom thE gnXXtj- .ranre hy a u'ront 11 nniNcr of tlM vi'alizDK and hialih-rciicwin propartla "f lim pi tion of Hypophphile, nnd'r viiricty or cirinmtancpc, ia inalljr atiíñed thut thce i'ffcct are ecured by ila me, that It USdOB ir peculiar to liio proparaiiun, and thal t'onnullit ion ]¦- nt nly urable. hut, up t a ceriaiu uw, is as caslly controllcd a. mom oth'r organic dlseaMi. Whllc it lx the lm of the inventor to convey inforroation toKucb ax roquirc his Sypophoiptl is hl flrm iMjilclthat il uh i] ba ralnabl to all who detiiro a lonn (,- or nho are atrngffllllf lor hcalth. Wlih a faith bancd upon the ciperienrc of twrlve ycars, hü wmild not desimir of rustorinx u patieit, sufferinii from tbe nbovr-nani-d dieaic. even tfaoacta reducía to ft vory low date and not coniplicfttt'd liy actual oranic Iosk. run, Ml 11. My HM88U. mr: Allow me to sar tbat I opteom your 'IIjio'hopbitt'H" most hlKhly, bdiI for tho. .i - Kat?ed in profetisions whicn drnv larfcly on the nervous system it is lnvalnablc. I have usod It myself with the most tatisfactory rrsults and bac introduced it to a large number of my people. Reverend R. W. IIAIHB, I'aator st. Michael's Catholic Cburch. 1015-1068 ei' 1:1 H tu rlthrr Kiiinitt or Dry I m in nrM ''H I hc M1III' IÍIII4' ON Illf llMCIIHI) OÍ lili' ¦ HLiver, Bowels and Kidneys,U ¦ Thi6 omHntd action. fiirrs if wowl rj'ulwA potÊtf M JWHY ARE WE SICK?j ¦¦ft;'' puí, andpnimnous hinnWÊ M,; ¦,;. i.'rceti Itito Cu Olooil thal stowWfl WÊ tj'jieltftl iMturaüy. J M BIMOÜ0NE8S, PILES, COSSTIPATION, I II MUM tOMPLAINTS, IKINAItV II U UIHEARKH, FEMALK WEAKXEK8, M ANU M llol lilnHIl I!-. M tAornq thúrjmvir to lira Qfúiteatt. Wliy Suirrr Billón palas and arhcKl U Wh, tiirinpntril with PIIm, fonstlpation! U H IVliy friithti'Hrd OTcr diinnlirol KldlipyalH I Wlijr eniliire urrvous orsirk lipadachps.' II Wlijr haie slplMB niirlitst U 3 l ' KIDNEY-WORT and rejoireiniralUi K 1 WBIPUtllI'l il(t) .xrtakUForm,lntin II tSTcMM one parka of which maiceM nix qtiart ij MÖgMneiJkilie. II ÍrAl(wítíIJq1d Farm.Tery Coiitrtc4, H 11 ; r '''¦¦¦¦ tht ctuu it IV M !#"' ¦ ¦"' ' i ' ' ' ' ' ' f " ¦Bukt rroPYOCK druooist. n VTEI.LS, BICIIAKDSOX (., Prop-, I Ê (Wlll end the dry port-pald.) BVKUMlTuy t T. Lj TUTTS PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERQYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. 8YMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Lojaof appetite,Nuaea,bowels coativo, PifnintnelTêad.withadull sensation in the buck part. Pain under the shoulderbletfunnea fter eimt, withadiaini'lination to exertiou of body or mina, Trntability of temper, Low npiritn, Tjoaa of "memoryï with a feeíing of having neglected Bome duty, weanness, DizzineRa, Tluttering of thefïeart, Dot before thé eyea, Yellow Skin, TTeadche, Kestlesaneas at night, highiy colored Urine. IF THESE WARNINGS ARE ÜNHEEDED. SERIOUS D1SEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPED. TTJTT8 PILLS re epclally adspted to u, li casen. onn dose eflTecta surhachange of feellng as to aatontsh th suflferer. rhey InFrrmr the Appetlt. and raus tbe body to Takr on Fleab. ihns the system ia nouiitbed. ii-1 by theirTftnlr Actlonon the llall e OraranV Kearular Htools are productd. l'rie ¦!, ifiita. JHIarrajlH, W-T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Oray IlAiRnr Whiskers ctaanged to a Glossy Black by a tingle appticailun f thln Dyk. It Imparta a natural color, acta Instantaneously. bold byUruggitta, or sul by ipreu on receipt uf $t. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. ffr. TITTS IIMIlrf lrr_aiio tná k I .f.1 K.-,lp(. wlll I IM I Kit m ifplicllo.. . 103214 HALL 'T" Qatarrh Qure. le Recommended by Physicians. HALL'S QatarrhQure. I Indorsed by Clergymen. AVill Curo Any Cíix. Office of A 1 SlewarliCu. Chicago. 111 , Juna 4, Un Mesan. P. J. Chrney t Cb , Tntedo, O. OÍntlcmcn -Hak pisasure In Informing you tli;it I have used Hall's Catarrh Cure. ït ha curad BBfl I waíj Tery tt:ni- and don't beíitata to say thaí lt will curé auy chkp f ('atarrh 1 f taken propcrly Yountruly.J.B. WKATHKRFOKÜ. Worlli 1O A Hlo. K. Mvrrat, J.ickson, Mlch. writoa: Have ha.l ('atrrh for 20 ya n. Hall' Catarrh Cure cured m Coosider it vorth $10.00 a botll. Hall'l Catarrh Cure is sold by all M iniifactured and sold by F. J. CHLNLY 4 10. SolePrcprietors, TOLEDO, OHIO II. J. Brown J Co , Cir. Main and llorón 8 Ann Arhor. l(y ñ ¦ COMBIXF.D CATAJX)Ol'B OF J I WM be ilailed Fret to all who apply by I 1 ¦ I Onr Experimental Gronnd In I ¦ wlilrh we leut our Veeotable and fl H Flower 8eeds are mout rompióte; I ¦ and onr Greenhouaes lar Planta I ¦ ( ovirln 3 arrs In ;lasi))t are ¦ ¦ the largest in America. ¦peter hendersqn & co. I 35 Cortlandt Street, New York. All kinds of Book-Blnding done at Tke Ceurier offlre 011 sbort notire.


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