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JAyer's Hair Vigor, KOK HrSTOKINU OKAY II AIR TO ITS NATURAL Y1TAL1T1 A.D COLOR JsÊUR J prudiopofilion, all torn IP,.' :HfW hair imrnllaM "ofte! renewa th Rrowth ; nnl always oruly restores in color, whmi Ma ,,r uniy. Il íiimtilates the nnirtllve orxane t healthy actirliy. aud preserve boih the hair and it hi-auty. Thu hra y. weak or olckly halr becorao gotty, pliablu and trmgttai(d ; !„,t halr rcri-w. with llvely exprtnulun ; fallinif hair Ik cht-rked and ¦MabltolMd; Hilo thicken; atid tadcd or Kra liuir IWU Ihaft OrlgtMl co!.r. t„ operallon in nre and hiinulciK. lt cure dandrnff, heals all homorp, aud keep the calp cool, clean and soft- under whlch oondltloni dineuea of the scalp are lmpoaslble. A a dressing for ladle,' hilr, the Vhior it pralseil for iu grteful and aifreeable perfume, and valued for the ott Imtre and richnees of tone it imparts. PRKPARKD BY Dr. 1. C. Ayer & Co., Lowell, lito., Practical and Analytlcal Chemisti. s.ild by all DrugElst and Dealers n Medicine. H80-10rr-e0w Battle Crook, MlchlcanB MAMPTAOTnaiBa OF TH OÜI.I ounjnn Tractlon and Plaln Engine and Horso-Povwors. HoMOIdrtoTkreakrFetorTl EstalHIshed In the World. i 848 O rt VF ARS "'""¦"'"iftiw. % I EftnO '-. without chmnof nsiue. ÜL management, or locstiun, u " back vb" Uu b, cxrorraay fiemo ailorfoodt. STEAM-POWEH SEPARATOHS nd Compli'lr Stiain OatettiomauItUttawctlUUê. fíiiiTrni-lon Knine and Pinja Ëngüiea ever Ken ui the American markèt A multitud of v?rio ftatmnê and tmprormumu for 1881, together with rmtr (MUiiéXaMn.,. (ion and matcriau Dot dreuned of by otber inaliw ïtop alzea of Beptor, from G to 12 hun a.ñSts.yor tramar honepmtm: Two Btyk of " Mounted ''HnrwyPoweM. 7 ñftO rtrtrt Fert of Si-l.-ricd 1 umlM-r IVW,WU (!.jixeortiir-.irierf) constantly on hanJ, from which te built üio inoomiiaiuule wood-work of our machinery. TRACTION ENaiNES Stronoett, most duntbl. and Meiml vr rÊLWl nMU. 8, 10, 13 Ilorve Power. l Cin-ulrw sent frve. AddreM NICHOLG, SHEPARD & CO. Battle Craek, Mlohlcatw 1 1030-5'j IMPORTANT TO YOÜ There is a moncy value in yotir lapscd life insurance policy. N'o matter how long üuce iny premium hns been psld. To determine that valut, and how to IMBH it, consult The Life loanranoe Policy BToIden' Association of ih l'nited States. Encloee two Utree oent stampt o Inróre answer, artd e will ghre our time in anawéring j-our letters, ;ind Ofdaion t'rr'. Address, Brinkerhoff. Benj a&inü Kellsy, Qen'l State Agts, I ' Washington Ave, LANSINO, Mich. 1024-50 IN. H. DOWNS I VEGETABLE BALSAMIC ELIXIR Ii a sure cure for Cought, Colds, Whooping-Cough, and all Lung Diteases, when taken in icason. People die of contumption limpy because of neglect, when the timeljr ue of thit remed would have cured them at once. JFifty-one yeara of. constant use prove the fact that no cough remed ha itood the test like Dowiti' Elixir, Pric 8.-KJ. 60o. nd 1 .00 per boUU. Tor Sale ETerywhertt, Dr. Baxter's Mandrake BitterIS Will cure Jaundice, Dispepsia, Liver ComplainU, Indigestión, and all dueases arising frora Bilioutneas. Price 25 cti. per bottle. For Sal KTerywhr. 1IKVUY L JOHNSON'S AKNICA AND OIL ILINIMEJNTT I'or JHan and Beaat. The mot perfect liniment eer compounded. Price 15c and 50c. B Tor Sale Eierywher. 1016 67 DAVIS SWING CHURN k JfíJR awaüded fihsi . mill ovtr ïï oooipetttort at VERMOMT FAiRMMNCUmCCO. BELLOWS PAIX8. VKIt.HONT. 10241 1OTZ-.M NATl'RE'S TRIUMPH. Frazisrs Root Bitters. Ifvouare wi-iik or Uwgnid, use Frazier'i Bitters. If yotir IK-li ia ll:tlly :uni yoiir complexión allow, uso Kra.ii rV Hittere. IÍ voii live in a malarial dktrioL use Fr:i feitlers. If worn down witli tlie care ol children, use Praaier'a Bitter. It' y.m the bines, dm Fraaier1! liiiters. If you Imve kept late liMiirs mil lived cotitrarv to the laws of liealth, OM Fra.ieiV Bitten. If ycm need toning up, take Frazier's Bitter. U you have abused iiiKtead of nsed n.iture's gifU, use FraiierV Hitters. If you teel oM before your time, use Frazier1 Bitters. IÍ life ha beoome a burden and yon have gloomy f.reh.Kling, use Fraïier's Bitters. If your liamls tremble and your eyes have grown dim, Frazier's Root Bitter will make you feel young again. Sold by all druggist every where at the low price $1.00 per bottle. JAS. E. DAVIS 4 CO., Wholesale Drugg UU, Detroit, Mich.. Agenta. pOFFINS AND CASES , FÜLL 8T0 UK A T MA li TIN ' 8. All ordari promptly ttended to.


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