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Farewell's liquor bonds $5 000. Monro is enjoying a tempcrance revival. Laru-iiitf congress water isattaining much celebrity. Srlot ford and diptbcria aro depupu lating Flint. 1,500 Battle Creeks have signed the pledge lately. Si. Jo's fithermen are happy. ïhey inalte big catches. Diver is the name of a now postoffice in Cheboygan county. The Silver Islet, Mining GVh stamp inill i.s to soon start up again. The ice on the straits of Mackinao reported as rotting rapidly. St. Mark's Episcopal society of GraDd llapids, razed a $16,000 debt last Sunday. Hillsdale is to have a new jail, the tax IMnfbr being carried by 2,4% majority. The Hillsdale cuuncil has fixed the saloon bonds in that city at $2,500, a raise of $500. "A rat-hole, over-run with vermin," is what Bishop Gillesoie y JoUoon'j toUDiy Jail is. Hunter Savidge, of Spring Lake, whose death was uoticed last week, had $15,000 life insurance. In Oakland county the vote this spring feil off 2,417, the republicius biing the greatest losers. The constitutional amendmeuts have all been carried in the slate by froiu 40,000 to 50,000 majority. The Hillsdale rowing club is to enter tlu aquaeous contests again this year. They are Baw Beesers. An arohery club at Coldwater ave a " May party" day beforeyesterday. Lscate the new asylum there. The 5th annnal stnto banJ tournanient has been announced for June 8th and 9th, to be held at Lansing. Three Rivera will not have that knitting factory, after all. Rockford, III., was a li'.tle too quick for her. At Nashville the eomuion couocil says saloon keepers shall give bondn in the sum of $5,Ü00, with two 6ureties. Farmers' work is so bnckward that it is thought but little oats and barley will be sown in Michigan tbis season. Two miles of ice had to be blasted out of Flat river, noar Gowen, with hercules powder, so as to run the logs. In Genesee county there were three lady superintendent of schools elected. The cry is still onward and upward. At Big Rapids, last week, three woiuen tnoW tho black veil, the ceremonies being performed at Mercy hospital chapel. The Cheboygan Tribune thinks that the Marquette and Mackinac R. R. will do all in lts power to build up'St. Ignace. Chas. D. Long, of Flint, has been appointcd judge advocate of Michigan mili tía with rank of mojor, by Gov. Jerome. Kalamazoo farmers have commenced their dismal forebodings, and don't believe they will have half a erop of anything this year. The "city dads" of Marshall fully exonerated the recorder from the charge of allowing shows to show without paying proper license. "Union depot!" Yes, it aeems as though we had read a few references to something of the kind in the Detroit papers recently. A $5.000,000 trust deed by the F. & P. k R' Jo' was recordel Tuesday at the Midland counly register's office.- Midland Republican. Harriet Howell, a Newaygo county poor house female' said not to be strone-minded has lallen Lelr to Í700. It s said Harriet will survive the fall. The CharleToiï Sentinel rejoices over the fact of a majority of over 287 againgt the removal of the county soat from that place to Boyne Falls. ine roetnodist people at Elk Rapids propose buying the court house for a church. Thafs far preferable to turnim; a church ínto a court house. The stomach of Senator Durkee, upon whom a post-mortem examination was per formed to find out the canse of death, was iound to be filled witb ulcers. The woman's belpiog haod society, of Detroit, is a modest, quiet, little charity doing world.s of good in teaching the poor children how to sew and work. Dundee is a good place to live in. The nnanml report for tho past year, giveo in the Reporter, shows the place not only out of debt but with $543.33 on hand. The plurality for Rich over his democratio opponent, Black, in the 7th congresMonal district, is 4,539, and his majority over all, 3,354. The largest ever given. The F. & P. M. R. R. Co. propose o extend their brauch, running frotu Flint to Otter Lake, on to Watertown, Tuscola Co. $10,000 is aked for by thoni as a bonus. Sixty-one oounties official, foot-up on regents: Joy, 118.440; Blalr, 117,572; Frahck. 70,803; Lothrop, 70,557. Only about 50,000 republican majority, that's all. Manistee people don't come right away down with bonus money, as they agreed to, and so work on their rilroad has stopppd the terminus being 6xed at Stronach, bv milusaway. A 14 years oíd lad, nanied Willie - received fatal Djuriea by jumping on a gravel train, near Imlay City, a few days TIih u aoother warning to lads. vvill they be warned? F. Woolhouse, of Grant, Hurón county, mortgaged bis place heavily a few days ago aod then skipped, leaving his family lo shirk fur theoiselveí", the Bad Axe Tribune says Bad man. Battle Creek will soon lose the shops ot the Northwestern Grand Trunk R. K South Bend, Ind., ets one braoch, and Larising, by giving $10.000 and ten acres of land, secureg the lion's ehare. Adrián is to have a large, new grist mili; machinery on the stee! roller proces;-. It hasalways been supposed that tho millers had a sto(a)l procesa by which they rolled the tolU iiuo their own bags. Fretion, probably. A Battle Creek man ha.s invented a new school seat said to be in advance of anything ever yet made in that line. Has it a oontrivance for holding pins without a boy having to spend so much time erookiog them? That's the main point. The meetings of the Michigan trotiing association will occur as followi: Port ayne, May 24-27; Detroit, June 1-4Jacksoo, June 7-10; Saginaw, June 14-17; Cirand Hapids, Juno 21-24; Iooia, June 28-Jaly 1 ; Battle Creek, July 4-7. In Monroe the business men have held one or two meetings to take nto consideration the best method of building up the city. l'hey propose to publish a pamph!. t setting forth the natural ad yantares of tinplace, and to take soine means of inducing manufactories to lócate there. Such a move is what will build up any town. We have been having some spriog-Hke days or so, and snowdrifts in this ty re more of a rarity than they fonnerlj were. But ia the green foresta north of th8, twenty, thirty and forty milee, there are bodies of snow - solid, beautiful snow -two, three and four feet deep. Ahal neinhboss! there'll be moistnesa when that snow dissolves 1 - Midland Sun. Mary Ann Petoskey, wife of Ignatiu Fetoskey, died recently, acd 86, in Petoskey. She was an Indian woman. Ignatius Petodkey is supposed to be about 100 years old, and is tbe first white settler of that vicinity, and the only ohe for many years. He has ten children, twenty-two grand children and two great grand ohildren now living. Petoskey took its name froni him. The apportionment of the primtry school interest fund this year, will be at the rate of $1.06 for every child belween the ages of five and twenty yearg. Number of such children; 502,941; amount apportioned, $533,117.46. A decisión of the supreme court, last winter, turned over to this rund all excess of specific Uxes above the bonded debtand ioterest, which causes the rapid increase this year. That the people may gain som ;i -' the vast amnnn -f v.ieSt forever swept " or existence in a year by the lumbermen of this state, we give the following figures on this year's log erop: In the Saginaw district, including the Tittabawaasee and tributaries, Kawkawlin, Au Gr8, and Rifle rivers, there is a stock of 1,040,032,538 feet for the coming season supply. Iiiland milb, 131,000,000. Lake shore diítricts, including Au Sable, Alpena and Cbeboygan, 545,000,000 feet. For western Miohigan, 1,384,000,000. A Portland paper tolla how a most excellent design was spoiled by the sheriff at Stanton recently: "We are mformed that one day recently the prisoners in the county jail, at Stanton, organized among themselves a court, appointed their jury, lawyers and witnesses, and went througb a inock trial of their fellow prisoner, ííank Upright, who murdered his wife reoently, convioted hiuj, sentt-noed him to be hung, and were about to execute the sentenoe, with a rope made of strips of blanketa which they had torn up, when their proceedings were ioterrupted by the keper of the prison putting in an' appearaoce. They consider Upright a terribly vile fellow, and un6t to associate with decent prisoners. ' '


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