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Magazine and Book Notices. I'kk BsáOoa J.iuiit. A collectlon of Hymns and Tunes for .Sunday Schools. Hy J. H.Tenney and E. A. Hoffman. Price, 3Ü cents. It Is to be supposed that the compilera of thls bcautlful ltttle aflalr kcow what they are ut .out when they add anotber toouralready seemingly crowded list of Sabbath School slngers. The fact seems to be that the field U very large, tastes quite varlous, and the most takiiiK popular hyruns often of a brief longevity. Indeed, a wlde awake musical eompany of Juveniles soon sing out the bet look, and ui'. '.1 Imiu.Mit r.newiils. Thus lt happens that the half dozen new books that appear yearly are none too many for the 50,000 Snnday Schools, some thousands of whlch are sure to need renewals. Be a cos Lioht, as to the inusic. Is the wolk of Mr. Tenney , a quiet " farmer and musician," who lives In the nelghborhood of Whittier, the poet, and Is, in popular music, about what the other is in flne wrlting. The content of Applkton'8 Journal for May are as follows: "A tuestion : a Greek Iclvl.'1 liy Professor (ieonj Ebers, author of TiinU," "Au Egyptlan i-nu" o, in Two Parts (Part Second) ; " On some of 8hakespeare's Kemale Characters ' (III.) Desderaona, by Uilen Fauclt Martin; " Byron." by Matthew Arnolil ; " Art Needlework " (I.) by Lady Marlan Alford, (II.) by G. F. WatU, R. A. ; Kobert Wyeth," a Tale; " Madam de Staêl " ; King Iar''; "The Metternlch Memolrs"; Keble aud Newman," by James Anthony Froude ; "A New Engllsh Poet," by Joel Benon. Editob's Tablï; Private Ownershlpof And-The Ladies' Coöperatlve Dress Assoclalon- Joyousness wanted in Llterature. Notes tor Readers. We flnd opon our table a new corner- not new in years, but new toour sanctum. It la he Magazine of Art, for April, publlBhed by Cassell, Pettr, Ualpln, 4 Co., London and New fork. This Is the only art magazine we have ever seen and heard of having lts yearly rates down wlthln reach of the masaea, and lf the present Issue is a sample of all, It onght to be an Immense success. The Ulustratlons treat upon varied departments in art, one paper glvng us a gllmpse of the Dulwich Gallery ; another lllustratlng Wood Carving, and showing ome that is beautiful ; whlle Itallan Modern Sepulchural Art, Ilomau Majolica, Archltectural Sculpture, Paintlug, etc., etc., are all beautlfully Ulnstrated in wood. The magazine Is certalnly well worth the subscrlption prlce, which is but $3.50 per yisar. Address Cassell, Petter, Galpin & Co , 739 & 741 Broodway, New York. Harpers Monthly, for May, has an extremey interesting tableof content, whlle the illusrations, whlch are always an admirable feature of the book, are valuable adjunct In rftentlmea glvlng one an understandlng of the subject that word plcturlng would not. Plctures also glve the reader an Idea of other lands, and other people's customs and coslumos not posslble to portray wlth the pen alone; whlle wlth portralU we all have a weakness to see or know how thls or that eminent gentleman or lady looks. In excellence of illustrations, Harper's Monthly leads the world In lts clans. Among other artlcles In thls Issue, we note "Muslc and Musiciansof New York,' glvlng the faces of Theodore Thomas, Etelka Oerster, ítalo Carapalna, Annle Louise Cary and Emma C. Tburaby, who by the way, are made to resemble each other very much ; also Edouard Remenyi, Ann Arbor's grent favorlte, who Is beloved by our studenU, and and holds a high niche In the estlmation of our cltlzens; August WllhelmJ, the human iciili-, atidii-uces stand In mortal terror of applauding him lest In acknowledglng the same the great player mlght snap In two; Clara Loulse Kellogt?, ArthurSulllvan, etc. There Is also a tlraely and very laudatory artlclt' --prohably not wrltten by Jas. T. Field - upon Thos. Carlyle.and another uponQeorge Ellot, also a poem upon the latter. There are other anieles In whlch the general public are greatly lnterested. New York: Harper & Brothers, Krankliii square, publlahen. $4.00 per year. Besides the usual varlety of llght and entertalning readlng, Llpplncott's Magazine for May bal s'nnr artlcles full of Information on ¦suf ganen) interest. Tlms, a paper on the " House of OMUBOBa," W. H. Rldelng describes the general appearance of arrangements, the forms or procedure, and other details that require u be understood before we can have a vivid notion of the debates and scènes of that anclent assembly, the prototype of all exlstlng legislativo bodles. In an artlcle on "Oyster-Culture," W. F. O. ahanks shows the necesslty for the speedy adoptlon In Araerlc of methods for preserving or renewing the ovsi.rbedsalongourcoast. "TheTruth alut Florida." ly I.miise Seymour Honghton. Dr. (iswahl continue In aec.unt of "Zoologlcal CurlotlUes." and " ijrauaila and Alhamlira forma ihe ubleet of an artlcle hlstorlcal and deacrlpttve, bj s. P.Soott. -The Indlscretlons of Madame Jaubert " skims the cream of a newly publlshed French book coutalul ng remi - nlHcencesof Alfred de Musset, Helnrlch Heine, etc ' Craque-o'-Doom,"' the new serial, keep up to the mark. There re also other artlcles ofwerlt. And now scientifi.' experta .-tsscrt that trichinae has eiisted in pork for the p;i-t half een tury. The democrau of Ohio are t thcir wits ends to find . somebody to run against "Charley" Koster for governor. Tbara'l no one willing to be sacrificed. The northwestern states have been li;iv iag a great flood for the past few days. The southeastero portion of Chicago has beta flooded frotn the rampant waters of the raging Chicago river ! Wl.y don't St. Louis say soujelliing nowa-days about the removal of the national capitol within herprecinots? The subject DMa't been agitated for a long, long time. Has the Missouri metropolia fallen aslct-p ''.


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