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NOTICE. To the CUlzena ot Ann Arbor : The Board of Health calle rtttltton to the necoailty of cleanlng yaultí, cespooli, pip pene, l:irnrard, alleys, etc, and all other nntMDOM endangw ng public health, before ihe flrst of May. All ramjlaints of noncompllance wlth tbis notice will re:elve prompt attentlon from the Board. W. F. BUBAKEY, Pres. C. GBORO, Sccy. Ann Arbor, April :s, 1881. 1034 36 rpO RENT. A llrM-i ln Mouoe at ; p-r ar, ne mlle out of the city. Address Box C, Anu Airbor. TOR SALE 011 TO RENT. Two blocks sonth of the onivernity erounás. a honne with lotH and liarn and frU VffDqUlre " " Preml8e8Jf B. STEBRK. "POR SALE 0R RKNF. The wellknown property of the late T. A. Ilavlland, located in the flfth ward.will lu sold on reasonable terms, rentid or exchaneed for othcr city property. The property embrace land, blacksmlth hopii and wood ghopn. If nut sold In a reanonable time, the property wlll be Tor rent. For particolir lnquire oí O. H. RB0DES, Brecutor, Aun Arbor, Mich. ma STEPHEN PRA.TT, MANUPACTURKB T lilli ani Low Pressure Boilers Of all kinds. SMOKE PIPES and all SHEKT IRON WORK. 2H. 2W und 21K Congreiw 8t. west. between Thlrdand Kourth uts., DETROIT, MTÍH Repáirlng done. Rivets aud Boiler Plat for guie. KUl-1059 J. S. MAN1ST, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. Han located on the Whltuiore Lake Koad, one ml! from the city of Ann Arbor, and wlll mi Kivt hfc attention to his oíd business of FURNISHING PLINS UNO SPECIFIMTIONS iD TÁKINU OF CONTRACT. All those who anticlpite bulldinK will lo wcll by calling on him, ae ble prices wlll be very reasonable. lll Jm i c I Great improvement ! Perfect ly liarmless toclotheaorskin. Try it. Direotions simjilc; Besultg magical; HaTesnearlrall tlierubbmg. " lOSSfiO Mortgag'C Sale. "pvEFAULT baving been made in the condittons of a mortgasre executed by Jame H. Stoue and Francés I. wife, to L. Alllson and Cumpany partners, hearing dte Novetnbtr ]Oih, A. I). Unv, uid recorded In the office o( the register of deeds for Washtenaw connty, Michigan, on Ihc Hth day of November, A. D., 1S79, at 7 o'ciock p. m., of that day, tn liber 68 of mortganes, on page 197, by which default the power of sale contained In said mortgage became operative, and no suit or proceedinge in law or equity naving been tnftiiuted to recover the debt secured by said mortgaee, or any part thereof, aud the Bum of elght hundred and nine dollars and flftythree cent, at the date of this notice. belng cluimed to be due upon said inortKage, notice 11 tberefore hereby elven that said mongaire wlll bc fnrcloaed by a sale of the mortgagcd premlse thcrein descrlbed, or some part thereof, to-vrit : All that ceruin piecc or parecí of land situatcd In the city of Ann Arhor, connty of Wuhtennw, tule of Michigan, dcecrlbcd a balog l"t Dmbac iw.'mivflvc (25) (excepttwofectln v.ldth oll'lroin tlii'imrth ilde of said lot) in Jewett's additlon ui the city of Ann Arbor, accordlng to the recorded plat thanol u recorded In líber h7 oí deedK. on lge SB, at public vendue, om Moudaj the twcnty-thlrd day of May, A. I). 1881, at noon, at the north door of the conrt house, in the city of Ann Arbor, In saiil countj, that bel nu the place of bolding the circuit court in „Idcoanty. LAWRKNCB ALLISON, ISAAC ALLISON, Doing business under the firm. same of Allison & Company, Mortitaeces. Sawtb 4 Knowlto. Attorneys. 1027-30 Notice to Creditors. STATE OF MICHIGAN. Connty of Waantcnaw, si. Notice is hereby glven.that tiyan order of th-l'rtiate Court for thi' tJountyof Washtenaw. madeonthc elcventh day of April. A. I). Ihxi, lx nicmths from that date werc aliowed for creditors to prcueiii thiir claim agf.lnst the estáte of Jacob andewarker, late of said connty, deceased, and that all cteditor of said deceasei are requlicd to present their claims to said Probalo Coart, at the Probate Office In the City of Ann Arbor, forexamlnation aud allowance, on or beforc th: eleventh day of October, next, nd that nch claim wlll be heard before said coort, on Monday, the eleveuth day of July, and on Toesday, thu eleventh day of October next. at ten o'clock in the forenoon of each of sald days. Date An„ Arbor, AorU U. A. g 1084-37 Judire of Probate. ¦ m m mnarm nj mnmc motnj mi folien II eny trom Jor oor. Th. who ilw.,1 ukc LI II rxx chnce to nkiu I II I f idodct ihftt ar i.rterr.1 jruerfcllj Mcotoe I wlthy, white ihoM wbo do tiot lurov Heb I itual nmtim In porrtj. W wm m.u.r 11 IJ lift m.n. HM, ho; .ui irl. to work lor u rif hl in Ulr oo localltto. Th. buls UI P7 x- l" Umw ordln.rT i W Nrslah u xpioilre ontlll uid li Ui.l joo owL fr.. N. oo. wh fl-. ( u nttl od., T.TJ r.pldlj. Yon eo jor wh.1. Uw t U. woir or nly Tour ipw IDOIMoU. FuU Inform.llon ui .11 lli.l U 4"l 3 h iidr... 8n.- Oi . Ho, UU.4. 11MT


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News