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Kstalc r i:.l.ird Torn). OTATK OK MICHIGAN. County of Waehtcnaw, ss. At a ion of the Probate Conrt tor theConnty of Waèhtenaw, holden t the Probate Office. In the city of Ano Arbor, on Friday, the elghth day of AiTil '" the yciir ono thouaand eight hundred and ..hty-one Present, Willlam D. Hamman, Judge of ' 'i'n'ïh." matter of the etate of Kdward Torrev l"lllf On reading and flllog the politlón, duiy verlfled.of Jobn W.Thoinpwin. praylng tluit a c.tIhiij Instrument now on ñle Tn thl. court, Ui the lKt wiU and teiament of ald deceaaed, my admltted to probate, and tnat he may le apaíT "ordered, tba. Monday. the nin.h dy of May next, at ten o'clock In the for assipned for the ocarín of aaid petitlon, and that tho deTiee, legatees, and helrs at "w of id deoeaaed, ana all other perron. „,,,r,-t. .1 ii. ld eêUte, are required to appjar mi. „f ld court, then t. be holden at the office, in the city of Ann Arbor. and how cause tl auy there be.why the prayer of the Pet'tioner Sö'id nothe ranted. And tt 1 further ordered, thï ; ald Vtitloncr K1 notlce to th ""iï i "rented in aid eatate, of the pendency of aid and the hearing thereof. by cansing a copy Sf tol f order to be publi.hed In the Ann Arbor (Jourür, a newBpaper prtnted andclrculated lp i ald couuty tbree successlve week prevloo Ui aid day „r herl,„. (A truecopj. HARRIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM.G. DOTY, Probate Beslater. 10S-31 Kstate of Edward Litchfleld. QTATB OK MICHIGAN, County of Waahtenaw, se. At a .alón of the Probate Coort for the Connty ot Wwhtenaw, holden at the Prubat.; Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, on Tbumday, the (rWIfi"1 Aürtl in the year onc thonaand eight hundred and eiKhty-lii.ePre.ent, William D. Harrlman, Judge of Pri„b?hcm.tterofthee.Utof Kdward Ltchfleldde. ceaned. DeKorast Litchfleld. executor of the la.1 til and teetament of eald deceaaed. comes Into court aüd rrpnwentó hat hc Is now prepared to render hl fliml account as such eiecutor. niercupon it 1 ordered that Tueiday, the tenth day of May next. at ten o'clock in the te noon, be aiRiiedfor examlnlng and allowlnK uch accoüot, and that the aertecc, lecau-es and h.irs at law of sald deccaaed,and all other persons intercnted in said estáte, are reqnlred to api.ear at a untos ol uld court, thento be holden atth Proliaie OlWce, In the Cltv o! Ann Arbor, In W cuntJr: and fhow caue, if anv there be, wlijr th ,gL SÏSiAW i'dxeíuíor elvênnöuc" ?o tt" penona interested In said eUte, of the peudency of said account, and the hearing thereof. by causlng a copy of this order to be publlshed in the Ann Arbor üourter, a newspaper prlnted and clrculating in ud county, three succeaaive week previous to UI day of '¦ILAISeo'gx)RRIMAN. Judie of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Probate Heelster. 10.11 37 Cliancery Sale. STATK OF MICHKfAN- The Circuit Conrt for the County of Waehtenaw. In chancery. Mary E. Costello, guardián of Mary Coste lo and Robert Costcllo, mfnora, complainants. v. John Coatallo, Mary Ann Cotello, tharles S. (.reirry. llenry V. (iregory and Jobn H. Kvarts, defeudant lu purxuance and by Tlrtue oí a decree of ald couit. made and entorea in the ahove entltled cauae. on thi trnth day of February, A. D. 1881, notlce w bereby given that I shall elf at public auctlon, tu UM bighist bidder, on Monday the lttth day of My. A U 1881, at two o'clock In the atternoon, at the Wt front door of the court house. In the cl ty of Ana Arbor, Washtenaw county and utate of Michigan the following deecrlbed real eatate, being the ame mentioned and deacrlbed In ald decree towit All of those certain tracts or pareéis ot lana in the townshtp of Sclo and Webter, in tbe county of Wahtenaw;iylnton MUI Creek, near tbe village of Dextcr being the saw-mlll and site of the barn ¦lud a Ehst-mill with thelr privileges and appurtenance bounded and decr!bed aa follows: Commencing at the center of ¦ A " etreet in taid village of Dciter. accordlng to the recorded plat thereof. at Hi Intersectlon wlth "C" street or the Ann Arbor ruail, and running thence north nlneteen degreey and dlteen minutes, caet along the center ot "A street ave chain and sixty-three links, to a etake ; thence north ieventy degree andforty-five mluutes, west at right anglos with "A" street two chaltis and twenty-one links; thenc uortb nlneteen aegreen and fifteen miDUtcs, east parallel with "A treet one chaln and eighty links, to the Une of a plece of land sold by 8. W. Dexter to Julius Ramsey ; thence north forty-slx degreea, west to the south boundary of the Michigan Central Rallroad; thence westerly along the south boundary of aid railroad, croeelng MUI Creek to the southwest boundery of the public highway leading acroa Mili Creek from the village of Dexter to tho town of Dexter; thence along the outh-went boundary of the higbway aJoresaid soulh-oaaterly to a stnke In thi southwrst boundary ot sald hlghwar, ctauuiug north eventy and one-half degree. ut "L Inks trom the northwest corner of sald Uexter s ban. ¦ thence south twenty degree, tnirtv-nve minute, west ten chains and twenty-flve links to a otake standing south aeventyfour and a hall degrees, west sevouty-three links from a black oak tree nme iiiche in diameter, and north seventy-four degrees, west flltyniue links from a white oak wee aeven inche in diameter ; thence south sixty-nlne degree ttnty-flve minutes, eaet two chains and fifty-six link to the mili pond; thence easterly acroas the niill pond to a white oak stump on the outheast bank thereol nine inches In diameter ; thence north lorty degrees, eaut nlnety-elght links to a take sUudliiK, north elchty-four degreee, east nlne links from a black oak tree, slxteen inches In diameter ; theuce north flve degrees, eal one chain and eventy-nve link toa poet; thence north twenty-flve degree and tblrty mlnntea, east two chaln and ninetysix link u a take on the Bouth boundary oí C treet or Ann Arbor road ; thence (o the place of befflnnlni?. And also the richt and privilege of nuwing wun water and at all time overflowlng and keeplng , overdowed wlth water o mach and such prt of [ Ihe northwest quarter of sectlon number eeven and all of seciion number six in township two, eouth of range flve east, as may or can be overnowed by ralaing the water ín the mili pond on the premlses above i conveyed to the hetght and level of a certain spike j driveu in a certain large ok tree standing on the eat bank of mlll crook in Uie Tailey thereof, a re .dj hoio, ihe dum on wblch the road crosea said creek at the vulage 01 uonet, nd of a uri madu to correspond therewith and a nll driven thereln on the eidc of tho secoud post (countlng down stream) from the gates of the dame oí the saw-mlll od the weet bank ol aid creek at satd dam even Incbes below the shoulder of said post, said mark on said flume-poet and on aid oak tree being the same marku which were placed there by E. Rote and H. Thieleon, civil englneerf, at the time ol making the mark of the aune beigbt on the grist mlll at said dam (since burned) wbich mark have been generally understood and known by the persons worklng in and about the grist mili and mmili at Baid dam and generally spoken of and referred toa the height ormarks to which the water of said dam mieht be ralaed. Thia cimveyance is made subject to all incumbrance of all roads, streeta and higuway now laid out or running through over or Into any part of the premlses above conveyed and also reservlng all that piece or parcel of land lieretofore conveyed from Thomas Peatt, Jr.. aud Alvah Aldrlch to Sfciuel W. Dextcr and by aald Dexler to Henry Vinkle. All those certain pieces or pareéis ofland situatcd on the Huron rlvur In the township of Scio in the CDiinty of Washtenaw and state of Michigan known as the Scio mili property together wlth til the Ily draulic power and privilege as heretofore used for the uses and purpoaes of aaid mili and all the rlirhts and privileges owned and held In relatlon to the keeplug up of the dam to the height of eigbt feet and ïwo Incbes above the natural level of said Iluron river and the rtght of flowiug the lands above said mlll belng the same premlses the andlvlded half of which was conveyed to Henrv Suydam.Jr., by Neleon H. Wlng by deed dated January ilst, A. p. 1857 and recordea in liber 45 of deeds In the RegiBter's office of Washtenaw county on page 679 and the other undivlded half was conveyed to said Suydam on foreclosure ofa mortgage made by Cieorge Walker and Wlllfam Popklns by mister In Cbancery's deed dated Oct. 3rd, A. D. 1850, and recorded In HlMrSI on page 298 aud by tbe aaid Suvdam convu; cd to John (iardner by deed dated March 2ird, A D. 1n1i,„ convevPd to Edi;ar Reed on fonclosure ot tbe murtgago (jivru uj oii nraner u,, the purchase mooey by Master in Chancery's det-i dated Oct. lat, A. D. 1859, and recorded in liber 45 of deeds on page t77 la said Regiater's offica and by Ëdgar Keed conveyed to Almet Reed by deed dated Sept. 18tb, A. D. 1861, and recorded iu liber I os page 514; a portion of said mltl property Is embraced in a deed made by Samuel W. Foster to Orson Quaekenbush dated Jnly 18ih, A. D. 18X7. and recorded In liber "&" on page 458 aud Is eupposed to describe said mili property by nietes and bounds: Also all tbe land and premisea conveyed by Ibe Michigan Central railroad Companv to Almet Reed by deed dated April Ut, 1802, and recorded in liber 49 on page 504 togettaer wlth all the rights and lnieresui of whatsoever kind conveyed by Almet Reed to John W. Green by deed dated Aiu-u-t Ist, A. I. 181, and ricorded In said Regller'a office ï?ept. tith, ltH, in liber 54 of deeds on page 259. Also tbe folIowIbk descrlbed lands aud premiaes known as the Walker store (so called) at Scio village as describid in a deed from A. H. Green and wlfe to George Walker and recorded in the ofnee of the r i{ dedj for Waahtcnaw county in liber 'T " ol deeds on page 444 and 445 and which last describid lauda were also deeded by Artimue M G tfnn and BlIJah W. Morman to John W. Green ou the lOth day ol A. 1). 1S64, and rrcoided in said Ruifister's office on the 9th day of September, A. D. 1m;i. in lilwr .il of deeds on page 274. All of the above deecrlbed parcele of land and preminet being lite same conveyed by aald John V. Green and wlfe to John M. Marken and said Wllllam C. llagues by (l.-i il rtcorded in said Register' office in liber 66 ol deeds on page 237. The followlng descrlbed plece or parcel of land, to wit : Commenclng at the north-east corner of block elguteen (18) In the village of Dexter, tn the county of Washtenaw, and ruiming theuce along the east line of asid block. In a southerly oirection, one bnn dred and flfty leet, thence westerly on a line parallel wlth the Ann Arbor road, twenty-flve feet, thence north westerly, on a line parallel with the easterly line of said block, to tbe Ann Arbor road, thence fa-KTly, along the line of said road, to the place of beglnnini?. Also the undlvided one-half of lot numbi;r ulne (!l) in block number seventeen (17), of the villaje ol Dexter, according to the plat thereof. All of said lands belng in the couniy of Washtenaw and State el Michigan together with the tencini'Bif, and appurtenances there unto in ny wlBe belonglug or thereupon situaied. Anu Arbor, Marcu ilih, A. D. 1881. PATRICK McKERNAN, Circuit Court Commissloner In and for tbe County of Washtenaw. Sawyeb and Ksowlton, Solicitore, and H. J. Bkakes of Counsel for Complalnant's. Jamks'I. Husky and Kdward D. Kinnb, Solicitors for Dufendanta. ASSIGNEE-9 SALK. I, Charles S. Gregory Aasigne of Erarte A Co, will soll at the same time and place mentioned in the above notlce of Chanccry sale, the other undivided one half of lot number nlne (9) in block namber seventeen 17) of the villaRe of Dexter, accorditig to the recorded plat thercol, and on the same terms and conditions a the other half of said premises oi nained in the above sale. Su d pramlua ure ituated in the county of Washtenaw and stat' ni Michigan. CUAHLES S. GREGORY, IWa-WIH Aaalgnee oí EvarU 4 Co. Estáte oí Edward ReeTe. QTATE OF MICHIGAN, County oí Washtcuaw. ss. At a sesslon of the Probate Court for the County ol Washtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, In the city of Ann Arbor, un Tuesday, the 19th day of April, in the yar one thousand eight hundred and elgntyone. l'r.-ini, Wllliam D. Harriman, Judge ot Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Edward Reeve, drmiidl Noah W. Cheever, tbe administrator de bonit non of said estáte, comes lulo court and nfNMM that he la now prepared to render bis Anal account I aa such admlulstrator. , Therenpon it is ordered, that Salurday, the sevcnth i il.iy of May, next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be asaigned for examining and allowing such 1 account, and that the helrs at law of said deceased, and all other persons lnterested In aaid estáte, are re i qulred to appear at a sesslon of said conrt.then to be , Soldan at the Probate Office, in tbe city of Ann Arbor, In raid couuty, and show cause, lf any there be, why tbe said account should not be allowed. And it Is further ordered.that said administrator glve notice to the persons lntereeted in said said estáte, of the pen dency of raid account, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of this order to be publTshed in the i Ann Arbor Courier, a newspaper printed and clrculated iu said county, two successive week? prevtou ! tosaid day of hearing. (Atrae copy.) WILLIAM D. HAKRIMAN, ¦ Judge of Probate. ' WM. G. DOTY, Probate Rerister. 1U34 1 i i - . . ! I All kind of Boolt-Blndlng at i.urlT fllre ¦ ahrt notlre.


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