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;i:t the bi:m Fire Insurance O- $42.000,000 "% Si c urit y held for the protectie of tin1 policv bolders. CHRISTIAN MACK RepretenU üw followlng tirt-olast otMBpcniei Of liich one. tlie Mtitm, lias alne mul $.V,000,000 fire Iosm's in sixty years: All, ..I Han.ord ; .. ".J Dnderwritm HSS-SS-S Krauklin, PhiladelphU S,! Qnu Am.Tlcan. N. Y 2.8W. '' 1 onduii A--urnCB Corporation 1;,8UU.UWIU Nailon!, Hartord 1.2UO.IMP.U I'hipnii, Brooklyn ."¦ Uiiderwriter Aifency, N. Y l,6U0,0UO.UU LiMMI UU-rally :iljut'il and promptlv pakL Pollciei lasuéd at the lowett ruti-s of "fff', .HK.NTHMK. M. S. SMITH & CO., Importing Jewelers, Detroit, mark every article in their choice and extensive collection in plain figures at FIXED PRICES from which there is no deviation. M. S. SMITH & CO., while being one of the largest Jewelry houses in the west, recognize the fact that in their business as well as in all others comparative competition exists, and have, in order to sustain the pre eminent position which they have so long held, adjusted prices upon such a basis of equality that to undersell them on the same class of wares and realize a profit is impossible. This will be understood when it is stated that their large purchases are made direct from the manufacturera, both at home and in foreign markets for CASH, thus securing discounts that can be obtained in no other way. 1028 44 Get Your Property Insured Bv C. H. MILLEN, INSURANCE AGENT Vo. I JSonlh Mniii Streel, ANN ARBOR, - MICHIGAN. The oldest agency in the city. Ketabllêhed qnirter of a ceutury aen. itapreaentlng the following nrst class companlee : Home Insurance Co. of N. Y , Assets orer fi.0O0,0()0 CniitliicMiUl In. Co. ot N. Y.t AetB over $S,UO ,U0 Niauam Fire Inxurance Co.. N. Y., Aueta $1,442,UOO Commercial Union Awurance Ck. of 1ec1oii Aseeti $3,000,000 &-HATES LO W. Lomes liberelly adjosted and uromptly paid. imPM c. h. kiillen. GET THE BEST ! LEAD ALL OTHERS ! Every Style&Price. Guaranteed Unequaled NP0R OPERATION. ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMAN8HIP. Iaproronuata2ndConTenlneei fonnl is AlwaysÏReliable. "POPULARCVERYWHERC. FopTsÍTlnjETery City mmi Tmra 'In th Unlt.d StatM. And by Juun PriantRER, Ann Arbor, Mick. 1081-10444 -)TUE(CHICAGO ft KORTH-WESTERN RAILWAY Is the OI.DEST ! BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST BtjUII'PKD! and henee the LEADINÖ RAILWAY - or thï- WEST AND NORTH WEST. It is tbc shotteat and best ronte between CUicago and all polnu in IJcrthirt Illiaoii, Ion, DiííU, Wjomhg, Kibruii, CtUforïli, Otaron, Arltoni, ÏÏUh, Colonlo, Zlihe, lloaUu, iltrnl; ui f:r COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, IH-'.WKK, LEADVIM.E, SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DEtDWOOD, SIOUX CITY, Csii: Eapilt, U: Voisti, Cilsmtai, ui U uiitl tl !be Ttrrttoriii ui the Wiit. Al te XUmsïn, 3rn B17, Oiaissi, 3hot072ia, lUrqsottt, Fond In Li:, Wf.ertoTs. koigltoi, Ntnth, Mtsiihi, 5t. Pial. Hluei;oüi, Euob, Vel(i. Firjo, Biimircl, Wiioit, LiCroue. Onsoa ui ill peati is UissMOta, likt, Wlicniii sl thi HorthvtR. At Counril Bluff the train of the Chicago A North-Weetera and the U. P. H'y depart from, rrive ut and use the aame joint union depot. At Chicago, close connectlons are made wtth th# Uko Shore, Michigan Central, Baltlmore & Ohio, Kort Wayne and Ponnnvlvanla, and Chicago & (rand Trunk KyV, and the Kankaukce and Pan Handle Kon tes. Close Connections Made at Junction Points. It I the OXLY I.IK ru niiluic Pullman Hotel Dining Cars HETWEKN Chicago and CouucÜ Bluffs. INiIliiiHii Sleepers on All Mlu TmliiM. Insint upou Tickt:t AgVBtt selllng voü ticket via tnii) road. Examtne your ticket, mii n-luf-e to buy il they d not read over tbe Chicago and NorthWecicrn ICailway. If you wish the Best Travellug Accommodatlone yon wtll bny vour ticketn by l blo route 3ffAND VVILL TAKK NO OTHKR. All Ticket Agenta eell ticketu by thls Line. MARVIN III .I II mn-tiA 'M T. P. & Oen'l Manr, GUoO. i g outfit rnralabd fTH, Itb fu'l loitructlotit fbr ronI I B duoUDf the muit profil ble bnaloMa thi Mjonf cta i III CftC Ta buaioru la Ma7 lo Itfcm. ud our V I l lontructleaa ar o Imple tod pina, tlt bdjadc I 1 1 eau malie )tret proOu Trom tbs verr No od I I 1 1 ¦ o fail wbo ii willini to work . Wóorc are as me I 1 1 ceüaful ¦ tata. Hoj aDd g iris cao cam lam iiiai T M. F Hasj bart made at tbt buainM mer ose tiuaJrM dollar in a ilo(l wmk. KolblBS lik U er knovn bfor. All who afar art mrprlMd at ttM AM ad rapiditrj wtlb whtch tbcra abie Ut mak inooey, Tos oan O(ag 1 tbla buiiar durlns your apar tiiat at graat proflt. Tou d mo bav U tnwfal capital lu lu W takc all ibe rtak. Tlio4wko oewl rady moarj bould wrltt naatoooc All funUbtl fr4. AddreMTan Oo, Au.uata, Malo. 1097 U


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News