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(Contornea J rom our County Btchanga.) BRIDOEWATER. Wül Dewey is now the leader of the band. Jacob Graff s to bu'iM a fine residence on bis larni the cast part ot' town. Hanke's mili is now in charge of Harvey Blaisdell, wbo has moved here from Man chester. The oíd Crampton farm, near the River Ka.Q mill-pond, haa been bougbt of J. W. Braincr by Délos Milk CHELSEA. Ilerald: Little Willie, son of Walter Dancer, died at Lima, April 14, 1381, aged 2 years and 3 montbs. The 50th anniversary or golden wedding, of Mr. and Mre. Chas. Congdon, wu celebrated at the residence of their daughter Mrs. Thos. Sears, on the 9th inst. The comnany was quite large, and the occasion onc long to be remembered. Chip Basket.- Mr. Tiohncor is adding to his residence. Liquor suits have been keeping the justices busy for a few days. Bert Congdon has returned from Texas. Miss Belle Tuttle is now at Grand Ledge. A band of hope has been organized by the little ones at the Baptist church. Nellie Randall has returned to Kansaa. John Qregg and family havo removed to Detroit. On the farm of Jas. Allen 200 rats were caught within ODe month. Help slill continue scarce. DEXTER. lltiv. V. O. Allen, of Webster, preaches in the Baptist church every Sabbath afternoon, at 3 o'clock. A tramp who was stealing a ride on the evening expres had his foot badly crushed a few days since in attempting to get off at this station. He was taken to the county house and had sotne of his toes ainputated. Tbe Leader says : " Dexter ia intested with another gang of youthful scamps, who tear down fences, carry away gates, and perform othcr feats of deviltry after hours nights. A watch should be kept by each family until a few of them have been captured, nd by making au example of them bring such vandalisme to an end." Chip Basket. - Rob Coleman has taken Grecley's advioe - gone west. Fishing excursions are frequent. Will Tuite and Ed. Appleton in town over Sunday. The oondemned bridge near Delhi has been fixed up. Dr. Tayïor is improving his residence. Jos. McGuinness is goiug to build a new house. The next red ribbon social will be Kotten up by Chas. Stebbins and Geo. Vinkle. An eifort is being made to resusicate th Congregational church society. Eggs dropped J in price the day after ea.-tor. Mrs. Lucksmith feil down stairs recerjtly and was seriously injured. MANCHESTER. Chip Bai-ket. - Private soap faotories are the order of the day. A peanut social held by the Baptists, cleared $4.01 - peanuta you see make people tbirsty and cali for water - good Baptist doctrine. .Harvey Anthony is building an addition to his house. Huilt. Morris, the Masonic lecturer, will address the Masóos here sotnetime in May. Miss Clara Merithew received as a gift a cake basket and -book of poema at the last Presbyterian social, for her services as organist. Charlie Field has been promoted, and is now conductor on the M. S. & L. S. road. Ben. Deane and Wid Silkworth have gone to Texas to work for $25 per month and board. SALEM. We condense the following items from the South Lyon Excelsior : II. B. Daley bas gone to Illinois to teacb, and his wife will follow him shottly. Chas. Kingsley has been receiving surgical treatment at Ann Arbor. The literary society has lately added a lot of valuable books to their library. " Tid " Vanatta is recovering slowly. Mr. Doane is building a new house. A Sunday evening normal class at the Baptist church is very in teresting. John D. Roberts has lost a second horse recently. H. P. Webster and family contémplate moving to Grand Rapids. Jas. Austin thinks of going to Colorado. SALINE. Obiervcr, 21st: " Geo. J. Nissly leaves for a bu&inouu tiïp tr Clovcland, Buffalo, Rocbeater and othcr points east, to-imirow." The Saline pcoplo desire to refund their present school bonds at a lower rute of interest, the present rate being ten per cent. The bonded debt of the district is now but $2,000. Chip Basket. - Will Mc Kinnon leaves for Texas soon. C. C. Lathier left for Bismark, Dakota last week. Miss Libbie Blanchard has gone to Detroit to live. O. L. Robinson and family have gone to Bloomington, 111., to live. Several laborers have gone from here to Texas to work on the Texas Pacific R. R. Postmaster Masuii is repairing and fixing up his residence. Several new sidewalks have been ordered built. Ancel Green, now of Milwaukee waa married to Miss Taylor of Milán, a few days since. Chas. Jack son, formerly of York, has been viaiting old frienda in the vicinity. Dr. F. M. Oakley, of York, is in Florida, health seeking. Ara II. Palmer of River Raisin, and Norman Wqod, of Lodi are to travel this sumnier again with the perambulating photograph gallery. STONY CREEK. From our own Corrtspondcnt. Warm weather. Where are the garden seeds? 'Ihe ' lutch measles" are the rage now. Don't be sick, Dr. Webb bas gone east on a visit. Geo. II. Davis has rented the Dansingburg farm. Church cleaning, painting, a new carpet, and a new library at the Methodist church. It looks like enterprise. The Crittenden school is opened for the spring term under favorable circumatances. Miss Anna Bailey is teacher. Rev. W. E. Dunning sent about three hundred signatures to the legislatura for the prohibitory oonstitutional amendment. WHITMORE LAKB. W. N. Stevens is having his farm thoroughly overhauled and repaireJ. Rev. J. Alabaster failed to meet his enfagement for the 15th inst., at Hamburg. Ie ia expected on the 13th of May. As a reward for services in revival meetings, Mrs. L. L Warren, of South Lyon, has been presented with a nice teacher's bible. The Clinton house is bei ig extensively repaired inside and out. New furniture, new paint, new paper, etc. Two bath - have been erected on the shore in connection. Arrangements are in progresa for holding a monster grove meeting here in June, lasting five days. One day will be given to temperance and one for Sunday school work, etc. The big tent from Ann Arbor is to be procured. To commence Monday, June 6th, and close on the next Friday. YPSILANTI. The Commercial saya it excepts our version. Jess' so. Laat Monday night the barns of S. Post, U. S. pension agent, were destroyed by fire. Supposed incendiarism. Loss about $2,000 with $1,500 inaurance. A lad named Frank Arnold, aged eight years, ran away, and in company with two companions walked to Detroit to see the city. When they got there bis mates deserted him and the pólice picked him up and gave him lodings at the station house.