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A TTENTION FABMKRS! Look to jour iuUrasti. Be sore lo DEERING TWINE BINDER! Before huylng any other, ts It is nndoubtedly the mwt soccessful twioe binder In the market. 1036-3 A. DRURY, Ag'., Ypsilantl. NOTICK. To the Ciii.ene of Ann Arbor : The Board of Hcalth calis attention to the neceaslty oí cleiDinu raulu. cmrpooir, pie peni, barnyard, alleys, etc., and all other nunuret endani;erIng public healih, before ihe llnit of Muy. All tornplainta of non-compliance wlth thia noilce will rucelve prumpt attentlon from the Board W. F. BRBAKKY, l"re. C. (.KUKü. SaCf. Ann Arbor, Aprll 3, 1881. rpO RENT. A llr-lH at ?6Ü pT ycar, one mlle ont of the city. Addrese Box C, ADn ArArbor. "POR SALE OR TO KENT. Two block oath of the unlvcrslty greunds, a hout wlth thri-i' lol and ham and frnltqulre on the premi-e of g "ÜOR SALE OR RENT. The wellknown property of the late T. A. ílaviland, located ín thc ífth ward, will be sold on reaaoDable térras, rentid or ezchanged fofWher city property. The property embracen land. blackmlth ahops and wood shop. If not oíd In a rnaoDable time, thc property wlll he for rent. Kor particolars inqulre of G. H. RUODES, Kxecator, Ann Arbor, Mfch. ltf ll.KM VVAXTKI forlh.' REVISED NEW TESTAMENT A made by the most eminent xrhular "f Bi and America. Hlf th. Pric o.' CarrtijoniiBg ïsjüu Xlitíín. LarKe type, llnen snper-calend-n cl pa["pr fleiraiit binding.' A separate "ComprtóiuiTe ei tit Biel and it tranalallons," Inclodlog a hil kcoul'. of iit Hl lariiioa, giren lo nbcrlb r. Bet chance for agenta ever oflered. Seno stamp for particular atoncu. The Henry BUI Publlshlng Co., Norwich Conn. lUSfWl STEPHEN PRAfr, MANUPACTI'RKB (P HiLh and Low Pressnre Boilers Of all kinds. SMOKE PIPB9 :m,I ill SI1KKT IRON WOHK. 211. 216 aii.i 21K Congrí west, between Third and Kou rth sts. DKTKOir, MICH. Kopairlng done. RiveU aml Holler Plate for sale. ia:i-10.59 J. S. MANN, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. Haa located on the Wbitmorc Lake Rood, one mile from the city of Ann Arbor, and will now kívc hin atteotion to bis old businens of FURNISHING PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AND TAKINH OF CONTR1CTS. All those who anticípate buildini; will do will by calling on bim, as hla prices wlll be very reasonable. 1029-12 ThePlace To buy the lowest is where you can make your money go the furthest, and that is at LITTLE MACK'S MAMMOTH (UTIIU III SL SOÜTH MAIN STREET, Where he is showing the finest line of Ready-Made Clothing and Gentes Furnishing Goods, selected from the largeest and best designer of styles, cvor hrought tO this, the Atllens of the West. We deal hoporahly and uprightlv with every one. Your cHldren can buy as well as yourself, as all of our goods are marked in plain figures, and strictly one-price. Don't wait too long to make your sebctions but cali at once and give us a chance to show our nobby styles in fits and quality of materials. We are the only clothing house in the city where you can buy the Sweet, Orr & Co. Overalls and Wampus, as no ot'.ier house can buy them. You don't have to buy a new pair every new moon as they give entire satisfaction. They are made of the best material and warranted not to rip. Uur CuLlci, Mr. Jos;. H. Dugrey, can give you the best fit in the custom line, as his work can be known by anyone who wants good satisfaction. Our stock of cloths is the largest and most varied to select from in town. We mean business and you can find us at No. 9 S. Main Street. LITTLE MACK. Estáte or Sarah A. Rcnwick. - QTATK OF MICHIGAN. County of Wanhtenaw, es. At a session of the Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw bolden at the Probate office. In the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eighteenth day ol April, in the year one thousaml eïght hundred and eighty-one. Preeent,WllllamD. Harriinan, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of the estáte of Sarah A. Renwick, deceased. On readlDg and flllng the petltlon, duly verlfled,of Nathan B. Rcnwick praying thatadministratlon of said estáte may be granted to Temperance Kenwick. Tbereapon it is ordered, that Mondajr, the twentythlrd day of May next, at teu o'clock in the forenoon, be assljrned for the hearing of ttald petition, and that the helrs at law of sald deceased, and all other persons lntereeted in sald eatate, are requlred to appear at a esion of gaid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city ol Ann Arbor, and show cause, lf any there be, why the prayer of the petltioncr should not bc uranted. And It Is furthcr ordered, that said petlaoner give notlce to the persont lnterested in said estáte, of the pendency of said petttlon, and the hearing thereof, by canslng a copy of thla order to be publlshed in Th Ann Arbor Courier, a wspapr prlnted and circnlatlng in said county, tlir sive weeks prevlous to sald day of hearing. (A truicopy.) WILUAM D. IIARKIMAN, Judge of Probate. WK. G. DOTY. Probate Register. 1030-3 , L Outfit rurutihM mt, wlih fu'I laitmotioDi ror oonT I flL dtiotln( tbe iuot iirolllblf tmine tbt uiyone ckd 11 II tucmgaiD. Tbc bualoeaa ii weaar to learn. aud our VI II lmiructioal r ao impl ftDd [tlln. tlit djod ml II cn mmke fnmt proflu from tbe v erj aUrt. No OM 1 I II cao fftU who ta wIUIdc U work . TuWa r u aufl. I II oeaarul aa mn. Boya and jirlti oao eru Urga arnaa 7 M. V ataor have made at the boalnaaa urvr ooe huodrrd d.-llara la a alnfla wak. otblof Itka U ever known Iw-fura. All who aafaM ara aurpriaad at the aaM and raul'llt; wlth whlcb ther tx abla to maka muaej. You can enfade la tbta bualneaa darinf jour ipara Urne at rral proflt. You do Dot bave lo inreat oapiul la ti. W uke all ihe rlik. Thoaa who neert readj mouay abonld wrl oa atoooe 111 furuiaba.1 Tree UJifdtarU !¦. AUfuita, Mala. 1007 U


Ann Arbor Courier
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