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Magazine and Book Notices. Our Llttie Ones for May continúes true to lts namo, wlth each number bo excellent that it seeras hard to lmprove upon lt. It is Jast the thlng ior the chlldren. Russell Publlshlug Co., Boston, Mass. The recent declaratlon of Postmaster James In favor of the establishment In thls country of postal savlngs banks,glves timellness to a brief paper on post-offlce savlogs bank in Oreat Britaln in the forthcoraing Scrlbner, wrltten at the request of the editor by an offlcial of the Engllsh general office, and presenting sorae facts and figures not heretofore pubII si led. V The Popular Science Monthly for Uu-i portraltof Edw ii-uercöpeas afrontespiece, ud a table of contenta, whlch wlll be higiiiy appreclated by the reading public. Among the papers we uotlce : Story of a Salmón, by Prof. D. S. Jordán ; Physlcal Educatlon, by F. L. Oswald, M. D.; Mineral Sprlngs of Saratoga, illustrated, by C. F. Flsh ; Actlon of Radiant Heat on Oaseous Matter, by Prof. John Tyndall, F. R. 8.; Another World Down Here, by w. M. Wllliara; Orlgin and 8tructuure of Voleanic Cones, Illustrated, by H J Johnston Lavis. F. O. 8 ; Eyes and School' Books, by Prof. H. Cohn ; Deep Sea Investlirations; The Will-o'-the Wlsp Filk Lore Some Prehistorio Vessels, lllustrated; The Horace Manu School for the deaf; Color Bliudness, etc., etc. 5.00 per year. New York, D. Appleton 4 Co. v 8t. Nlcholas, that prlnce of publlcatlons for boys and gtrls, comes to us for May ftlled to over-flowing wlth cholee reading and beautiful illustrations. A boy or girl who cannot Interest hlmself, or berself, In thls book, must be very stnpld Indeed. It is as pure in thought as it is brtght and aparkllng in exprenslon. The Illustrations cannot be excelled by lts contemporaneous publlcatlons. By all means glve your chlldren somethlng of tbls kind wlth whlch to flll up their readlng hours. The blood and thunder yellow-covered literatura sends nearly as iimny of our youths to perdltlon every year as does Intern perance. So watch the readlng for your chlldren and glve tliem soraelhlng pure ín tbought, and at the same time elevatlng and lastructlve. Try 8t. Nlcholati lust once and you will never go without It. fc 00 per year. Scrlbner 4 Co., pu Mlshers, 7M liroadway, New York. The Diary op a Ministkr's Wife. Part II. No. 5H, Standard series. Prtce, 15 cenU. I. K. Funk 4 Co., New York. It lsqualnt, it Is laug hable- not ranch exaggerated. There are ministers wlves who can testlfy to inany such experlences. Laymen gel lt and read It. Th; Nctritiv Cür. By Robert Walter, M. D. No ",", .Standard series. Price 15 cents. l. K Funk it Co, New York. Thls book is fnll of practical hints on how to get well and keep well, without the use of medicines, The author malntalns that food properly nsed la the best of medicine. It Is a uggesttve book on an Important subject. Saktor Resartus By Thomas Carlyle. No. 60, Standard series. Prlce, 25 cents. I. K. rank A Co., N. Y. Thls Is one of Carlyle's most famous books. Says Dr. John Lord of thls book: "Every page li stamped wlth genius. It shows plctagps of the struggle of the soul whlch are tvcTnderfu!." We quote the following frpm Appleton's Cycloptedla, lHflO edltlon, Carlyle, page US : "In the course of the year 1833-4, he pulillshed la Fraser's the most peculiar arnfreiiinrkalile of all hls works- the qaalnt, the whlmsical, thel profound. the humeroas aud the poetlc 'Sartor Resartu.' Into whlch he ieeniH to have poured all the treasures of hls rnlnd and heart.


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