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Whut A le-, Tou : Is it a disordered liver giving yon a yllow 8kD or costive bowels, which have resulted in distressing piles, or do your kidneys refuse to pert'ortn their i'unction '! If so, your nystom will so jo be clq(ged with poisona. Take a few doses of Kidney Wort and you'll feel like a uew man - nature will throw off cvery iiupedimcnt and each organ will be ready for dury. Drujjgiste sell both tbe dry and liquid. - Ev;insville Tribune. ¦1. M. Bittnian, tbe confidential clerk of Wells, Stone k Co., of Saginaw City, is charged with a heavy embezzlenient. It is stated that he hai severa! times had honest olerks discharged for his own pilferings, be making it appear that they did it. He turned over $7,000 as a partial rei in - bursement. Profltable Paticnts. Tbe most wonderful and niarvelous succes8 in cases, where persons are sick or wasting away ('ruin a ronditioti of miscrableness, that do one knows what ails them (prufitablc patiënt for doctors), is ohtained by the use of Hop Bitters. They begin to cure from the tirst dose and keep it up until perfect health and strength is ïestored. Whoever is afflioted in tuis way need not suffer, when they can get Hop Bitters. - Cincinnati Star. Work is progressing on the new reform school for girls at Adrián. The two cottages io procesa of erection will be ready lui oooupnnoy by July lot, oud iliu contract for more will be let immediately. Aycr's Sarsaparilla. Bc wise in time. All baneful infection are promptly re moved by this uncqualled alterativc. It It is tbe most potent blood purifíer, and a fountain of health and strength. "I Dou't Want a Piaster," said a sick man to a druggist, "can't you give me something to cure me?"His symptoms were a lame back and disordered urine and were a sure indication of kidney disease. The druggist told him to use Wort and in a short time it effected a complete cure. Have you these symptoms? Then get a box or bottle to-day - before you become incurable. It is the cure; safe and sure. - Knoxville Republican. _________ Nobthpokt, Win., May 6th, 1879. James I. Kkli.ows, Ksq. SiR - I have been using your medicine for over a year now and with the best effects, I have used twelve bottles of the Hypophosphiten and it has made a new man ot' me, I have been ailing over six years with a number of diseases, but lung difficulty was the most prominent. I have been under the care of a great many doctors, and have taken quanlities of medicine without any apparent benefit, but appeared to be still growiug worse and weaker until I accidentally carne across one of your circulara, and was constrained to try your medicine, and I found its effects were almost magical upon me, and I was a surprise to myself and frieuds, h&ving gaind .-o rapidly in flesb. I remaln respectfully. LAWRENCE DORAN. Physicians claim Hops and Malt Bitters are the best. Diphtheria. - A sure preventative. We speak of Duok's Camphorated Árnica, the Great Household Remedy. 1020-55 Ag-ents and Canvassers Make from $25 to $50 per week selling gooda for E. C. Rideout & Co., 10 Barclay street, New York. Send for their catalogue and terms. 1000-1052. Professional Testimony- Many of the best physicians use lovs's Elixir in their daily practice, because it is the best cough remedy that can be made. Now is the time to use Baxter's Mandrake Bitters and prevent Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Jaundice, which are so prevalent in the npring months. Only 25 cents a bottle. Host & Jounson's Árnica ani On Liniment is a family remedy which should be in every family. Used forCuts, Burns, Scalds, Bruises, Strains, &c. It has no equal. THE LION MALARIA A'D LITER PAD And Body and Kout Piasters. Will not only cure Malarial Fevers of every kind but its action upon the Stomach Liver and Kidneys in correcting their irregularities and in enabling them to resume their proper functions makes it a remedy of great value. Try it. The whole combined treatment for one dollar. For sale by druggists.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News