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I XiPROFESSORI 11 BAKIN&ffl üiJPOWDËR! Made from "rofeaaor Horiford' Acid Fho.phat. Kecomniendfd by +tung phyulclan. Mkn llfrhter bimnit, nkt, et., and Is healthier tlian ordinary llakinp; Fov der. In cana. 8o1d at a reMonable prlce. Thf Honford Almanac and Cook Book aent free. Rum ford Chemical Work, Providence, R. 1 and 83 Lake St, Chícalo. 1088 79 Tttallui.t ,n.i U. t Medicine ?T?r Made. I Afominiiii.-.t' ., ,.f Hops Buchu, I dr;ik au i Dandelion, wttb nii th bont and I 1 rtit-í of all other llitUr, ¦ mik fiAthptfnai. i Blood Purlflr. L.ver I Ren u 1XB tor, I-Jf and Halth KeBtwriinr I Agvut oiiBBBBi" tarth. No disease ck an powibly loni? exirt whr Hop I IL' ar usm#dfM varïed and perfect LTotbeuI Xh7 gire tiwülfc ilT'.Eertstbiígiiaaiiañra. I Toallwhone eïiP10?111181186 irre(nilrt" tyof thebowelsor% unnry orgn, or wbo r quíre an Appftizcr1011'0 and mild Stimulant, Hop Bitters aro mTajVuaWe, without IntOXNomatter wbatyourfe%fUn{p or aymptonu are wbat the distase or ailwnent I ue Hop Bitten. Ion't watt untUyoua%tv aiek but If yon only teel bad or miserable ,1 "" them at onos Hmay haB8Ved huadrwdj. $500111 be paldfor cal they will not core or help. Do not suffer %orlet your friendi tuffer.but une and urire tbem10 Use Hop B Remember, Hop Bitten la dqVi dru(fjfd drunken nostrum. but the l'nn'stL n d Bet Mt-dicioe fver made ; the "ISV ALI08_ FKJD I and HOPI" and no penon Or (amilyL mM shouid be without them. HBHH D.1.CJ1 n aolute und Irresistible curlB fórPrunkennoas, Uíeof opium, tobáceo andlVH narcotice AiJ oíd by arutnristR. Send #d _l for Circular. Hp BlUm ir. E., M Ml 098-1049 cero TtHE GREAT CURE ' RHEUMATISM .' la it m for all diiwn- of the KIDNEY8, , LIVER AND BOWEL8. h It oleantes the sjvtem of the aorid poiaon that oaoses the dreadful luflisring whlota ' ' only the victima of aheumatim oan reali. , ; THOUS&NDS OF CASES f the wont fornu of thii temblé illtnan ¦ - have been quick y relieved, Ín a hort tim II ¦ PERFECTLY CURED. fl 1 hachad wooderful uccc, and n lmmenM i , ale in every partof the Country. In hun' dredaofoai- ithajoured whereall elae had ' Cailed. Iti mild, but effloient. CERTAIN , ( INITSACTION.butharmleaalnalloaMs. ' I Tl t cleanae . Htrcaythea aad aivea Nt ' f Life to all the important organa of the body. i 4 The natural actiou of the Kldneys la retord. 1 The Li ver 1b cleansedof all diaeaae, and the ' f Bowela move freel j and healthfuUy . Ia thia i 4 waythe wont rtlnan are eradicated Crom ' ' theayateai. ¦' As it ha been proved by thouaands that i la the most effeotual remedy for oleanalne; the , Byatcrat of all morbid aecretions. It ahouidbe uaed in every houeehold aa a ¦ SPRING MEDICINE. 1 Alwmyi cure BnJ008Ní88. ' TION. PILES tsd all mULI Dim- Mm. Ia put up In Dry Vcvtble ForM, la tin cana, I ' Oim oí whixh rnsk l.,iu mttfiifin. ' AIbo in Llqoid Fra, Try CoarMtratdfor ' th convenlcncn of thoge wbor&nnotraadür pr 'i pare it. JtaAurt l f}uil rfnnrncy in nlhrrfrmn. OET ITOFTOOTl DRDOOIST. PRICE, 1.0 ', WH.I.s, KM IIAUDSON A Co.. Prop'i, i ' (WUltnilthnlrypot-palil.) BI K1.ITOT0I, TT. , "fürrs PILLS INDORSED BY PHYSICIANS, CLERGYMEN, AND THE AFFLICTED EVERYWHERE. THE GREATEST MEDICAL TRIUMPH OF THE AGE. SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. I -owg of appetite.Nauaefl. bowela ooatjy, Pain in theHead.with dull sensation in the back part. Pain vinder the shoulderblade, fullness after eating, with diainclination to eiertion of borty or mind, Irritability of temper, Low spirita,TKMl of memory, with afeelingof havlag neg lected lome duty, wearinesa, Dizsincsa, ïluttering ol the Heart, Dot before the eyea, Yellow Skin, Keadache, iïeitleines at night, highly colored Urina. IF THESE WA RNIRGS ARE ÜNH EEDÏD, SERIOUS DISEASES WILL SOON BE DEVELOPEO TUIT 'S PILLS are puperialïy adapted to tiiK'li canea, one dofte eflTectn HUfiharhtoe of freling; au to mtonUli the aufferr. Thy Inrrrmr Ihrt pvttt, and caua tb body to Takr on Flrah. thua Hip ayitam n nourtabed.and by th.u Ton Ir Artleaon tb IlitnlIirOrnM, Recular toóla areproducd. l'rlfg S fi-nl' fa atnrrmy SI.. if.T. TUTT'S HAIR DYE. Ora y H air (irWiuBKKm ihanged to aOLoaar IIiai'K by a alucio appllcallun of ihia Dr. It Imparta a natural color, acta Inslantaneously ri'M by Drugguta, or aat by xpreu ou raciipt of 1L. Office, 35 Murray St., New York. flir TCTTB KIM 1L f Tilublt UrorMatioM ul h txhil Klli ¦! 'iIM mil .ffllriU..f 1032-W '


Ann Arbor Courier
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