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iitgo. nuaarct, Wlsos, LiCroas. Owitoiu ud Hl tnsti ;i Ifisitnu, EitoU, Wliconiia ud tki Morttwtit. At Councll Bluffs the traint of the Chicago & North-Weetern and the U. P. R'ys depart from, arrive at and nee the ame joint unlon depot, i At Chicago, close connectlons are made with the I-ake Bhore, Michigan Central, Baltimore & Otaio, Kort Wayne and Pennnvlvania, and Chicago & (irand Tronk Ky', and the Kankaukce and Pan Handle Route. Close Connections Made at Junction Points. It In th.' OM.V UOIII running Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BITWKXN Chicago and Council Bluffs. I'iiIIiiihii M.c„t on All Mïht Train. Inaiet opon Ticket Avenís eelllng you tlckes via tnie road. Examine your tickets, and refutte to bur K thiy d' not read ovur the l bicago and NorthWrKtiTn Katlway. ir you wih the Beet Travellua AccomuiodatloDo you wtll huv vour tickets by thi route EiTANIi WM.L TAKE NO OTHEK. All Ticket Agent! ell tickets by thls ¦ABVIM H1ITT. 1081-83 2d V. P. & lien'l Man'r, Chicaeo. Health Is Wealth. Dr. K. O. Wbt'i Nervk and I!bainThk4tent: a spcclfiC for Hl .'erin, Dlz.ineHK.L'DllvulBioDW, Nervo8 Headache, Mental Depresslon, Loss ot Memory, Spermatorrhoea, lmpotency. Premature Oíd Ate, caused by over exertion, selfabuse, or over-lnduluence, which leads to mlsery, decay and death. One box will cure recent cases. Kuch box contalns one month's troatment One dollar a box, or slx boxea tbr flve dollars ; Sent by mail prepald on receipt of prlce. We six boxes to care any case. With each order received by U0forslxboxep,accom panled with flve dollars, we will send the purchaser our written Kaarantee to retnrn the money if the treatment does not effect a care. Uuarantees issued by Brown & Co. (Solo Anthorized Agenta for Ann Arbor, Mlch. JOHN C. WEST CO., Sole Proprletors, Chicago, III. Frizelle & Co., Wholesale Agenta, Detroit, Mlch. 98)049


Ann Arbor Courier
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