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CHURCH DIRECTORY. Baptist Church. Rv. 3. Biimu Ptor. Shbtherïicea, 10ii a, . and 7 r. K. gnndaï 3chool aftor mornlng sarric. Pryer mentlnjThureday eveniog t 7 o'cloek. Cathollc Church. Rt. Kathkr Fiili, Paator. Low Mm, 8 A. m. UUh Mu, IOS a. ¦. Vesper, r. . Sunlay School, p. m. Consregational Church. Rkv. W. H. Rtdb, Ptator. iabbalu serlcea, 10 a. . nd tV4 ' Suod School after mornlng erylce. prmyT ¦oiIuï Timruday TenlnK l Tt o'clock. Episcopal Church. Rtv. Wtllts Hall. Keotor. . i')tuh'orvlce, 1US( 4. . and 7H p. a. iundar School, ivi p. . - - HbIí1ou tervC4)i, l'hursda eTenlng at Tki doek. (.Tinaii Methodist Church. Kit. f. HiLwia, Pator. Sabbath errices, 10 . . and 7H ¦ondy School, at nlne o'clock i. m. Prayer meeting on Wedneday. Lutheran Church. KIV. JuHK NZUMAHH, PUtOr. Sabbath errlces, 10 a. m. and 7 F. n. Suiiday School after mornlnif iervlc. "rayer meeting, Thurday vanlng at 7 o'clock . Methodist Church. Uit. Jdhx Vt.tBvT(ii, Pastor. ¦( i'ib ith Wllw, 10 a. ¦. and 7Vt Siiinliv Sc:i ml iflur morninij errlce. Prayer in o;int;,Tharalay ovenlnK at 7 o'clock. f jiin,' l'.jple'i Meotlng, Saturday 7 p. h. l'resliteriao Chapeh. Kï. Kiiiiim. 11 Stekl, D. D., Pastor. iiinii -rvic ), 10 i. M. and 7 r. u. -vu ..U.' Sob. il iu.l Uiole claai after mornlng gerTrce Cr ivr neelin ;, Thuriday cveulng at 8 o'clock. ï ui. t I'espla'i Xjeiine.Sunday evenlnu (I. Uultarian Church. Kit. .1. T. SirmnRi.AHD, Ptitor. Sabhath arvlca, 10 . m. and 7 r. u. Su i lay School at 12 m. Hi.i lr,nt.' llible l'laas at :16 a. h. mmi i.iil Ui-run (' r. II. V. BaijiiK, Putor. Si'ib! h -Urvicew at 10 a. M. and 7 r. u. v rtchool immeilittelj afUr mornlut; iarvlce. Rollgloaii etTice Wednmday eTenlng at 7 o'clock. BUSINESS CARDS. i i .1 i:i i II l. POPE, M. i.. ¦ HYSK'IAN AND SUKOEOK, Special attentinn pald to the dlneaae of womeu and chlldren. (Jlty and country calis promptly attended to. FFICR, H JEFFKRHON 8TRKRT, Two Doors frora State 8treet. 1014-40 WILL.I4M BIGGS, BUILDER. SHOP: CORNER CHURCH AND ORLEANS ST. Ann Arbor. 10217 W. II. JACKSOX, OFFICE : OVER BACH & ABELS. Knlrance by Flret National Bank. __ m WILL1AIH 1IERZ, Houae, Stgn, Ornamental and Fresco Painter. - o - Papering, Glazlnp, Gilding, and Calclmlnine and work oí every script ion done Id the beet atyle, and warranteft to trlve aatiffactlon. Hhap, Xa. 4 West Washington Street. Ann Arbor, Michigan. 638tf yy I LU AM W. NICHOLS, DENTIST1 ff has íir.aut id to ma NEW DENTAL ROOMS over jE t Jacobs stork. qo to WIN ANS Sc BERRY KOK MIRCHANT TAIL0R1NG Kiir the folio luje reawoiiN: lat. Our work It all nntclMt. i i. Mr. Berry is Ihe only cuiter In the State who can lítve von a perfect flt without trying on. .Id. We have tbe largeat aisurtmeat in the State, havtne over 00 different ityle to aelect Som In f&reign and tiemestic Wooleñ and Wortted. 4th. We uae none bat inMIm trlmmlnea. 5th. We are fnll 10 per cent, beluw Detroit prlcea. WINAN8 BKHRY, 1U07-1058 No. 11 Soatn Main Street, Ann Arbor OSCAR O. SORG, lli M -K. SION ANO no ruin AUSU l'Al &U UUUUU. NO. 11 EAST LIBERTY STREET. All Work Done Promptly and Neatlr. 1029-81 BEH0LD1 ALLTHINGSARE NEW I New Flrm, New Uoods, New Príce. Uood as the Beat, üheap aa the Cheapett. THE IITV TEA STORE In connectlon wlth the Oíd Pioneer Bakery, at NO. 23 NORTH MAIN ST. 1 where you ill Bnd a A FULL UNE OF GROCERIES WenukeTc, Coffeen and Spices peclaltle in the trade. Kverytliini: in the baklnf; Une coiiauntly on hand. 33053 DILI7X2ES TO 1!T 71ST 31 TU CIIT. Thankful for paet patronage, we would still aoliclt your favor. A. R. HALL, _J0SIS6 M. 1). L. BKANC'H. J. A. POLUEBHJ8' LIVERYSTABLE Th bon and moat ei'enalrc In the city. HACE AND BUS LINE Kunnini; o all traius utjfht and day. ONLY LINE WHICH RUNS TO NIGHT TRIINS. The Ihhi hack In city for ladlea calllng. Otdera fllleil prumpllr tot all kind of cunveyascea. Pirticalir Attention to Ordars for fuirili, Cok. Main and Cathabini Sts., AMX ARBOR, - MICHIGAN 1-1048 jLL KINDS OF BLANKS raiHTSD OU BB OUT KOTIOB AT THE OlIUKK JOB ROOMS.


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