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Hillsdale helios. Tho tonia state hooM of correctton has 296 convicta A state telephone exchange has been ilecided upon. An Adrián gardner uses chicken t'eatliera, bones, etc., as a fertilizer. A fire at Caaaopolll Sunday burned the foniidry of Welling & Hatch. The Adventista at St. Louis are crcctintr a ehurch editiee to cost $1,000. Winter is said to have killed nearly all the plnin trees In Oceana county. Public vacclnations hare been ordered in several cties thoughout the staie. Holly is M ineorporated village, and In-M her lirst election as such last ttondaj. Navigiition has nearly opened on the lakes, boats havinr come throngh froru Al pena. The jiirls have a base ball dub nt ('layton. They can hanolo the bat as well u a broonistick. The wages of the prinfa inaw has been raiscd from 25 to 30 cení thousaml m's. Bryce & Bloecker's iron work"s at Grand Haven, destroyed by fire. Loss $14,000; insurance $5,600. The Michigan Congrejrational assoeiution ÍS tO hold iU annunl sesslon at Charlotte. commencing May Sth. Melanie's hotel, four miles east of Laper, bnrned laat Fi iday, for the third time within three ycars. Miiskejron tighi lor adaily line ot sti-aniprs to Chicago. She has shipped over 50 cargoes of lamber already this season. Mackiuaw county gave the republican State tUkaá lo '"" :¦ :.¦ 'I,.. ti,,t time the county ever gave a majonty RJÏ that party. During April the M. C. R. R canïed 18,000 emigrants through the state, the M 8. R. R. about 0,500, and the O. T. R. R. about 6,000. The new editor of the American Agriculturist is Byron D. Halstead, of thia itate, who graduated from the agricultural college, class of '71. MUhawaka is to haveawool boot manufactory establishod. Thnt's rlght. We are glad for the boys that the old man'i boot will be made of soniethiiig soft. Flint has an association organized for the purpose of encouragingmanufacturing and other business interests n tliat plaee. Flint is never to be found nsleep. The open cistern has commenced lts death work acain. At Battle Creek, April" 38, a six-ycars-old daugbter of Chas, l'arker feil into one and was drowned. Three members of a family named Weaver, living in a house located in a naanfa near Ceresco, died last Thursday from scarlet fever, and others were sick at the time. About CO persons from Lowcll, taking with them ten carsof freight and 50 horscs, have gone to Pakota to take the place Of those recently washed .way by the rloods. Not satisfied with trying to steal Albion's college away from hor, somebodv is now trying to ehêat her out of her pound. Siich an ungrateful wretch oughtto bepound-ed. Hal ha! Buchanan has had to pay Sarah Ashcraft :!,000 because he brok'u her leg in a defective sidewalk in that place. {tachonan will now probably mend her ways. The Hart, Oceana Co., Journal states that the peach and apple buds are iiianjured there, but that the plum treps are all killed. Whlch, to say the least, is a llttle singular. Bronson luis not levied a cent for village expenses since the present liquor law went into effect until this year. Her saloons are not now numerous enough to pay the budget. Saginaw is shipping immense quantities of 8aTt just now. A train of 46 cars with 90 barrels to the car reeen Uy passedthrough Jacksdii tor Kansas, audtliis was only one lot of maiiy. Decatur people have OTganleed a fire company and will try and purchase some ¦t of fixe Qucuchiiig appanvtns. The burning of the Duneomue mm is wliat has awakened them. Manistee still fails to come down with the cash and the new railroad rtop 11 Stronach, from whenoe a Ime of (teamera will eunnpet with Chicago and other lake ports. Somebody errs. Total returns from the state give the vote on justice as follows: Mantón, I.'T,402; UaUlwin. 73,901; Shipnian, 88,206; Hyde. 13,774; acattering. 996; total, 247,438; Marston's majority, 19,986. The editor of the Marlette iadtl that Brown City, in the southern part of Sanilac. county, is bound to grow. It is doing things up brown and he'll be blOWMd if it don't make a lively place, by-and-bye. The supreme Iodge of Ancient Order of United Workinen is to meet in animal sesskm at Detroit, on the 7th of June uext. lianquet, excursión, reduced railroad rates and a grand " blow out" is In nnticipation. The North Bramh, Lapeer Co., Gazette says it ia "told thal many pieces of wlicat, according to present appearames, will not pay to leave, but will have to be plowed up this spring and somc othor erop be put in." A Buckeve colony is to üe planted on tlic ( 'hippewa, about 14 miles u ct of Midland City, V. L. Stearns, of Berea, O., haying purchased a large tract of land on which to-plant it. The place will be called Chippewa. Major J. H. Xelson, appointtil a paymaster in the ü. S. ariny from Hlchlgúi several yeare ago, has just died in the Albany pcnitintiary, having been wnl there for the eabulemtit of $15,O(X) bom Uncle Sam. The money which Homer Andrews took from JoIhis whcii he asMUlteü hini has never been found, and now one Chetter SatWe an uncle of Andrews, bas been arrested on a suspicion ot knon injr something about it. Last Saturday evening a fire at Detroit destroyed Frosta' woodeu ware worksand the Croul Bro'i Unnery. The total loss was $159,000 with comparatively no insurance. The junior ïncinbir of the Croul Bro8 firm was absent on his wedding tour. Two dimp novel lads of Ithica, Qratlot Co., one 10, the othei 13 years old, took their satchels, a llttle loose change, and a shot gun and slartcd west to luiiit " injuns," a few days ago. Not havfnf been heard from sinee it is l'eared the "injuns" found them. Lincoln Lake, near LadlQgton. went on a bender the other day, ovi-rflowed lts banks and 'ut a new ontlet, abont 100 feet 'Ir, Into Iakc Michigan, sweeplng baildins, tn-es, t uní 1 1-;, and everything In itway Into the lake, together with abont live acres of g round. Bisliop Borjcess of Detroit, bas pronounceil against exeiirsions, taking the ground that they are conducive of immorality, besides beinz very dangeroai to Ufe and linTl). So the Michigan Cathollcs won't "excurse" tbis Beason- unlesa the Bishop chango his mind. The village of Mt. Clemens Is In mouriiing for four of her prominent citizens who were drowued while lishing In Lake Huren on the '27tli int. Tlie namesof the unlortúnate men are Poetmaster Saook, Dr. er, ('has. Wroíls and Morey Axtell. On Suturday evening the boat in wblcll tlie purty went Sslling was found on thp with the body of Axtell In it. A Iio-tiiiurteiii ex aminatiou revealed the fact tbat Axtell's death was causcd by drowning. His right ltmb was found securely fastened in the boat which had probably righted up after the drowuing. The bodies of the others have not been found at tuis writing. The Oxford Globe wasn't long in scaring up acoupleof limbsof thelaw: "Two new ftedgod limbs of the law have anchorecl in this town and propose to do all the legal business placed in their hands. The re 18 a good opening hcre for men of the right stamp. We trust these young men will fill the bill." The business portion of the little town of Mount Monis, ia Genesee county was aluin-t completely swept out of existence last Friday by íire. Only a saloon and grist mili is left of the business part. Loss estimated at about $40,000 with insurance at $15,000. Some eighteen buildings beside tbc F. & P. AI. R. R. depot were burned. The Detroit Eveninjr News' Lansing legislative correspondent deserves much credit for tlie "showing up" of the swindles pïM ticcil upon the state by coroner's Inquest. One bill especiallv, from Adrián, oertlfled to at 54fi, (one of the grand stand victims) was cut down to $!i; Dj the Auditor general, and paid. Kven at that tigure it .apretty sleep. Alpena has been having trouble hy the floods. About 200 feet of Richardson's dam was washed out by the high water ; some 5,000,000 log storèd in the dam have gone into the lake; the bridge below the dam on which was the water pipe for supplying the southern part of the citj' with u.ilcr was carried away, OMMteg much trouble and thirst. The' loss can only be estimated but is quite large. The wife and family of John York, of Kahiino, are very much alarmed about hini. He left bis home several weeks Blnce with the intention of going to Bellevue to complete a building contract andhasnever since been seen. He is (Ui years old, iron gray hair, under jawstrikingly prominent, $kf&ttël. ny"-i„form:t'ionwirt"itó tliankfully recieved by Mrs. York at Kala1110.


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