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An Ordinance Relative To Sidewalks

An Ordinance Relative To Sidewalks image
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Be t ordained by the mayor, recorder, and aldermen, of the city or Aan Arbor : Siction 1. Whenever the comraon councll of the city of Ann Arbor ahall determine that public conveniente and necesalty rehuiré that any aidewald shall be conatructed, repalred or renewek. wittiin the limita of aald city, a resolution hall be paaaed by sald oouncil, dlrectlng that auch sldewalk be gradod, conatructed, repaired or reuewed aa may be deemed neceaaary or expedlent. and preacrlblng the length and width thereof, and the material of whlch the aune hall be made, together wlth auch other dlrectlon for the couatructlon, rapalrlng or renewlng thereof u may be deemed neceaaary, and further orderIng aad reqnl ring the uwner or owuere of the t ar iotn and ]irin.i-s adjaeenl to and ahutïng upon Uih JJae o m!i walk, U urade Ddeonstniot, rt-palr ir renew 1 hat jart oí Buril idewalk adiaoeni to the lot Of lots aud premtses owned by them r pectlvely, o! th wiilih and nalerlal.and in the nianner prescribed In such esolution wit liln thlrty days after service of a lotice of the pawage ui sucu rosolullon, and a opy of ttie same. aacTinn 4. The chalrman of tbe sidewalk ofiiiinii' . or hui'Ii oiher iMTixm a niay have uperviMoii of the sldewaiks of Raid city, ghali cause a wrttten notire ot the passage of such eaolutlon to be servid upon theowni-rs of 1U huttlnu uMn racb si.lew ik. Huch notice hall set forth a copy of the feaolntlon sidewalk to be grail rpHirt'd or ri'Mi'w.-il. and t he date of lts adoplon, and shall nolily llie puraou or persons to wMoin It lsdlrected to grade, oonstract, repair orrenew tr.estdewalkaccordlng lothe reqnlremenls of sucb resolution, and that i f sui-h idewalk shall nol be coiniileted withln tlurly aya after service of sald natlce, the sanie wlll heli be Kradod, constructed, repalred, or renewed ly the chamnan of Ihe Mtvtlk rotn nilttee. or by suoh otbeT persou Iberela DaMd as shall have been deslgnaled by the sald comnoD council, and Umi the expanaa thereof hall be deeraed a special assessment upon uch lot or premtaea. and shall be added to the amouot of llie Kent lal city tax on such lot or premlsea. Sald nottce hall be served by the city marhalorbyoneol bis deputles by del i vering a opy thereor to each of Bh ownors of the lot, or premlses aliulümi on such sldewalk, and If uch owuer or owuere cannot be found within sald city, then a copy of uch uotice shall be en wlth the occupnut of such lot or premlses or wlth sorne member of bis famlly of snllabja age, and dlscretion ; and lf any of such loU or iremlses shall be unoccnpled, and the owner hereol can not be found in sald city, then aald notice shall ba Mirad ty poHtlnij a copy thereof In soine cou-splcuous ¦ on such lot or )remiHes. Skctiom 3. On the expiration of thlrly davs after the time of service of naid notice the chalrman of the sldewalk oomialttM nhall wlth all due diligence rade. construct, repair or renew such portions of said sidewalk ah ïave not been graded, construnted, repiri.l or nu k in aooordaaa wlth said resolution Hui uotice ; and upon tbe completlon of such work he shall make a report in wrlting to the common council of sald city givlog the dewrlpllon of each lot or pri-mlnes 1 11 front of whlch ucb sidewalk was laid or repalred, aud the name of the owner and occupant thereof, and the cost of gradlng, conRtruclinii. repalrng or renewing such sidewalk In front of each one of such lot or premlses. Szction 4. The common council of sald city shall direct the coRt of gradina, constructlnií. repairing or lenewing such sidewalk to be pald out of the enera! fund, and shall by reaolutiou ohmimt aud assess to each of sald i.l prenusap the cost of gradina. ¦ stru.tlng, repairing or reuewing o much of sald idewalk as Is adjacent to, aud lu front of httid lot aud prem Sbction .. c n or bofure UM weonn Monday of November of each year the city recorder shall make a report, and certifícate to the supervisor of the district lu which the lot or loU, and premtses adjacent to whlch sald sidewalks shall bave been constructed, repalred or renewíMl.jirv l.x-ated, setting forth adencrlptlon of saiil lol or Ma and premisea, together wlth thenainmof the owner or ownereacl punís il known. and further showtng the amounl assesseil to eacb of sald loW and premlsea, which eertlfloaU sliall noflfy, und reqntre salil mparriaor lo ivy tbe evcral ramt so assessed by tax upon the lot or Iota aud prenilses lo iileh thcy are respectfully assess.-.l, and add tl ie same to hls district tax roll for that year unless olherwise direcled by the common council. i is 8. Upon receiving Raid certifícate, sald supervisor shall levy the suras thereln mentioned upou the lot or lots and premlses to whlch they are resnectvely, charged and asseaxed ly lulding such sums to ttu p city tax U) be levled on such lot or lots, and n remises, agalnsl the owner or owners thereof i lus district tnx roll for the currentyear, and theri-upon tlie nmount so addad shall be oiiiwtod and enforced wlth and In 1 1 1 ¦ same inannt-r ai toe wx touio.u u ts mld'd and when conectad shall be paid lutothenty ireas u ry to the credit or the general rand. ¦ ion .. In r-asH tin' tax assrssed on any Mich lotor lol s and prenilse charged wlth tinexpenst-. of gradlng, constructing. repairing or leuewini; uaewaiu as proviilel by tuis ordinance shall not ht jiiiid or collecied. and any such lot or lot and premlsis sliall be returned for non-najmi-nt ot such tax of the city treasnriM, such lol or Iota and premisas unlesa ...... o. r redoomed, shall '¦ aoln tfierafor bythe c(unty treasurer at the annual of lalids lor ii.-iinauenl Uixen and in the same marnier as for ouier la.x-s as nivnm uy t.w. Sbction s. No new sldewalk shall he oon¦truotea unless apon the appllcallon in writlng of a majorlty of all the ownera or occupants ol tin' rt'ul 'state which may be subject to asseasment for such siiiewalk. skition (I. Chapter three of the revlsed orilinaric.'S of 187ti of the city of Ann Arlior cntltlici, " mi ordinanue relatlve to improving sldewalks" aud all ameudmente thereto, and an ordinance i-ntitl.d, ' an ordlnance relatlve to repairing and renewiog of sldewalks," passcd Septeinlwr 4, 187tf, and an ordlnance entilli'd. "an onlinance relative to sldewalks,'' i luly 14, 1879. are hereby repealed.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News