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r state oí Edward Torn ) . iTA t'E OF MK'IIKi AN, County ol At a ion of the Probate C'ourt for the County of Vasbtenaw, holden al ihc ('róbate Ofllce. Id the city r Aun Arhor, on Krtday. the etghth dar of i rril Ín tbe yiair one thousand elght bundred and I ghty-one Present, WillUm D. Harriman, Judge of 1 'in'ftae matter of the estáte of Kdward Torrey eceaaed. On readlng and dlinj; the pulition. duly eriied.of John W.Thompson, praymg that ci-rtain istrnment now on (ileln thls court, purportlng t w tbe last wlll and testament of said deceaed, may admitted to probate, and that he may be apitnted executor thereot . „ Thereupon tt Is ordered, that Mondar, the nlntb av of May neit, at ten o'clock In the aasigned for the hearing of aald pctitlon, id that the devtoeee, legstee, and helm at w of .d deceawd, and all other per-ons uterestrd n sald estáte, are reo, ui rad o aupar loa of ld court, the t. be holden at the office. In the city of Ann Arbor. and Bhow tl .i 11 any there be.whythe prayerof .he petitioner , ould not f.e uranted. And it is further ordered, , ÏTsaid Vlitiniicr glve noilce to the persons ' ütwtri ín ald estáte, of the oendeucy of ld „d Z hSinK 'thereof, by cansin, a copy v f ihli orJ.T to be published iu the Ann Arbor t J?lt, . ,.,-w,„.oer printed and circulated 1.. Id l „„„(.- -ive weeks pnviousto said day ¦ """""¦' (ATlÏÏK.MD.EARKIMAN. Judge of ProbaW, WM. O DOTY, Probate Register. KKW ¦ I late oí Edward LiUiiileld. J OTATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Waehtenaw, ss. s At a sesslon of the Probate Court for the County ol Wwhtèuw, holden at the Probaf Office, in the City f Ann Arbor. on Tbursday, the fourteeiitb day of nril in the year one thousand elght hundred and ightyone. Present, William D. Harriman, Judge oí Tnthe' matter of the estáte of Bdward Utchfield t eased DeForest Lltchflela. executor of the last wlll nd testament of sald deceaeed, come lnto court nd representa that he Is now prepared to render lf llnal account as such executor. Ttiereupon it ie ordered that Tuesday, the tenth av of May next, at ten o'clock in the loreoon assignedfor exarninlng and alluwlng such I cconnt, and that the aevlseea, legatees and heirs t law of sald deceaaed,and all other persons intersL'd iu sald estáte, are raquired to appear at u ssion ol said court, tben to be holden at the Proate Office, In the City of Ann Arbor, in aald couniv. nd show cause, If any there be, why the said ccount shoold nöt be aflowed. And it is further il r.iered that id executor give notice to the persons interested In id ... f PfmOTCi "' .id .mm. and the hearing therw by causing couy of thin order to be publlshed in the Aun rbor Vmirxer, a newspaper printed and circulating n sald county, three succeasive weeks prevlous to ald day of "'-RRIM AN. Judie of Probate. a WM. Ci. DOTY. Probate Register. 101 87 Chancery Sale. ',' OTATE OP MICHIGAN- The Circuit Court for "5 the lounty of Washtenaw. In chano-ry. Mary B. OosMUo. guardián of Mary Coste lo and oli'rt Costt-llo, minors, complalnants, vs. John . „tel o Mary Ánn Costello, Charle 8. Oregory, - ?nrv V. Gregory and John H. Kvarts, defeudant. In pursuance and by virtue oí a decree oí id jurt made and entoreS In tbc above entitled caue, n th.Tmh day of Kebruary, A. DJ8M, notice is erebv iriven that I shall feil at public auctlon, to ¦ ebigheit bidder, on Monday the ltftb day of (ay, U 1881, at two o'clock In the afternoon. at the ast front door of the court house, in the city of Ana Arbor, Washtenaw county and state of Mlcbian. the foilowing described real estáte beina the ame mentioned and deacrlbed in said decree. tolt ¦ All of thoee certaln tracu or pareéis of land ü the townxhlps of Scio and Webster, in the connty I Washtenaw. lying on Mili Creek, near the villaje f Deïter, being tbc saw-mlll and site of the barn nd a erist-mill with thelr privileges and . auicB bouudcd and descrilwd as follows : Commenciug at the center of " A " Btreet in eaid village f Dextèr accordlng to the recorded plat thereor, at e luterscction wlth "C" Btreet or the Ann Arbor uad, and runnlne thence north nineteeu degus ud fltteen minuten, eaet along the center ol " treet flv-j chaiiií and sixty-three links, to a stake ; henee north Beventy dcgrcecandforty-tlTf miuutes, wnt at right angles wlth "A" street two chalns and wenty-onc links ; thence north mneteen HOM nd ífteen minutes, ast parallel w i u. ¦¦". t-L _J ne chaln and clghty lluks, to ffie line of a p ece of J andsold by 8. W. lJcxter to Julius Ramsey ; thence orth fortyslx degrees, west to the south boundary r ihe Michigan Central Kailroad ; thence westerly i Imie ihe south boundary of said railroad, croselng UU Creek to the southwest boundery of the ublic highway Voading acros Mili Creek trom he villaje of Dexter to the town of Uexter ; , henee along the southwest boundary of the lighway aforesald south-eaeterly to a stake iu he Southwest boundary of id highwuy. wnrtioK orth seventy and one-half degrees, eaét sixty-six luks from the northweBt corner of Baid L;xter s -i arn ; thence south twenty degreeB, thlrtï-flve J minutes, west ten chains and twenty-ttve link to a take standing south scventyfour and a hall degrees, west seventy-three links from a black oak tree niue ncheB In diameter, and north seventyfour degrees, I west ñltynlne links from a white oak tree seveu nches iu diameter ; theuce south sixty-nlue degreea enty-flve minutes, east two chain and ifty-six . mka tu the mili pond; thence ettBterly across the mili pond to a white oak stump on the southeaat auk thereol, niue luches in diameter ; thence north orty dogreeB, east nlnety-elght links to a stake uudine, north elghty-four degrees, east nlne links rom a black oak tree, slxtfeu lnches In diameter ; henee north five degrees, cast one chain and seveny-flve links to a post; thence north twenty-ive degrees and thlrty minntes, east two chlns and . ix links to a stake ou the sooth boundary ol "0 treet or Anu Arbor road ; thence to the placo of be8 A d also the richt and privlluge of flowing wlth . water, and at all times overflowing and keeping overBowed with water so much and Buch parts of he northwest quarter of sectlon nnmber seven and all of section number slx in township two, south of ange five east, as may or can be overtfowed by i ug the water In the mlll pond on the premlses above ' conveyed (o the beight and level of a certain spike driven in a certaln large oak tree standing on the eaet bank of mlll creok in the valley thereof, a few ods below the dam on which the roari '" ' reek t u. t1ii.k ' uoiter, and of a mark made to correspond thecewlth and a nall driven therein on the slde of the second post (counting down tream) from the gates of the anme of the saw-mill on the west bank of said creek at eaid dam seven uühea below the ahoulder of said post, eaid mark on id nume-post and on Baid oak tree being the ame mark whlch were placed there by E. Rose nd U. Thielson. civil engineers, at the time ol niaking the mark of the same height on the grist mlll at said dam (since burned) whlch marks have n-en generally understood and known by the peroub working Iu and about Ihe grist milt and saw mili at said dam and generally spoken of and reerred to as the height or marks to which the water of aid dam micht be ralsed. 1'hls con veyance is made lubject to all lncumbrance of all roads, streets and ügnwayB now laid out or running through over orlnto any part of the premises above conveyed and also reaervlng all that piece or parcel of land leretofore Conveyed from Thomas Peatt, Jr.. and Alvab Aldrich to Samuel W. Dexter and by said Dexter to Henry Vinkle. All those certain pleces or parceU of land situated on the Hurón river in the township of Scio in the county of Washtenaw and state of Michigan known as the Scio mili property together witb all tbe Hydraulic power and privilege as beretofore used for he uses and purposes of aaid mili and all Ihe rights and privileges owned and held In relation to the keeping np of the dam to the height of eiifbt feet and twu luches above the natural level of said Huron Iver and the right of il.iwlug the landB ahove sald mlll being the Barae premtses the undivided half of ] whlch was conveyed to Henrv Suydam, Jr., by on H. Wlng by deed dated January ilst, A. D. 1867 and recorded Iu líber 4ó of deeda In the Regiater's 1 ofltce of Waehtenaw county on page 679 and the Á other undivided half was conveyed to said Suydam on foreclosure of a mortgage made by Georgu :er and VVUUam Popkina by maater in Chancery'a eed dated Oct. 3rd, A. I). 1860, and recorded in Lber 31 ou page 298 and by the aaid Suydam veyed to John Gardner by deed dated March 'Zrd, " I"w7, and conveyed to Bdgar Reed on forelosure ti m,. roortgaije givea by Baid Oardner for ] he purchase mor. Mv Mseter In Chancery's deed daied Oct. let. Al) IKV; ana recorua in mier -o i ut' deeds on page ti7 ia sald Regiater'a office and by Sdgar Keed couveyed to Almet Reed by deed dated SepL 18th, A. D. 1861, and recorded iu Ilber 44 on j page SU; a portion of sald mlll property 1b embraced ; ii a deed made by Samuel W. Koster to Orson j uaekenbuah dated July 18th, A. D. 1837. and ] urdt-d iu hber 'K" on page -158 and 1 suipoaed to ] iuscribe aaid mili property by nietes and oounda: j Uao all the land and premisea conveyed by ihe ri Michigan Central railroad Compauy to Almet Keed i by deed dated April Ut, lii, aud recorded In liber ] 19 on page 501 together with all the rtghts and j est of whatsoever kind conveyed by Almet Reed I to John W. Green by deed dated Auciut lat, A. D. ( 18H4, and recorded iu said Register's office Sept. tith, 1864, in liber 54 of deedB on page 259. Also the following described lands and premises known aa the Gcorge Walker store (eo called) at Scio village as described in a deed from A. H. Ureeu and wTfe to George Walker and recorded in the office of the Heelster of deeds for Wasbteuaw county in líber "Tv of deeds on page 444 and 445 and which last deacrlbed lands were alao deeded by ArtlmuB M Uriftln and KHJah W. Morgan to John V. Green on tbe mth day ot Aug. A. l). 1804, and recoided in aaid . Hcgister's office on the 9th day of September, A. D. 1SM, In libxr i4 of deedB on page 274. All of the i above deBcribed parcela of land and premises being ] the ame conveyed by Baid John W. Green and wlfe i to John M. Markcll and said Wllliam C. Hughes by ' deed recorded in said Register'a office in liber 66 of ] deeds on page 2i7. Tbe following described plece or parcel of land, to wit : Commenclng at the north-east corner of block (ilL'hteen (18) in the village of Dexter, In the county of Washtenaw, and running thence along the eaet line of sald block. in a aoutnerly directlon, one hun dred and flfty feet, thence westerly on a Une paralle) wlth the Ann Arbor road, twenty-flve ieet, thence north weetorly, on a line parallel wilh the easterly line of aald block, to tbe Ann Arbor road, thence easterly, along the line of said road, to the place of betiinulng. Also the undivided one-half of lot number nlne ('¦') in block number seventeen (17), of the village of Dexter, according to the plat tbert-of. AU of sald lands being In the county of Washtenaw and State st Michigan together wlth the tenenn'Bts, and appartenances there unto in any wiae belongiug or tbereupon situated. Ann Arbor, March lth, A. D. InM. PATRICK McKKRNAN, Circuit Court Commissioner in and for tbe County of Washtenaw. Sawvkb and Kkoui.ïon, Sollcltors, and H. J. Beakep of Counsel for ComplainanVs. James T. Honkt and Suward D. Kihuk, Solicitors for Dfe udants. ASSIGNEE'S SALK. I, Charles S. Oregory Assignee of Erarts & Co, wlll aell at the same time and place mentioned in the above notice of Chancery sak-, the otber undivided one half of lot number nlne ('¦') in block nnmber scventeen (17) of the village of Dexter, acoording to the recorded plat theroot', and on tbe aamc terms and conditlons as tbe other half oí sald premises oi named In the above sale. Sa'd premises are aituated in the county of WaBhtenaw and state of Michigan. CHARLES S. OREGOKY, 1M Aaelgnee ol KvarU Co. OTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtenaw.sf. At a seesion of the Probate Court for the Connty of Washteuaw, holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, on Monday, the eigbteemh day ot April, iu the year thousand eight hundred and eighty -one. Present,WilllamD. Harriman, Judgc of ProWu. In the matter of the estáte of Sarah A. Kenwlck, deceased. On readlng and flllng the petltion, duly verlfled,of Natbau B. Renwk-k prayiiiL' thai adminletration of sald i-state may be granted to Temperauce KeuwH k. Thcri'upon it Is ordered, that Monday, the twentythlrd day of May next, at ten o'clock In the forenoon, be aesigned for the hearing of sald petition, and that tbe nt-irs at law of sald deceased, and all otber persons lnterested In sald estáte, are reqnlred to appear at a Bession of Baid court, then to be holden at the Probate Office, in the city of Ann Arbor, and Bhow cause, lf any there be, why the prayer of the petltioner should not be granted. And It Is further ordered, that sald petltioner give notice to the persons interested In said estáte, of the pendency of said petition, and the hearing thereof, by causing a copy of thls order to be published in The Ann Arbor Uouriér, a MWapapd printed and clrculating In said county. three successive weeks prevlous to said day ol hearing. (A trutcopy.) W1LUAM D. HAUHIMAN, Judge of Probate. WM. G. DOTY. Prohtt Register. 10.% ¦ All klnda Of Binding done at The i'oorlcr otBre on short BOtlee.


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