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Mortgnge Sale. DEFAILT havlng been made In the conditlone of a morttatfe execnted by Jmee H. ""L Krence.. I. Stone.his wlfe, to L. Allh-un nd '-""P paruur, hearing dat NoTcmb.r lüib, A. V. . and r. corded in the ufflce u( the refter l attat for Wanhtenaw cumitv, Michigan, on tbc 1 nay of November. A. D., ÍÍSTU, al 7 oclock !' . u' h day, in liber 58 of mortgaüe, on pap W. y nl' deïault the power of sale conuined In aid "'ƒ became operatlve, and no Milt or proceedtngs in iaw or.qnltyWingbeeu Inwtl uted to recov.-r the dcbt M'currd by sald mortgatre. or any pari tnereor, mi the turn of eight hundred and nlne dollar and i oiiythree cenu, ai the date of Uil notice belng c almed to be due npon sald mortirflK-. ""}e 7tr , hl lieruby k-iven that caid mortgage wlll be lorcUwd .ny a sale of tbe morlgaüed premtfen thi-n-m deecriDeo, or fome part tliereof, lowit : , , All ihai certain pleca or parecí of land iltuatea in the city of Ann Arhor. county of Wafhteuaw, tate of Michltran. dvrcrüwd a being lot number iweutyflve (25) (except two feet In idth otr Iroin tbe portb Hide of Mld lot) in Jewett'a addltlon to the city ol Ami Arbor, accurdlng to the recorded plat Ihenol f r.-cordcd In Iümt 91 of deeds, on page 818, at public veudue, on Moudity the twenty-thlrd day of May, A. D„ Ual, at noon. at tb' north door of tbe court boute, in tbe city of Ann Arbor, in ald county, ttat bvlnif the place of holding the circuit coort In 8a,dco„,!ly. unmyia ISAAC ALLISON, Doing buslnesa under the ttrm ame of Alluon (.!ompany, MortKlS.„-, . SiwrR 4 Knowltom. Attorncja. 1UZ7-S Kotlce to Credltorg. STATE OV MICHIGAN. County of Wahtenw,M. Notice i hereby t'lveu. that by an order of 'bf i rubate C.iurt ior Oonnt) of Washtenaw. mailt on tne eleventb day of April. A. D. 1881. aix month rom that date were aliowed for credltor to prejenl Ikrl' clalmi agilnet tbe eetate of Jacob V andewarïer late of ald coiintj, decemied. and that all ciedlo of said deceaeJ are required to present . their claima to ld I'robal ¦ Court, ai Ihe Probate Office In tbe Oity of Aun Arbor, forexaiulnatiou and llowance, on or before thj el. ventb day ot October, next, ana "L -nc clln, will be heard before .d court. on Monda,, the eleventh day of July. aud ou, ihe elewnth day of October nt. at teil u'clock ui the forencK)U of each of aid day. D,ted A,,n Arbor.Aj.rn U. A. g&. 10S4-; Judie of Prooait. pOFFINS AND CASES , FÜLL STOVK AT MAICTJN'S All oidr pioaptlT wod4 to.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News