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"mr. Corporal."

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It is relate, l tliat dunne tlie American rcvolution the corporal of a Hule company [trina ordan to tliose under liim relative to a piece of tinilier, whkh they were ciidPïvonng to niise up to the top ot' aome military works tlicy wcre repalnng. The liinber wentiip wiüi difticulty ; anti on UtU account the volcc of the little great man wasnttcn lienrU in regular vooiferations l ' -'llutvc awy ! Therc shc ;;oe8 ! HeaTe olu!" Au offlccr, not In military costumc, was iiifi. MM iikwl the non-comiiiisMoiicd ofBoer whyhe dfd pot tako liohl and render a little aid. The latter. astonistied, turncd round, witli all tlie pomp ot u cinpcror, umi Hktd : ¦Sir. I am a corporal !"' "You are, ar yon f" replied theofBcer. ¦I was not aware of that !" and taking off his hat and bowing, the offleer aald : "I ak your pardon, Air. corporal." He then ditmounted and lifted till the perspiration sUmkI in drops on his forcliead. When the work was Onished, tnrning to the corporal, be iil. "Mr. corporal, when yon Imve andtber wch job, and have not nuii inough, senil for your commaiuler-inchtff, and I uill come and help you a seeThe corporal wa thnnderitruck. n .¦ none other than Washington who thna addressed liim.


Ann Arbor Courier
Old News