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lts Brt apparcnt effect to increase the aupelile. assists digestión, and canees the food to as.-imiite properly- thus the ystem is nourli-hed. It so, by its tonic actlon on the dlgeetlve organ, inucea more coloua and regular evactiation. The ïpiility wilh which patiënt take on flco while er the lnfluence of th Sjrrup, of ltself indicates iHf no other prepiiriitlon can be beller adapted 'o elp and nourif h the constltntlon, and henee he ore efticacion in all depresión ot plriu, shakiig r tremblinKOf tbe hands or body, cough, MMÉtBHt f bronh, or coneumptive hahit. The nervra and tuaciaa becoinc itrengthenêd, and blood puriai. The varlou kinds oi waste or d cay that enVcta ie human body, though attended each witb jume rmptom not comraoti with the rest, agree very inrh In this, that the baais in all is nearly tbe same, t is generally conceded, that the msjority of dl" ases are aciompanled by faulty digestión ; and nch being the case, we mnst In order to cure such leeaaes, canse the orgapa of digestión to perform heir proper fnnetions. No remedy has before been iscovercd which hu so buueflctal an lnfluence on hese orjrans as Fellowi' Compound Syrup of Ilypohosphites. 1011.1066 e e m W. TREMAIN in in OFFICE OVER OASPEE EINSEY'S QBOCEEY STOEE, POR. HURCN AND FOURTB ST. orlli ItrllUli oinp') (of LonJon and Kdinburgh,) ''nltaj flS,DOO,OUV. Gold. Detroit Flrc umi Marine Ins. u. , Cah Awir 4no (KMI. Sprlngflcld Ins. Couip'y. f1ii„ Cash Ansoti $1.800,000. II. m ut tl ln. Co,, oT New York, Caib Aatets l,wm,ln. si itl l ni-iil liKiiranre 4'oinp') WATKKTOWN, - NKW YORK. Cash Asscb 1.2tlü,0OO. Losses Hlerally adju.sted and proniplly laid. HALLS Qatarrh gure. Is Recommended by Physicians. HALLS Qatarrh Qure. I Indorged by Clerjymen. AVilI Cui-o Any Ciikc. Offlceof A T.Stenart A Co. Cbicnso. III , June 4, 1880. Mcs'rt. F. J. Chrnry fb , Toledo. O. Gentleutn -f uk plure in lnfnrmirjjr yoo that I have used Hali's (alarrh ('ur. It hu cured ni-I mis very bad- and don't hesitit toaay that It witl cure aT ca ll atajrrh If takn nroiwrly. Tour truly, J.B. WEATHERFÜRD. Worlh 1O A. Kottlo. E. Mi'RüiT, Jackson, Mich. writea Bit had Catarrh for '.'n ti rs. Hall' Catarrti Cure cured m Conalder it worth $ 10.W a bottlt. H.ill's Catarrh Cur issold by all Drnfglitsat 79c. Mr liotilc. Manufactured and soW hy F. J. CHÍNEY 4 CO. SolePrcprietor, TOLEDO, OHIO n. J. Brown & Co., Cor. Main and Hurón Street, Ano Arbor. 10-K SöOO REWARD ! W% will pay the above reward for any cai ot Uver Cinnplttnt, IynpepIft. 8ick lleadach', Indl(f'(tion, UoiiBtipiitlon or t'octivüiifii we can not cure with Weet' Vegetable Lí ver Pilli, when the dlrocliona are strlctly complied with. 'ihey are purely Vt'iietable, and neverfall toglvesatlsfaction. Sugar (ïoatfd. I-arge boxes, cont .miiiK ' IMIIb, 25 cents. Kor -Ie hy all drujiHtH. Bewan of couoterfeitü and imitations. The trenulne mannfactured only by JO11N C WE8T A CO., "The IMU Makers," 181 A 183 W. Madioon 8t, Chicago. Froe trial packac ttctit by mail prenatd on recelpt of a 8 cunt ntamp. w&-im k mttflt nirnutied fr, wltb fu'l iBHtrurtlom rorconI 11 duotiag the moat pro(lUbl bulDH tht utoo: cn II II ¦! Tb bwlneM U torwj U Inrn, nd out 1 I ¦ imtmetioas ATt imple nl pltn, that anjone k I II caa nake f rent produ frota tbe very lUrt. Mo oor 1 I II ao faUl ibo ia willi&g Ui work . Wonen re aa tuc¦ ƒ ¦ 1 1 cewful a nea. Hoya aod tris can earu harg turn T M. W Manj ba ve made at tb buloM over ooe hiindred di.iUr In a aiogle wk. MoUtia Uk it ver knowo Ufore. AH who DfM r lurpriMd at tbc eftM aod rapidlt; wilh which tberuc afaU to nmke nouej. Yoa m nCMc U tbla buame dariDf jour apara time at grtat pruflt. You do not hare to lurest oaptUÜ to U. Wa uke ail be ruk. Thow wko nMd md; dom] ¦ bouldwrlte naktoaoe. Al) furuiibed Tree. Addrew Tci Co Auwrta, HaJu1407 Ut


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