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GET THE BEST f LEAD ALL OTHEBS ! EveryStyle&Price. Guarauteed XJnequaled FOR OPERATION, ECONOMY, DURABILITY and WORKMAN8HIP. laprovsments'and'ConTenleaees found In nojjthers. JMwaySfUellable. POPULAREVERYWHERC. FoíSi5eTíEvery City and Towa ¦"In the United Statea. And by John Ppistïrer, Ann Arbor, Mica. 1031-1044 Great improvement ! Perfectly hannlos toclothesorskin. Try it. Directioas simple; Kesults ruagical; savesncarly all therubbing. 1035 60 -jrraxCHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN RA1LWAY Ia the OLDE8T ! BEST CONSTRUCTED ! BEST KtjUIPPED ! and henee the LEA.DING RAILWAY - OF THI- WEST AND NORTH WEST. It ts the Bhorteet and best roste between Chicago and all pointe In 1 Northora Uliaoii, lom, Ditoti, Wjomiag, Hehrirti, Jilííorsia. Orifoa, Ariitti, ÏÏUh, Colorulo, Hiho, Uonuu, NotiIi ui for COUNCIL BLUFFS, OMAHA, DI'.WKK, LKADVILI.K. SALT LAKE SAN FRANCISCO, DE&DWOOD, SIOUX CITY, í Celar Biplli. Si llsisii, Coltnbu, tal til pointi s the Territoriei ui the Wen. All: te tlQvuke. Sren B7, Oihijjh, ShtlcTjii, Uinaette, T:ti 1: Li:, wttertdTi, Hcighton. Ktuah, Vnuhi, St. Psl. UlpoUi, Binn. Vtlgi, rirr:. Eisairik, Wisona, LtCroise, Oviuau lal ill psii".: ii Jfiaamta, Iaio.i, Wiisoids ui the Horthweit. At Conncil Bluffa the train of the Chicago A North-WeBtern and the D. P. R'ys depart fom, arI rive at and nte tbe same Joint nnlon depot. At Chicago, elote connectlong are made with the Iike Shore, Michigan Central, Baltimore & Ohio, Furt Wayne and Pennpvlviinia. and Chicago A Grand Trunk Ry 's, and the Kankankeu and Pan Bandle Rootee. Close Connections Made at Junction Points. It Ih the OXLV J.IXK rnnnlOK Pullman Hotel Dining Cars BITWÏKH Cliicairit Md Council BlufTs. Pullman Sleepen on All Nlgtat Train. Insist npon Ticket Agent Belllnfr yoa ttckes via tuis road. Examine jour ticket, imi rctuse to boy II they d not read over the Chicago and NorthWentern Railway. If 7011 fflsh the Best TraTella? Accomraodations yon wil! bny Tour tickeU" by thl route ÖrANÜ WILL TAKE NO OTHER. All Ticket Ageuts sell ticket by thi Line. HAKVIK llli.lli Ktil-S.'! 2d V. P. Oenl Man'nr, Chicago. Health Is Wealth. I)R. K. ('. VkHT NBKVB ANU BnAtWTBKATMltNT: a peclflc for Ilynterla, I)i.iiw;P,C'nvol(ioiit', Nervone Hoftdacke, MenUl HeprepRion, Ixmn 01 Memory, Spfrmiiturrhu'a, ïmpotuncy. Premature Oíd Aire, caused by over exertion, elf-abuse, or over-lndulic ihirh Icads to mirvry, decny and death. One box wil) cure recent canes. Kuch box contains ooe month ircatmrnt. One dollar a box, or nix boxefe for flvt dllari ; Sent by matl pivpald on receipl 01 price. Wc fcruHrantee eix boxea to cure any caie Wlth each order rece Wed by nsfortlx loxef , acmpanied witb flve dollars, we wilt send the porchaaer onr writtfn ffaarnntee to return the money If the treatment does not eflect a enre. (.uanmtee Í8tuec by Brown & 'o , Snlc, Authorir.ed AecntB for Ann Arbor, Mlch. JOHN C. WEST CO., Hole PropH etors, Chicago, 111. Frlzelle & Co., Wholeaale AKirs. Detroit, Mich. 998104 l w Outfll ent frM to (bote wbo wlali to tDg( Id tb moa ÍÁ M3 plfWkOt and profiuibic buiinaas known. Krjthtii T D'-w. CapiUl not r(ulr.i. W wil) fliroiHh jog evr% y tlLinu $10 dk7nd pwarda U muIIj mtde ithuu jk ' M attjing ¦ƒ from bom over nlgbt. Nu risk wbtcvr rif !¦ fortunM tl tbe bailocaa. Ludlei mkc u mncb u oku, T KW sod y oaaf Ix-yi orf (IrU atmtr ajrwt pk. na wtao la Wtlllng Ui irork flU W oimke mor noney trvrj Amj tbu cn b maate In wk .t auy orïmtrj ploriuot. TImm vkacoga itoDM wil) flnd m hort rod U furluu. AdJreAa H. HLLrrr ('u., l'urü.ud, Ukiu. 1001 M


Ann Arbor Courier
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